
186 Decks, 321 Comments, 74 Reputation

Many players don't like to be able to cast cards in their decks? Thanks for trolling.

Posted 05 November 2013 at 06:28 in reply to #409524 on Lotus Cobra/Infinite Combo


Then he really needs to change that.

Posted 04 November 2013 at 02:15 in reply to #409279 on Lotus Cobra/Infinite Combo


Thanks for the trolling.

Posted 04 November 2013 at 02:04 in reply to #408653 on Level it UP


Obzedat's Aid is also pretty good.

Posted 04 November 2013 at 02:03 in reply to #408694 on Reanimator's Whip


It is impossible to play any cards in this deck because all of the lands that produce colored mana are in the sideboard.

Posted 04 November 2013 at 02:02 as a comment on Lotus Cobra/Infinite Combo


I think 13 reanimation targets is too many. I'd cut the mainboard Sire of Insanity for another Whip of Erebos and the mainboard Shadowborn Demons for 2 more Rescue from the Underworld. Consistency is important, and you have enough ways of getting creatures into your graveyard that you don't need to run 13 of them, while you only have Commune with the Gods, Whip of Erebos, Rescue from the Underworld to reanimate them. I also think that you need a more focused creature selection. Running a bunch of 1 ofs won't do much if you can't get the right one. Because of this, I would cut the mainboard Angel of Serenity and the mainboard Ashen Rider for another Lord of the Void and Giant Adephage. You can always run the more narrow answers in the sideboard. Finally, I think that you need more maindeck removal. I think that moving Drown in Filth to the maindeck would work great.

Posted 01 November 2013 at 06:18 as a comment on Reanimator's Whip


I love Training Grounds and Level Up. However, there are several problems with this deck.

The first problem is the fact that the deck lacks a strong early game. None of your creatures are worth anything for the first 2 turns. You'll get run over by aggro easily within that time and combo decks can combo out before you win.

The second problem is that you have no removal and no disruption. Even in casual, getting a Transcendent Master to level 6 on turn 5 is not enough to stop your opponent from swarming you with creatures before then. And against a combo deck, they will just kill you before you can win.

The third problem is that without Training Grounds, this deck can't do anything. It is just too slow to put 1 or 2 level counters on a creature each turn. And since you have no reliable way of finding Training Grounds, you will only have a chance at winning anything if you get it in your opening hand or mulligan to it.

The fourth problem is that even with Training Grounds this deck is way too slow What you are doing is the equivalent of spending all of your mana to put a few +1/+1 counters on something and give it a slightly useful ability. That is not worth it and this deck will die before it can win.

The fifth problem is that even if you land a Training Grounds and a strong leveler, you are putting all of your mana into that one creature. If it is killed, you just lost multiple turns of mana. Even worse, since you are only focusing on one creature, all of your other levelers will be dead cards for a few turns. And because you only have one creature that does anything out, you can only attack with one creature at a time and you have no relevant blockers. That is a problem and means that you have no way to protect yourself against anything.

The sixth problem is the manabase. You need more than 4 dual lands if you are going to run a 2 color deck. What happens when you get out Student of Warfare and have only 1 plains and a bunch of islands? The answer is that you die, plain and simple.

The final problem is the sideboard. You put cards in the sideboard for decks that you have problems with. You don't just put them there because you can't fit them in the maindeck. When would you ever take Thrummingbird out of the sideboard? What would you take out for it? The sideboard is only for answers to problematic decks, not for stuff that you couldn't make room for in the mainboard.

Right now this deck is unsalvageable. Unless if it is completely revamped, it will just lose, even in casual.

Posted 31 October 2013 at 23:11 as a comment on Level it UP


I'll look into Echoing Truth, but Curse of the Swine is too expensive. I'm considering cutting Engineered Explosives and replace it with Ratchet Bomb, which can do the same thing with the tokens and can be tutored by my various transmute spells. Do you think that that would be a good idea?

Posted 04 October 2013 at 22:06 in reply to #401497 on 574393


So do you have any new ideas on how this can work with the legend rule changes? I've got a deck that, while it doesn't use Leyline of Singularity, works in a similar way to this here

Posted 04 October 2013 at 02:29 as a comment on Modern Singularity


Monogreen Eldrazi and Polymorph really don't exist. I gave up on Wight of Precinct Six and am running Nihilith instead, so I am no longer reliant on creatures. RG Tron is problematic, but Griselbrand Reanimator is amusing as they can't easily assemble their combo with me hitting their Eldrazi, so I eventually win.

Posted 03 October 2013 at 03:46 in reply to #397579 on Your Tarmogoyf Is Cute


Distortion Strike is better than Artful Dodge
Might of Old Krosa is better than Giant Growth

Posted 21 September 2013 at 04:18 as a comment on Unblockable Infect +X/+X v2


This reminds me a lot of my Kill Mill deck. It's a midrange mill deck that plays creatures like Jace's Phantasm and Wight of Precinct Six and uses mill spells as pump spells. You can find the current version here

Posted 18 September 2013 at 00:17 as a comment on Your Tarmogoyf Is Cute


I asked this before, but if I continue it from my old post everyone will ignore me. Why are you running only 3 Treasure Hunts. It is not rare that you mulligan down to one card in and and you don't have it.

Muddle the MIxture is pointless.

If this deck encounters any sort of disruption at all, it automatically loses. If somebody makes you discard your Treasure Hunt or counters it, all you can do for the rest of the game is hope to draw one instead of your 54 lands.

The Contested War Zones have literally no purpose. You should cut them.

Posted 11 September 2013 at 04:50 as a comment on Did I just win?


