
14 Decks, 166 Comments, 0 Reputation

I would strongly reccommend taking out Foxfire Oak, Skyshroud Ranger, Baru, Sprouting Vines, Howl of the Night Pack, Skyshroud Claim, and Rootgrapple. From my experience with Treefolk decks, they don't have much of a problem getting large creatures out early, even without much mana acceleration (especially if they're mono-green). Howl and Rootgrapple are just slow, Foxfire is weak, and the Ranger and Baru are better off being replaced by actual treefolk that can work with the Harbinger, Banneret, Battlewand, Dourbark, and Timber Protector. This type of synergy is what makes Treefolk so powerful in the first place. Unstoppable Ash, Leaf-Crowned Elder, Nourish, Moment's Peace, Tangle, Evolution Charm, Primal Rage, or Steely Resolve would be good additions to the deck, depending on what you think it may need.

Posted 27 May 2009 at 17:43 as a comment on Big Treefolk pig


This deck could really use some early defense and card drawing, such as Birds of Paradise, Elvish Visionary, Wall of Essence/Hope, Farhaven Elf, Wall of Souls, Etched Oracle, Engineered Explosives, etc, since you need time to even find the pieces to be able to play your Cromat/Child and Spirit of Resistance. Remember that just because you used color to play your sunburst artifacts doesn't mean they can set off Spirit/Coalition Victory, etc. Because you have so few cards with which you can play your combos, the combo is very fragile indeed. You may even be better off playing Transguild Couriers or a bunch of the Blades (Bant Sureblade etc.), since they're great early offense/defense. Another note is that Fist of Suns is almost useless in this deck. The Bringers have a built-in Fist of Suns, leaving only a few artifacts to be affected by it...hardly worth the 3 card slots. Also, look at some of the domain cards for help, such as Tribal Flames, Exploding Borders, and Collective Restraint. Though it's a little slower, I think Armillary Spheres would benefit this deck more than Pentad Prism.

Posted 27 May 2009 at 16:52 as a comment on Eternal Rainbow


What happens if you can't win with Test of Endurance (a problem I've run into with my life-gain deck)? Something like Ageless Entity might provide with another solid win condition. This deck looks really solid and quick if you can rely on the Test. Nice job.

Posted 27 May 2009 at 15:20 as a comment on winning with kindness


Firstly, why is this a 90-card deck? There are plenty of ways to avoid milling yourself to death without the extra half a deck. Just keep up with the Wheel, use Feldon's Cane, or one of the many blue cards that shuffles one's graveyard into their library. You should have Howling Mine/Font of Mythos in here, since you can counter anything your opponent draws anyways. Library of Leng is overkill in here, and the control is great, but there is definitely more there than you need. I would take out Forsee, Final Judgement, Wing Shards, Leave No Trace, 1 Upheval, and Devouring Light for sure. While you're building such huge hands, why not throw in some Martyr of the Sands. They're fine for early defense (which this deck is lacking), and you can gain a ton of life with them later on. Also, have you looked at Words of Worship and/or Words of Wind?

Posted 24 May 2009 at 21:08 as a comment on Upheaval


I spot one big problem with your mana...do you run into any trouble with all your lands that come into play tapped? It will prevent you from casting a lot of your cards right away. Try to get lands such as Exotic Orchard (this deck would be much easier to build with the filter lands out of Shadowmoor/Eventide, but it looks like you're trying to keep to Alara block). Also, Viscera Dragger is not worth it. I think you'd just be better off with more Wall of Denial or Druid of the Anima if you need more mana fixing. Agony Warp isn't good enough for a serious deck like this...why merely give out -3/-3 when you can Terminate or Path to Exile. I'd get more Path to Exile, take out a Zealous Persecution or two, and Obelisk of Esper (unless you really need it). I'm a bit unsure what to suggest without dipping into Lorwyn/Shadowmoor blocks, but try out a lot of different things. If nothing else, another Broodmate can't be a bad thing!

Posted 20 May 2009 at 18:49 as a comment on 5CC Block Constructed (Please Comment)


Thanks! I think I'll be messing around with this over the next few days, so we'll see how this comes out after revision #1.

Posted 18 May 2009 at 22:08 as a comment on delete


I disagree with Cryptic Commander. Seaside Citadel will serve you much better in this deck than Terramorphic Expanse, at least in my experience with Bant Exalted decks. You could probably use a few more land, though- 22-24 is probably about what you want to be at if you're running Bant.

Posted 18 May 2009 at 10:01 as a comment on Exalted


Other than possibly sideboarding some Volcanic Fallout and Guttural Response, this looks pretty solid. Perhaps a Grave Pact would work as well, if it isn't too color intensive.

Posted 18 May 2009 at 09:53 as a comment on Kresh, Faerie Eater


I would get some Counterspell in here for sure. It is much better than Remand and Hindering Light. You will probably want to run 4 of those to replace some of each of the counterspells in here. If you need draw power, Jace Beleren, Serum Visions, and Mulldrifter are some of my favorites. Also, if you need help on defense, Wall of Denial is as good as it gets.
If you have the money, I'd recommend 4 Hallowed Fountain, 4 Mystic Gate, 7 Island, and 7 Plains. Otherwise, work with basics and lands such as Costal Watchtower/Arcane Sanctum/Boreal Shelf/Azorius Chancery.
Cool deck with lots of win conditions~!

Posted 17 May 2009 at 18:18 as a comment on a la carte


You need mana acceleration and ways to lower mana cost in a dragon deck. Seething Song, Iron Myr, and Rite of Flame are good for acceleration and all dragon decks need Dragonspeaker Shaman. Crucible of Fire is a solid suggestion as well. Also, you should have burn spells in here. Cards such as Lightning Bolt, Shock, and Incinerate will make your early game a whole lot smoother (especially if you're running Hunteds!), and allow you to punch through with damage in the end.

