
31 Decks, 1,083 Comments, 785 Reputation

looks pretty great. no love for sorin or elspeth?

i dont think you need more batterskulls, you need some elspeth and sorin. >:D maybe drop a jace, and a snapcaster, or a lingering souls?

Posted 19 February 2013 at 03:07 as a comment on Esper Stoneblade


i actually like this list alot.
i do think you could get away with dropping a few lands though. maybe a tundra and a mutavault? and that could open up a few slots to play with
other than that, id say the only flex slots are spell pierce/snare. but those are both pretty good, and there's a reason counter-slivers is called counter-slivers. haha.
id also wanna be playing 3-4 phantasmal image. maybe drop a crystalline?

Posted 19 February 2013 at 03:01 in reply to #324112 on Legacy Slivers


splinter twin is one of the best combo's in modern. you should look up kiki-jiki, mirror breaker. its another splinter twin.

Posted 19 February 2013 at 01:38 in reply to #324561 on splinter twin deck


this deck pulls insanely consistent t1-t2 emmy/ progen. >:D

and yeah, about Fow, thats one thing suggested to me alot. honestly though i havent had problems pitching to force. you gotta remember, im also running 8 cantrips, so you just filter the things you need. including progen and Fow itself, i have 21 blue sources. which i agree is living on the edge haha. but i seem to squeeze by just fine somehow.

Posted 19 February 2013 at 01:25 in reply to #324745 on legacy BUG NO show


you could run a grapeshot in the main alongside pyrite spellbomb if you wanted to speed up the kill, or were worried about something like extirpate or surgical extraction. the deck plays off loops though, so more than one damage dealer isnt needed. pyrite spellbomb can act as a psuedo egg, and a win con, so it seems kinda perfect.

Posted 19 February 2013 at 01:11 in reply to #324695 on modern eggs


yeah exactly. there's not much youd really want to change. the deck has gone through a couple different versions.
before faiths reward was printed, people ran 4 noxious revival 1 reclaim. once faiths reward was printed though the deck became much more playable.

now theres basicly 2 versions running around. KCI and non-KCI . KCI reffers to Klark-Clan Ironworks. Instead of cantrips it runs ichor wellsprings, KCI, and a few other artifact. KCI seems super cluttered to me and less consistent. non-KCI eggs really took off after Cifka rocked Pro Tour RTR with it. he played a more cantrip centric eggs. and added silence to play around counterspells.

the only changes ive made to cifkas list is switching a gitaxian probe to noxious revival, and changing sleight of hand to wargate.
wargate single handily pushes the deck over the top. and makes it almost impossible to fizzle.

the only changes, or personalization you could really make at this point is the win condition. but your going to want an alt win in the side anyway.

silence is probably the only other flex slot. i could see an argument being made to sideboard them. running 3 silence main reminds me of the legacy TES decks though and just feels sexy. >:D also, its a pretty great feeling to silence your opponent and then play solo for a half hour..

Posted 19 February 2013 at 01:09 in reply to #324696 on modern eggs


correct. you pyrite spellbomb them 10 times. but incredibly slowly actually haha. you cant start the spellbomb loop untill you have drawn your entire library. so to go through a bunch of second sunrise/faithreward loops to draw the entire library and then 10 spellbomb loops takes awhile. just goldfishing the deck can take 20 minutes. you could run a grapeshot or library maniac if you wanted to be a lil faster. this all happens t3-4 usually though. so it is a "fast" deck in that sense.

Posted 19 February 2013 at 00:59 in reply to #324744 on modern eggs


kiki jiki

Posted 18 February 2013 at 06:55 as a comment on splinter twin deck


i could see taking out a tombstalker for a obliterator. with all the land disruption i could prolly just stall them out long enough to play it. i have always been on the fence about running more than 2 tombstalker, but nothing else is as powerful for only 2 mana. that being said there has been times iv top decked an unplayable tombstalker and thats never fun.

volraths stronghold is an interesting suggestion that could be pretty great. running only 11 threats can be a lil frustrating sometimes. stronghold might be able to help me fight through removal.

thanks for the suggestions!!

Posted 16 February 2013 at 23:02 in reply to #324170 on legacy death's shadow


lookin good. well thought out build!

Posted 16 February 2013 at 22:46 as a comment on BWg Hero of Stoneblade


in my opinion legacy is the best way to play magic. its alot more skill intensive, thats for sure, but thats what i enjoy about it. every tiny moves is important. just like in chess, in a good game of magic, there are no wasted moves! ;D

i havent been playing this lately, but when i was playing it put up decent results. it can definitely be extremely fast, and is incredibly mana efficient, but at the time i kept running into alot of maverick, and bug variants. if you notice i have 7 sideboard slots almost specifically for those matches ( shrivel, reanimate, deathmark(sometimes divert for bug)) both decks run alot of maindeck answers to dreadnought.

that's the thing, dreadnought dies to EVERYTHING. hes a big fragile glass monster.
that being said the deck is still powerful and if played in the right meta can be a hoser.