This deck needs for Treasure Hunts. As is, it is easy to mulligan down to 1 and not get any. This deck also seems horribly vulnerable to counterspells, pyroclasm, and targeted discard. And by the time you can get this combo online, Storm, Infect, and Griselcannon might have won, Splinter Twin could win before you attack, and Living End could just cascade into Living End. And what is the point of Contested War Zone?

Right now, this deck is really bad. It loses to Jund, Junk, American Control, Living End, Splinter Twin, Storm, and many other commonly played decks.

Posted 07 September 2013 at 01:37 as a comment on Did I just win?


They are also not standard legal.

Posted 01 September 2013 at 21:47 in reply to #393549 on Standard: $25 Inf Mill Turn 4


That doesn't work, the trigger is still on the stack. Leyline of the Void however does work.

Posted 18 August 2013 at 04:55 in reply to #389743 on And not a creature in sight!


I was just giving suggestions. I do not expect you to follow all or even most of them. If I had to narrow it down, my 4 problems with the deck are the manabase, high curve, inability to interact with your opponents, and the sideboard.

For the first two, the problem is that you are only running 20 lands and only 8 duals. If nearly a third of the nonland cards in your deck cost 5 mana, the you will need more than 20 lands. Also, Underground River, Watery Grave, and Darkslick Shores are all amazing lands and are way better than Dimir Aqueduct.

The biggest problem that I see in this deck is that it can't interact with your opponents. You have no creatures to use as blockers and your only removal is temporary bounce. You have no countermagic and no discard. Since it will almost always take you at least 5 turns to mill your opponent to death, you need some way to stop your opponent from killing you in the meantime. Your deck can't do that and will lose almost all the time to midrange and aggro, and most of the time to combo.

Finally, your sideboard has nothing to do with your deck. I once read that the sideboard shouldn't be a dumping ground for cards that you wanted to put in your deck but couldn't fit. It needs to have cards that you side in for your problematic matchups (examples for this deck would aggro, midrange, and most forms of combo (especially graveyard based combos such as dredge) so that you have a chance of winning. Your sideboard has the Grindstone and Painter's Servant combo, which is a fine combo, but when would you ever side it in (also, Painter's Servant is a creature...)? Dark Ritual is an amazing card, but when would you ever side it in? What matchups would be made better if you had Dark Ritual maindeck? Jace, Memory Adept is a good mill card, but it is slow, and when would you ever need to side it in? Your deck already has a lot of mill cards, and I don't think that you will ever find a situation where you are thinking "Man, I wished I had some more 5 mana mill cards in this deck." And Elixir of Immortality is in there, why? The only thing that it stops is other mill decks, which are rare and certainly don't need 3 sideboard slots to stop them.

Posted 17 August 2013 at 23:20 in reply to #389525 on And not a creature in sight!


Hey, I'm suggesting what will make the deck better. If you want to make a sub-par deck that can't win anything, all power to you. But if you want to win games, Increasing Confusion, Codex Shredder, Traumatize, Dream Twist, Psychic Spiral, Tome Scour, and Jace, Memory Adept are all bad cards or worse than their alternatives. And there is absolutely no reason to run an unsynergistic combo in the sideboard that has nothing to do with anything, there is no reason to run Dark Ritual, your manabase kind of sucks due to the lack of Darkslick Shores, Underground River, and Watery Grave, and your curve is way too high for 20 lands. You have almost no way of stopping threats other than 7 bounce spells and can't apply any pressure to the board. Your sideboard doesn't help the deck, and there is no reason why you would side anything in or out. And what do you have against creatures!?!

Posted 17 August 2013 at 21:25 in reply to #389525 on And not a creature in sight!


Codex Shredder is bad.
Vision Charm is far better than Tome Scour.
Glimpse the Unthinkable should be a four of.
Increasing Confusion is bad.
Psychic Spiral is bad in straight up mill, should be replaced with Breaking // Entering.
Dream Twist is slow and costs too much mana, it should be replaced with Mind Sculpt.
Traumatize is slow and by the time you can cast it, you will have milled a good portion of their library and will probably only get around 15 cards (which is bad for 5 mana).
Jace, Memory Adept is too slow, and there is nothing specific that you would sideboard it in for. You should get rid of it.
Elixir of Immortality is bad.
The game will almost never last long enough to cast Cyclonic Rift with overload, at the very least should be replaced with Into the Roil.
If you are going to be playing a multicolored deck with 20 lands, you shouldn't run more than 3 Ghost Quarters (tapping for colorless is bad)
Leyline of Singularity would be good in this.
Needs Watery Grave, Underground River, and Darkslick Shores (you can't cast any black spells with over half of your lands)
Needs at least some counterspells or targeted discard like Thoughtseize. You really aren't running enough disruption.
Needs Mind Funeral.
Needs Hedron Crab.
Needs Snapcaster Mage.
Needs Mesmeric Orb.
Needs Extirpate and Surgical Extraction in the sideboard.
Needs ways to hate on the graveyard (Crypt Incursion, Leyline of the Void) so that it doesn't die to anything that uses the graveyard.
Needs Deathrite Shaman.
Why are you running an unsynergistic combo in your sideboard?
Why are you running Dark Ritual in your sideboard?
Why are you playing bounce instead of black removal?

Posted 16 August 2013 at 02:13 as a comment on And not a creature in sight!


Why do you have 815 cards in your sideboard? Why do you have Lightning Helix and Boros Charm in your sideboard with no way of making white mana? Why aren't you running the Goblin Guides main deck?

Posted 16 August 2013 at 00:00 as a comment on BR Burn: Modern


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