Posted 15 May 2009 at 09:21 as a comment on Dragon


dknight27 has a lot of good points, especially for someone who's starting out.

One very good thing to look for is cards that make it easier to cast what you have out. Copper Myr would have been a good idea if it were the right color for your deck. Leaden, Silver, and Gold are the proper colored myr, and are especially good if you're not emphasizing the artifacts. Borederposts fit into this, and are usually a good idea no matter what you're playing. Etherium Scuptor is the right idea, but only works on about half your deck, therefore it's not all that great in here. Likewise, Demon Horn only works with a small portion of your deck. If you want to focus this deck more on control and a few larger creatures, take out all the cards that depend on a certain color or artifacts to work.

Now, I'm sure you've played your deck at least a few times. It's a good thing to go through and keep track of which cards you play a lot, which ones are easy to play, which ones do what you want them to, and which ones sit in your hand a lot. Anything in the last area that I mentioned are probably going to do you more good outside the deck than in.

One last thing is to watch out for your mana curve. This means how many cards you have of low (0-2), middle (3-4), and high (5+) mana costs. Watch out for having too many high mana cost spells in your deck, since if you only draw them, your opponent will walk all over you in the early game. Choose a few that really work well for you and stick with those, filling the rest of your deck with support spells (like Path to Exile and Pacifism), and cheap creatures (such as Wall of Denial and Soul Warden).

Posted 14 May 2009 at 18:18 as a comment on Angels with Demons?


Terminates be helpful. Not only do they kill your opponents creatures, but you can get rid of your own Prince of Thralls if Phage makes an appearance. Have you considered Crumbling Necropolis instead of Terramorphic Expanse (They work more smoothly...at least in my experience)? Cruel Ultimatum is always worth a mention for a Grixis deck, but I don't think this one really needs it. Nice job on one of my favorite Grixis decks to date!

Posted 11 May 2009 at 17:30 as a comment on Grixis Domination (revised)


Oh, another note on Words of Wilding. If your opponent goes for a Pyroclasm or Wrath-type spell, your creatures die, but you draw for each. If you have the mana, you can just pump out a bear token for all the killed creatures. It would make the Pyroclasm/Wrath a lot less effective against you.

Posted 11 May 2009 at 13:23 as a comment on aging immortals


If you're going to be drawing a lot of cards due to Fecundity, you could try Words of Wilding for more creature token goodness. I can't think of anything offhand, but anything that could protect from a Pyroclasm/Volcanic Fallout would be especially welcome in here. If those prove to be a problem, maybe Gaea's Anthem could help (it will at least allow you to save the 2/2s). Mercy Killing would also be a great way to get rid of any annoying creatures (if you run into a lot of those), and if your Drove of Elves is large enough, you could pop it for even more elf tokens. Other than that, this looks like a pretty good deck.

Posted 11 May 2009 at 13:21 as a comment on aging immortals


It looks to me like you're working on improving the Divine duel deck. I like the exalted idea in here. I would work on hunting down more mono-white exalted creatures (such as Sigiled Paladin), and some Wall of Reverence for life boost as opposed to Venerable Monk. My suggestion is to take out Righteous Cause (too slow, especially if you want to do more with Exalted. If you still want the life gain, try Angelic Chorus) and some of the pacifism-type spells. You don't need 9...try keeping 4. Angelsong is okay, but not great, and Otherworldly Journey isn't really doing anything worthwhile for the deck. Try Rebuff the Wicked instead. Also, if you have these, Path to Exile/Swords to Plowshares are some of the best white cards out there.

Posted 11 May 2009 at 13:02 as a comment on You Want a PEACE of Me?


AHG has a neat angle on a draw/gain deck. With the cards he suggested, you could run Words of Worship and/or Words of Wind as well. Also, I don't know if this would be too slow for your deck, but Well of Lost dreams would be great with all your life gain and the Words cards.

Posted 11 May 2009 at 12:42 as a comment on Test of Endurance/ Lock Down


Cool deck. Be careful with this combo, however, since there are so many ways to disable it. I would consider running some sort of counterspell. Also, Volcanic Fallout would be a good thing in case you run into faster creature-based decks.

Posted 10 May 2009 at 20:23 as a comment on tower of babble


I would take out the creatures you have in here now for smaller, swifter things such as Wall of Hope, Martyr of Sands, and Azorius Herald. That way, you can focus on playing your life gain cards and your counterspells (If you have a bit of money, Absorb would be great in here) without tying up your mana with your big stuff. Also, Life Burst is one of the best mono-white life-gain cards out there.

Posted 07 May 2009 at 20:44 as a comment on Test of Endurance/ Lock Down


I would take it down to 60 by getting rid of the Guildmages, Sigil Blessing, Brushhopper, Selesnya Sanctuary, and a Pillar of the Paruns. Perhaps some Oblivion Ring and Path to Exile/Swords to Plowshares would be helpful, Heroes Reunion, in case you wouldn't mind more life gain, and Shield of the Oversoul. With Shield in a deck like this, your creature will get +2/+2, flying, and indestructible.

Posted 07 May 2009 at 20:33 as a comment on heaven and earth


MAybe Rampant Growth, Fog, or Healing Leaves wouldn't be a bad early game, to help you hold off opponents and gather even more land while you prepare for Elvish Piper/Quicksilver Amulet/Defense of the Heart.

Posted 06 May 2009 at 10:16 as a comment on lords of the earth


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