
68 Decks, 144 Comments, 13 Reputation

no elspeth...she makes guys and helps in alot of ways on gaining life and another way of board wipe if you need it. think about it

check out my deck i want to try something new for the grand prix trial coming up
any help i would love

Posted 09 March 2011 at 11:14 as a comment on W/G Aggro


sorin is just to expensive...he is just..i would rather play vess. just saying.
check out my deck i want to try something new for the grand prix trial coming up
any help i would love

Posted 09 March 2011 at 11:12 as a comment on Vampires (Done Properly)


dream oh god why not in this deck

Posted 02 March 2011 at 15:57 as a comment on The Way of the Five Stars


put in dark tutalage. its cheap and it gains you a card over life and vamps are really cheap anyway.

Posted 23 February 2011 at 16:56 in reply to #133522 on Vampires


oran reif of teh vastwood seems really good in here for more +1 +1 counters lol

Posted 23 February 2011 at 11:24 as a comment on T2 Elves


go to your FNM and try it out. i would say yes but i don't know what your meta is

Posted 23 February 2011 at 11:20 in reply to #133528 on B/W control aspiring tournament quality


I did not know you had a tezz deck posted i'm sorry

Posted 23 February 2011 at 11:11 in reply to #133485 on Tezz control


Painter's Servant
seen it, played it, beat it. if you are gonna put black in it put hymn to tourach and lake of teh dead in there and cabal something that adds 3 black mana or 5 black mana if you have threshhold. also where is the fact or fiction. god i love and love to hate that card lol

Posted 23 February 2011 at 10:48 as a comment on He sits on his throne and laughs


you could make this extended real easy with the black white duel shadowmoore lands real easy lol

Posted 23 February 2011 at 10:46 as a comment on B/W control aspiring tournament quality


I just need to ask a quick question..are you on a bugdet..cause if not i can build one real it..and show you how to keep a +1 and abuse teh crap out of vampires lol

Posted 23 February 2011 at 10:41 as a comment on Vampires


I just said it in one post and now i'll say it here
the thing with duress and inquis is it all depends on the meta your about to play. if it is mostly aggro then inqust is better. if it is mostly control then duress. that is why you have a sideboard lol. if you are going on the pro level then duress for realz. take a look at paris and look at all the control decks taht are played up there. it all depends on where you play. in my area its alot of control and plansewaler aggro and very few aggro but duress still takes out rebirth before they get a chance to play it lol its awesome. i need to make a rebirth deck..think i will i have the cards. anyway...that is how you decide on what to play concerning those two

Posted 23 February 2011 at 10:36 in reply to #133483 on Mono-Black Control.


wow this deck is stupid and boring lol

Posted 23 February 2011 at 10:33 as a comment on Rebirth RDW


just don't forget if you go to a grand prix or a ptq or anything like that... duress is the better card. know the meta you are about to play before going. there are sites that help like here and tcg player. i'll be going to dallas and will be ready to play a bunch of control decks. your meta your deck looks good think about mass wurm from beseiged it can kill alot of aggro real quick on turn 6. might even be a game ender with that lose 2 life when a creature they control goes to the g'yard. think about it. otherwise...really stable i like it. jealous i did not think of it first lol.

Posted 23 February 2011 at 10:30 in reply to #133497 on B/W control aspiring tournament quality


the thing with duress and inquis is it all depends on the meta your about to play. if it is mostly aggro then inqust is better. if it is mostly control then duress. that is why you have a sideboard lol. if you are going on the pro level then duress for realz. take a look at paris and look at all the control decks taht are played up there. it all depends on where you play. in my area its alot of control and plansewaler aggro and very few aggro but duress still takes out rebirth before they get a chance to play it lol its awesome. i need to make a rebirth deck..think i will i have the cards. anyway...that is how you decide on what to play concerning those two

Posted 23 February 2011 at 10:18 in reply to #133497 on B/W control aspiring tournament quality


what did i do????

Posted 23 February 2011 at 10:04 in reply to #133485 on Tezz control


dear wizards, give me a blue red planswalker with cantrip and the ultimate of a crap ton of damage and i will make a god deck with it. thank you

Posted 23 February 2011 at 09:40 as a comment on Angel-Go


Elspeth has saved my life a ton of times lol and she has a great board wipe. i am really thinkinga bout adding fuel for teh cause to the deck for teh polif lol

check out the new deck last night i got inspired by someoen trying to play a tezz aggro deck and saw so much more potential for a control deck built around him lol

Posted 23 February 2011 at 09:31 in reply to #133376 on Angel-Go


you got rid of stoneforges??? well..anyway. needs more card draw sign in blood is your bread and butter add four of those. also..add two arid mesa and drop two swamps trust me. it will help you with your deck thinning and mana base. silence is bad right now don't use it. you have mass removal no need for the card. also since you realyl don't have a counterspell needs more discard. 4 duress really seems good in the deck,. Lumi is side board only for those control matchups me and ethan just had a huge conversation about that. if you are going against red or aggro its a dead draw. also think about Liliana Vess. she is another +1 or a discard -1. its a good draw in decks like these to play her and get your mass removal spell when needed. here is what i would revise

-3 silence +1 black sun +2 duress
-3 lumi +2 Vess +3 sign in blood
-2 Inquisition of Kozilek

Posted 23 February 2011 at 08:45 as a comment on B/W control aspiring tournament quality


you also need to know the own strength of your deck and how to handle it. confidence

Posted 22 February 2011 at 21:31 in reply to #133246 on Angel-Go


you should try and go to the grand prix in Dallas or somewhere else. its amazing and you can really get a feel for the big tourney scene and see decks you never thought would be conceived lol

Posted 22 February 2011 at 21:30 as a comment on Mono-Black Control.


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