
94 Decks, 542 Comments, 8 Reputation

check out my glimpse to nothingness deck i use a really mean combo of panoptic mirror and glimpse or any other nasty mill card

Posted 21 September 2009 at 00:12 as a comment on Into Graveyard we go!


also sprouting phytohydra, rampant growth and fertile ground or trace of abundance umm safewrite quest lay of the land any of those, souls fire would be good same with any of the souls cards really

Posted 20 September 2009 at 20:09 as a comment on Hydras


my friend had built a version of this deck, it is really mean if it gets going, which is usually pretty quick he used tezzeret in it too so he could search for a combo piece

Posted 20 September 2009 at 13:33 as a comment on Infinite Illegal


u know once u have the eldamri, you cant equipt your whispersilk or shielding plax to anybody else right? i would also add elvish visionary its an amazing card costs 1g when it comes into play draw a card. the promenade would be good yes, also you commented on my relentless rats deck awhile ago i just checked the deck, you said to comment you about the followed footsteps

Posted 20 September 2009 at 13:22 as a comment on Elf Life Gain / Uber Shroud


doubling season works with the helix pinnacle, but the gilder bairn doesnt the tower has shroud and the gilder says target so it wont work

Posted 20 September 2009 at 13:11 as a comment on Helix Pinnacle


jace isnt in this because its naya colored walkers, BLUE ISNT NAYA!!!! also since alot of this deck is cycling out, you may want to consider making it extended legal instead, for doubling season but it doesnt work if you use the walkers +effect with doubling season, it only works if u have DS in play and then play a walker it comes with double the loyalty so you get its final effect almost always right away and it makes it harder to kill the walkers gilder bairn is amazing it can double the counters on all walkers anytime so its nice too

Posted 20 September 2009 at 13:06 as a comment on RGW Planeswalkers


check out my turn 1 akroma or hellkite overlord deck its a reanimator too

Posted 20 September 2009 at 12:51 as a comment on FUNNY REANIMATOR!!!


are that supposed to be the wholedeck with 32 lands in it? wheres the other spells or other creatures?

Posted 20 September 2009 at 12:50 as a comment on soldier


yes mycosynth is amazing, also cranial plating and the colored artifact lands would help too cause a sixty card deck with only twelve lands is risky

Posted 20 September 2009 at 12:49 as a comment on Indestructible


not sure if u know this, but u have 8 giant growths in here u can only have 4 of any card besides basic lands in a deck

Posted 20 September 2009 at 12:46 as a comment on low cost elf deck


ok i used this deck at fnm my god everybody hated me, i only lost 1 round, against r/g aggro, i milled against bant and won. and i won against b/r goblins, and i won against white weenie kithkin with lots of tokens i came in 4th place the walls pissed every1 off. before i won against bant we were on the time clock, she had a stoic angel, a rafiq and 2 finest our and 2 behemoth sledges attached to the angel i would have taken 60 but at the last second, i path to exile the angel and rafiq and won the next turn

Posted 20 September 2009 at 03:46 as a comment on Forced Dreams V2


boomerang isnt type 2

Posted 19 September 2009 at 21:12 as a comment on blueblackmill


the rule states that any change in life is either life gain or life loss

Posted 19 September 2009 at 20:53 as a comment on Eternity Vessel


theme wise for being based on the card, i would say mine is better, by lets say 8/10 but speed wise its like a 5 or 6/10 yours themewise for being based on the card i would say 6 or 7/10. speed wise i would say yours is 8/10 so its pretty even

Posted 19 September 2009 at 20:47 as a comment on Merfolk Zuran Orb


theme wise for being based on the card, i would say mine is better, by lets say 8/10 but speed wise its like a 5 or 6/10 yours themewise for being based on the card i would say 6 or 7/10. speed wise i would say yours is 8/10 so its pretty even

Posted 19 September 2009 at 20:46 as a comment on Saproling Bond


phytohydra is amazing, since its not going to be standard much longer u might as well put it in, if damage is dealt to it, instead put that many +1/+1 counters on it and its also very amazing with pariah...

Posted 19 September 2009 at 20:41 as a comment on Hydras FTW


verdant embrace is an enchantment that does the same thing as verdant force but costs less, also wheres the mycoloth its amazing in saproling decks. also the essence warden will gain u a ton of life

Posted 19 September 2009 at 20:39 as a comment on HOLY CRAP SAPROLINGS WTF


also if u have the godhead out, this will hurt you alot, if they use infest it will kill everything, even if its indestructable

Posted 19 September 2009 at 20:37 as a comment on HAHA sucks for you


hey i made it, self titled um check it out and see how u like it, comment on it lemme know what i can do differently u may want to use some of the cards in your build of it

Posted 19 September 2009 at 04:00 as a comment on Eternity Vessel Life Gain


seems solid, i will try to help, do u want me to keep the artifact deck theme or just the vessel theme?

Posted 18 September 2009 at 10:11 as a comment on Eternity Vessel Life Gain


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