
14 Decks, 166 Comments, 0 Reputation

Thanks! I may have to give that a test run as well.

Anyone have ideas against quick elf/goblin swarms?

Posted 06 May 2009 at 09:47 as a comment on Phantom


Ah, I understand. Well, so far as the limited resources you have, the deck is not bad at all. If nothing else, those are things to keep watch for.

Posted 05 May 2009 at 10:47 as a comment on Esper Control


Since you have a lot of X spells, Rosheen Meanderer might be worth a look.

Posted 04 May 2009 at 21:56 as a comment on Mana Bomb


Doesn't look half bad for a bunch of one-ofs thrown together! Some people yell at people for putting too many one-of cards in a deck, but as long as it works, I see no problem. Does the deck work well for you? Do you run into any problems while playing it? Certainly looks pretty interesting.

A sideboard is 15 cards that might go well in a deck under certain circumstances, but aren't worth a place in the deck on their own (a good example of a card like this is a Circle of Protection). Those cards can be exchanged with cards in your deck between games you play.

Posted 04 May 2009 at 21:54 as a comment on 5 colour mash-up


Maybe something like Wall of Souls would be nice to hold off your opponent while you dump all your nasty creatures into your discard pile. Damnation might be another good card, in case your opponent's creatures get out of control while you wait.

Posted 04 May 2009 at 21:08 as a comment on Reanimator


Consume Spirit would be a good option for life gain in here.

Posted 04 May 2009 at 17:58 as a comment on Garbage


I would get some more acceleration, as dknight27 said, perhaps such as Rampant Growth and the like. Other than that, it looks pretty good.

Posted 04 May 2009 at 17:33 as a comment on When the Forest gets up and kicks your...


As for stuff you can do now to power this up, take out the the Panoramas for more Arcane Sanctums. Also, git rid of Spell Snip and Traumatic Visions for more multiples of your other spells (or put in those Scepter of Dominance). Path to Exile is a great control card and Ethersworn Cannonist is a must-have for an artifact-based control deck.

I don't know how much of this you've gotten a chance to look at/play with yet, but especially with many of the new cards in Alara Reborn, you can take out Tower Gargoyle and Scornful AEther-Lich for goodies such as Esper Stormblade, Meddling Mage (not an artifact, but it would be great) and Sen Triplets (another must-have for an artifact control deck). Also, Mistvein and Fieldmist Borderposts are great replacements for Obelisk of Esper.

Posted 04 May 2009 at 17:29 as a comment on Esper Control


Keep the Birds of Paradise, Cromat, Nicol, Collective Restraint (2-3), Coalition Victory and Global Ruin. See if you can come up with some other cards that may work better with a domain theme than those ones. For example, Drag Down is almost always better than Exotic Curse.

Posted 04 May 2009 at 17:13 as a comment on Nicol's Coalition Courier


Suspend cards are great in Dragonstorm decks. Try Rift Bolt, Arc Blade, or Shivan Meteor. An early blocker, such as Wall of Souls, would probably be helpful. Shred Memories needs to go. You shouldn't have to have a tutor for a tutor, especially when you have 8 tutors!. I agree with jovandius on the Boseiju. Again, work on streamlining the deck down to 60 cards.

Posted 29 April 2009 at 09:42 as a comment on dragonstorm


Tokens hit the grave, but are then immediately removed from the game. They still count for Teysa's second effect.

Posted 29 April 2009 at 09:25 as a comment on teysa combo for infinite unmakes


You shouldn't need too many token generators, since Teysa will ultimately make her own, but Luminous Angel, Rhys the Redeemed, Decree of Justice, Elspeth, Springjack Shepherd, Cenn's Enlistment, Waylay, Promise of Bunrei, Jotun Owl Keeper, Martial Coup, Raise the Alarm, Spiritual Visit might be some options. Demonic Tutors would probably be a big help, since you'll need to find the pieces for your combo. I don't know how much blue you're planing on playing, but counterspells are never a bad idea when it comes to defending the pieces of your combo.

Posted 29 April 2009 at 09:22 as a comment on teysa combo for infinite unmakes


In any combo-related deck that takes a little time, wall creatures are great. I don't know if you're just playing green, but Wall of Blossoms, Vine Trellis, Wall of Roots, Wall of Ice, and Carven Caryatid are pretty good.
I don't know of any cards that gain life when land comes into play.

Posted 29 April 2009 at 09:00 as a comment on infinite land destruction


I think if you're playing Naya, you should really get some Wooly Thoctars. They're as good as it gets early-mid game, and they can beat down if your Manaplasm ends up staying small for a turn. A good replacement for Terramorphic Expanse might be Jungle Shrine. Also, I don't know how you feel about such a high mana cost card (and you already have Double Cleave and Giant Growth), but Sangrite Surge on a Manaplasm is absolutely crazy. A 10/10 double striker will win games pretty quickly. I would recommend some burn spells such as Pyroclasm/Volcanic Fallout and Incinerate, but it looks pretty nice otherwise.

