
31 Decks, 1,083 Comments, 785 Reputation

defense of the heart is insane. i actually never heard of it and only now just looked it up.
im not sure how it can fit into the deck though, these numbers are pretty tight. but i do agree it has potential. the only thing it has going against it is its mana cost.

everything else in this deck is insanely cheap, you really only need to hit 2 mana and your good to go.
honestly with the 4 lotus petal. you could probably get away with dropping 2 lands. and either adding 2 defense of the heart. or maybe just up dispel to 4 and crop rotation to 3
still a little wiggle room to play with..

Posted 29 October 2012 at 23:05 in reply to #300184 on Turn 1: Emrakul, the Aeons Torn


im thinking maybe..

-2 pathrazer
-2 crusher
-1 land
-1 mystic tutor
-1 brainstorm
+1 blightsteel
+1 darksteel
+2 dispel
+3 ponder

maybe somthing like that?
this deck is actually looking pretty nasty

Posted 29 October 2012 at 04:04 in reply to #299802 on Turn 1: Emrakul, the Aeons Torn


best deck in the vault hands down.

.. . . i actually feel like selling my cards and giving up on magic. . knowing that a deck this masterfully crafted exists. . . how can i go on knowing i will never achieve such perfection my self?

you my friend, are more than a great deck builder, no.. are a true master architect of decks.

Posted 29 October 2012 at 04:03 as a comment on Vamp, Can't be stopped


i agree with chewida, the pathrazers and crushers just dont stand up to the power lvl of the other creatures and also the big reason they need to go, is that they lack any sort of protection. i would drop those, up the colossi to 4 each. and add maybe 2 more dispel or 2 ponder/ preordain

if you have the money, misty rainforest would be a great addition, combined with brainstorm, ponder, etc, it can be a very powerful tool to manipulate your deck and hand.

Posted 29 October 2012 at 03:37 in reply to #299802 on Turn 1: Emrakul, the Aeons Torn



Posted 29 October 2012 at 01:20 in reply to #299962 on Polymorph Eldrazi


"the brute force of the deck is 5 child of nights, no one sees it coming"

this shit is hilarious

Posted 29 October 2012 at 01:14 as a comment on Vamp, Can't be stopped


"I would ask for suggestions but there really isn't anything I can do to make this deck better.
Next stop Pro-tour!"
are you actually serious?

Posted 29 October 2012 at 01:11 as a comment on Vamp, Can't be stopped


bon jovi all day :p

Posted 28 October 2012 at 22:08 in reply to #299775 on It's My life


wow this is 100% better than churchofpaintballs list. way to go

Posted 28 October 2012 at 08:33 as a comment on It's My life


thats why im playing natural order AND show n tell. that way it gives me possibilities. early game i get the jive of which direction i wanna go and go for it. i have 12 counters to help me get whatever plan i choose through but if the game does drag on i can usually run into one of the combos and try again.

the thing is when you play a deck like this is, you dont care about tempo, or your opponents field advantage,or even your life really. your combo is a stabilizer and all of your effort goes into playing that combo. once that happens hopefully it puts the game into a state where its no longer winnable for your opponent.. of course backed up with counter magic

decks that have lots of disruption can be troublesome and usually comes down to who has the right counterspell at the right time. dispel is amazing at stopping your opponents counters.

spirit guide is sweet though
my one buddy plays a UB omni-tell deck with grizzy and its pretty crazy, but i just dont think can squeeze those cards in here : / although they are really great

Posted 28 October 2012 at 04:52 in reply to #299747 on legacy NO show


you NEED:
combo pieces: polymorph, proteus staff, flayer husk, lab rats, blinkmoth nexus, etc
mana ramp- lotus petal, crystal vein, ancient tomb, etc
a way to find your combo- ponder, brainstorm, lum-duls vault, personal tutor, etc
a way to protect your combo and ensure it resolves- (counters, and/or discard)Fow, daze, dispel, spell pierce, thoughtsieze, duress, etc
thats it.

your deck lacks any way to ramp into your combo, anyway to find your combo, and only reactive ways to help resolve and protect your combo.
even if you dont want to use black,like im suggesting, you have to address these issues to improve upon the deck.

as it stand now its far to slow and inconsistent to be viable in anything outside average joe casual matches

Posted 28 October 2012 at 04:41 in reply to #299695 on Polymorph Eldrazi


help on this guy would be cool if anyone has ze time:

Posted 28 October 2012 at 04:33 as a comment on Polymorph Eldrazi


haha yes. very cool casual oath deck. plus channel is just too crazy!

i would drop some of the weaker creatures though.
platinum angel and platinum emperion are never as good as youd think they are. and if your dropping those might as well drop soul conduit as well.
sundering titan i feel is unnecessary here too.
also chancellor of the tangle, while his ability is decent, you dont want to oath into him, and you cant channel into him, so that slot can be better filled with something else.
the one of elvish pipor seems problamatic with oath as well. oathing into him without backup in your hand would be bad news. ----- ive never been a fan of quiksilver amulet either. i would stick with channel and oath as my cheat sources-
-your also rocking a whipping 28 lands here.. definatly got cut like 6 forests while were at it
so thats
-2 platinum angel
-2 platinum emperion
-2 sundering titan
-2 quicksilver amulet
-4 chancellor of the tangle
-1 soul conduit
-6 forest
that gives us some wiggle room now.
if your trying to stay mono green that limits us, but if your willing to add blue your option open up dramatically ---- we have 19 slots open, what we need to focus on is a way to find your combo, and a way to protect it and make sure it resolves
brainstorm is great at manipulating your hand and deck and finding cards you need.
crop rotation can find your forbidden orchard for 1 mana
dispel is a great 1 mana counterspell thats a hard counter for your opponents counterspells, and alot of there removal as well
lotus petal, or elvish spirit guide can net you that free mana you were using the chancellor for
for creatures i would add 1 ulamog, and 1 kozilek, and then you should be good on crazy creatures
so mayybe something like this
+4 brainstorm
+3 crop rotation
+3 dispel
+3 not of this world
+1 ulamog
+1 kozilek
+4 lotus petal