Posted 16 February 2013 at 01:43 in reply to #324087 on legacy dreadstalker


"with every deck any one makes there will always be a flaw and there are always answers to everything in mtg"

your exactly right. and thats the reason why most of you legacy ideas arent viable. there is a specific meta to the legacy format.(as with all formats)and while it is always shifting, it has certain generalities you can usually always count on. and thus, card choices and deck strategy must be sculpted to play within that meta.

im never saying your decks are bad. just that they dont work in legacy.

besides would you prefer honest, and constructive criticism from someone who kinda knows what they're talking about. or do you just want people to tell you how awesome your decks are?

Posted 16 February 2013 at 01:30 in reply to #323625 on hex depts


hell yeah. i was worried when i saw "legacy slivers" that this was going to be a mess, but it actually looks pretty decent. looks like a slightly updated version of the old counter slivers.

i havent seen anyone playing this deck in a loong time.
very cool though >:D

Posted 16 February 2013 at 01:25 as a comment on Legacy Slivers


i would drop sheoldred , as its basically just a win-more card.
like other people were saying, dark ritual isnt needed, and those slots would be better filled with disruption.(daze/ Fow) dropping counterspell could give you more space for daze and Fow, which you really really want.

another thing i noticed. playing despise and exhume in the same deck has an incredible lack of synergy. if your set on your despise plan, you GOTTA play animate dead, like blackfire phoenix suggested.

one last thing. why no griselbrand???!!! that card single handily pushes this archtype over the type. theres a reason people call him griselBANNED.. he basically guarantees that your doing more reanimating that turn or next. and you can still draw cards in response to your opponent trying to remove him, so he gets his value no matter what. an absolute MUST in reanimator these days.

Posted 14 February 2013 at 22:11 as a comment on Reanimator Legacy PLEASE HELP!


make a sideboard

good looking hightide list for not have candalabras

Posted 14 February 2013 at 21:45 as a comment on High Tide


not terrible. but the best either. i LOVE the chonastasis infinite turn lock. its a hard deck to craft though. im sure you can snag up some wins with this, but that combo isnt fast enough to not have any protection.

you could drop some of that search/cantrip for some sort of protection. also one card you should think about is muddle the mixture.its a counterspell and a tutor for stastis/ chronatog. another card alot of stasis decks have used to draw cards and find what they need is howling mine. nets both players extra cards, but helps you find your piece and after they are locked out, howling mine helps speed up the decking process.

iv seen a bunch of different ways to manipulate stasis over the years. ive seen forsaken city/ undiscovered paradise to always have an untapped land. isochron scepter+bounce, or vedalken mastermind to bounce stasis on their endstep, untap your lands, and play it again everyturn. garruk wildspeaker can untap your lands everyturn. instill energy on a mana dork can pay for your stasis everyturn
quirion ranger can make some interesting things happen also.

also ensnare, gush, and thwart are all awesome in stasis also.

obviously theres ALOT of ways to go with a deck like this.

Posted 14 February 2013 at 21:44 as a comment on Stasis


another bad. old. eggs deck. faith's reward got printed in m13 and there is no reason to run mystic teaching anymore.

you have cunning wish but you have no sideboard. something tells me you ripped this off a forum or another magic website.

heres a link to the eggs deck im running in modern. its based of the list a player named stanislev cifka used and went 14-0 to win the pro tour rtr-

Posted 14 February 2013 at 21:25 as a comment on Sunny Side


Didnt even realize this was gregorions deck. i just always check out the legacy decks

Posted 14 February 2013 at 03:32 in reply to #323625 on hex depts


temporal extortion is terrible. trust me, it seems awesome, but its never as good as you want it to be. same goes for dash hopes. i LOVE that card. i really do. but if your calling this a legacy deck, dash hopes just isn't going to cut it.

dark depths and MBC are 2 different archetypes. dark depths isnt really that great in legacy. its an easy disruptable combo, and marit lage can still be removed with swords to plowshares, path to exile, o-rings, and can even be bounced. so a deck based around that combo has to be sculpted to support it. you should decide whether you want to go that route or stick to a more traditional MBC list.

wurmcoil engine is way too slow in this deck. chances are its not coming out early enough for it to be a game changer. phyrexian obliterater is the most bang for your buck your going to get. abyssal persecutor has incredible card quality also, and lets you get away with playing innocent blood, but 4 mana is steep.. liliana of the veil is basically an auto include in legacy mbc, and can sac off your persecutor after hes done his dirty work. smallpox is another awesome card for mbc providing every kind of disruption, and again can deal with persecutor if you need.

going creatureless is another option that opens up some powerful opportunities. it allows you to play innocent blood, AND wretched banquet. 2 very badass removal spells. you can play things like ensnaring bridge to shut off creatures. maybe even grafted skullcap or bottled cloister to combo with ensnaring bridge. and you can back it up with liliana of the viel, and all sorts of disruption via selective discard( thoughtsieze, duress, inquisition of kozilek, even blackmail is decent) and of course hymn to tourach, and maybe even smallpox.

if you went creatureless though, you would need to find a win condition. leyline of sanctity/ helm of obedience combo is a decent insant win that could fit into the deck decently. and on rare occasions can pull t1-t2 kills.

well. some things to think about at least. as it is its definitely not legacy viable, but with some tinkering im sure you could craft something cool outa this.

Posted 14 February 2013 at 01:00 as a comment on hex depts


real talk

Posted 14 February 2013 at 00:35 in reply to #323613 on Enchantment Deck


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