Posted 28 April 2009 at 16:25 as a comment on Naya Pump (Type2)


Wall of Hope might be nice. If you want to do something really painful with all your shadow creatures, add Quietus Spike. Two other cards I recommend are Swords to Plowshares and Dark Ritual.
Again, your deck would be even better if we chopped it down a little. My picks for cards to go are Wall of Shadows, Bonesplitter, Dauthi Marauder, Soltari Trooper, and Orzhov Basilica. With this, your colors may be a little lopsided as well. Replace 2 Swamp with 2 Plains. Fetid Heath are a great option for this deck, as well.

Posted 28 April 2009 at 11:49 as a comment on thief in the night


Your decks all look pretty good, but they would run all the better with 60 cards. Personally, this is what I'd do with the deck, but it's up to you.
2x Pariah's Shield
1x Shield of Kaldra
1x Agent of Masks
4x Blightspeaker
1x Pariah
4x Hissing Miasma
1x Underworld Dreams
4x Orzhov Basilica
4x Caves of Kolios
1x Swamp
1x Plains
2x Demonic Tutor
1x Pillory of the Sleepless
3x Fetid Heath
3x Enlightened Tutor
2x Mine Excavation
4x Dark Ritual
3x Pestilence
This would at least get you down to 67, and enable for all sorts of first turn goodness involving Plague Spitter or Wall of Souls, or let you tutor right away. The search and recover cards allow you to rely on fewer of the artifacts/enchantments and still find them, which means you won't have to worry about them clogging your hand.

Posted 28 April 2009 at 11:37 as a comment on brilliant loser


The only problem I really see is creatures with protection/shroud and big black creatures. A good way to deal with those is Diabolic Edict (which could probably be sideboarded and switched out with Terror or Dark Banishing if you're playing against black). I'd also recommend some Volcanic Fallout/Pyroclasm in case you're getting swarmed by a lot of little creatures that you don't feel like wasting a burn/kill spell on alone. Also, something like Murderous Redcap might switch out for Nekrataal if you're playing against black.

Posted 28 April 2009 at 11:16 as a comment on destroy like fire


Ascendant Evincar would be excellent in this deck. I would take out Sengir Nosferatu and Ravenous Vampire for those. Another suggestion, if you felt like splashing red, is Vein Drinker. Blood Pet is a cheap creature that will help get your vampires out all the sooner. Seal of Doom isn't really worth it, especially with all the other creature removal. Dead Ringers and Premature Burial are also a bit of a waste, especially when you could have more Consume Spirit. A lot of your removal can't target black creatures, so look for other removal in case your opponent is playing black. Cabal Coffers would also be a huge help.

Posted 27 April 2009 at 20:14 as a comment on Vampires


I would take out the Battle Mad Ronin, Mothrider Samurai, Opal Eye, Ronin Cliffrider, Nagao, and Ronin Houndmaster, for 3-4 more 1-2 mana cost Samurai, especially Kentaro. I would also try to get some better spells, such as Lightning Helix, Hold the Line, Path to Exile, and Incinerate. It may help to replace Tarnished Citadel with City of Brass, Battlefield Forge, Rugged Prairie, or Sacred Foundry.

Posted 27 April 2009 at 20:02 as a comment on Samurai Deck


There are a lot of good cards in here. It looks like you're going for all colors, so lands are going to be one of your number one priorities. You can get some creatures that find land (usually only basic land, though). That way, you will be able to choose what color you want. Creatures such as Sakura-Tribe Elder, Civic Wayfinder, and Farhaven Elf. If you want more creatures that tap for mana, Birds of Paradise, Boreal Druid, (more) Druid of the Anima, (more) Noble Hierarch, Llanowar Elves, and Werebear are some of the best bets. Also some creatures, such as Wild Cantor, sacrifice for mana.

For creatures that come out faster, look at some of the hybrid cards out of Eventide, Shadowmoor, Ravnica block, and Alara Reborn. They tend to be easier to cast, for a start.

For lands, one suggestion I have is to use Vivid lands in combination with Exotic Orchard to make any color, though Rupture Spires work nicely too. Something to look for (though they tend to be a little more expensive) are the rare lands out of 10th edition, Ravnica block, and Shadowmor-Eventide. A good number of land for a deck like this would be 22-25, depending on how often you find yourself needing land. The mana-producing and land-searching creatures will help this a lot.

Since you're running all five colors, good cards to look at would be ones that cost all 5 (they tend to be powerful...such as Child of Alara and Maelstrom Archangel), and cards with the Domain ability (such as Exploding Borders)

One suggestion I have for you is to work on deck consistency...pick out which cards you like best and work best in your deck, and try to get multiples of those. It will give the deck focus and make it easier for you to find the cards that will help you most.

Posted 27 April 2009 at 19:09 as a comment on The Beginning


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