Posted 28 October 2012 at 01:44 as a comment on Turn 1: Emrakul, the Aeons Torn


you gotta be faster than awakening zone lets you be, or be playing better control.
im convinced green is very weak here. black gives you so many more options
lab rats
dark ritual
thoughtseize/ duress
lim-duls vault

if you want an effect like awakening zone bitterblossom seems much better here than awakening zone. granted your not getting mana, but the 2 cmc makes it much more playable
also its black which is what you should be playing.

if your really into the khalni garden idea, you could play mishra's factory, or blinkmoth nexus instead.
flayer husk
-is really great in a polymorph deck

Posted 28 October 2012 at 00:57 in reply to #299695 on Polymorph Eldrazi


i agree, i feel like polymorph might actually have a home in modern.
i loaded up a list similar to the U/b version i posted a few posts up into cockatrice the other night and played a few games of legacy. and while i won a few games, even managed a t1 emrakul a few times, ultimately its just too slow and inconsistent for a format like legacy.

i never really thought about it but this could be a force in modern/ i know they have a deck called glass cannon that can get emrakul out super quick, but im not aware of any other decks that can sneak him in.

im gonna try to brew something up for modern and test it in cockatrice later!

Posted 28 October 2012 at 00:48 in reply to #299694 on Polymorph Eldrazi


hell yeah, im digging this deck. everydeck doesn't need to be a legacy deck :p For me, i just looove playing legacy. you should tryout cockatrice if you dont use it already. its really great for playing really good players, and also, being able to play with really expensive decks, without actually owning the cards is great.. you can play any format, even casual and its free. def worth checking out.
i think the list i was playing the other day looked something like this:

4 lab rats
4 flayer husk
4 polymorph
1 emrakul
1 ulamog

4 brainstorm
3 ponder
2 personal tutor

4 force of will
4 dispel
4 thoughtsieze

4 dark ritual
3 lotus petal

3 crystal vein
4 polluted delta
2 misty rainforest
2 marsh flats
4 underground sea
2 island
1 swamp

Posted 26 October 2012 at 15:05 in reply to #299108 on Isochron Polymorph


phyrexian arena > underworld connections

some of the legacy u/b death's shadow decks are playing spoils of the vault or plunge into darkness to combo with death's shadow.

i was playing a suicide black deck with the shadow in it a while back and was using infernal contract to draw a ton of cards and pump shadow.

your deck could use some better creatures too..Soulcage Fiend, Demon of Death's Gate, Liliana's Shade, Daggerdrome Imp, and Drainpipe Vermin, all seem like bad ideas..
maybe try carnophage, vampire lacerator, guul draz vampire, or even something like phyrexian obliterator, and some dark rituals.

i feel like you def want to be playing dark ritual here no matter what to really facilitate more explosive plays

Posted 25 October 2012 at 21:13 in reply to #299306 on Deaths Shadow


nooo haha i was being serious. just cause someone else doesn't build their deck like i would, doesnt mean thats the only way. thats what rules about magic, making a deck your own!!

but cool, lookin good. im not a big fan of quiksilver amulet but im sure it gets the job done.

i made up a u/b polymorph list for legacy, and played some games on cockatrice last night. did ok and crushed a few matches, even managed a t1 emrakul a few times. but ultimately i think a strategy like this, just isnt fast enough or consistent enough to be viable in a competitive format :(

Posted 25 October 2012 at 20:55 in reply to #299108 on Isochron Polymorph


candelabra is really the only thing here that costs big bucks. but if you dont have to invest in duel lands, the cost of this deck evens out with most other legacy decks.

Posted 24 October 2012 at 21:22 in reply to #298826 on High Tide


i love the idea of polymorphing a manland. somehow i never thought of that haha. i wouldnt bother with inkmoth nexus though, infect is gonna get you knowhere in this deck. it might as well be another blinkmoth, or mishra's factory or something incase it does get some hits in somehow. that way it can do something worthwhile other than being morphed, or chump blockin.

shapeshifter's marrow, and legacy allure, just seem sub par here. or even just unnecessary when it comes down to it. maybe drop those for more control magic you can put on the scepter? or even a set of some 1 mana cantrip like ponder or brainstorm. deck manipulation effects can go a looong way towards finding your combo pieces or control cards when you need em.

i like that you have a few different beast creatures, but none of those creatures end the game like emrakul does. the reason a creature list like that works in reanimator is because their deck plays like a toolbox, grabbing whatever specific creature it needs. your kinda just hoping to morph into the right creature at the right time which seems like it could get a little hairy. also, none of those creature have any sort of protection. it would suck to put all your cards into getting your combo off, only to have your opponent doomblade, or diabolic edict you or something.

i know you said your getting emrakul soon, so i would go with a few copys of him, and maybe a few copys of ulamog, or progenitus?

Posted 24 October 2012 at 21:15 as a comment on Isochron Polymorph


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