
14 Decks, 166 Comments, 0 Reputation

Oh, sorry. It is 60 cards...oops... :P

Posted 03 April 2009 at 19:15 as a comment on GWR Sliverzzz


I'd whittle this down to 60 cards, and I don't see much point to the Terramorphic Expanse since you have so few basic lands in here, but otherwise it's pretty solid.

Posted 03 April 2009 at 19:14 as a comment on GWR Sliverzzz


This deck is nice because it's so simple. The only suggestion I can really make is some Blood Crypt/Graven Carins.

Posted 03 April 2009 at 17:38 as a comment on sweep


I think the biggest problem here is that you have too many cards that don't fit well with the druid theme you want. Use these druids: Boreal Druid, Llanowar Elves, Noble Hierarch, Devoted Druid, Elvish Harbinger, Steward of Valeron, Mirror Entity, Baru Fist of Krosa, and Gilt-Leaf Archdruid. You can take out the non-elves if you want to make the best use of your Pili-Pala/Magistrate/Mantle/Presence of Gond combo. Austere command may also be nice in your deck, as well as Path to Exile. Finally, some Temple Garden or Wooded Bastion might suit your deck better than Brushland.

Posted 02 April 2009 at 15:43 as a comment on Druids (need help)


It looks like the point of this deck is to remove all of your opponents threats from the game...neat idea. The biggest weakness I can see is speed. You'll have to watch out for fast decks such as burn, elves, and white weenie.

Stormscape Familiar will help speed your white and black spells up a bit, and be a reasonable early blocker and attacker. Mangara should be taken out in favor of those and perhaps another Archon. I'd take out 1 Reciprocate, 1 Unmake, and 1 Cranial for 3 Vindicate. Also, I recommend replacing Faerie Trickery with Counterspell, and getting some Negate (very helpful against burn). Guile will turn them into 'remove from the game' effects, and works for less mana and on faerie spells, too. Finally, get some Arcane Sanctum, and this deck should do well.

Posted 02 April 2009 at 15:09 as a comment on your excused


Great concept, especially if you add the Searing Meditation/Tamanoa combo. Perhaps some Birds of Paradise would speed it up, especially in playing your higher cost spells and having the right mana ready for Tamanoa. Other comments also mention painlands. Anything like Battlefield Forge or Temple Garden would fit in very nicely. Including a few more cheap burn spells, such as Lightning Bolt or Firebolt and maybe a sweeper like Volcanic Fallout would do this deck good. Another idea is Mana Flare. It will keep your Pyrohemia going, as well as generate plenty of mana for your Meditation/Tamanoa combo. With that, you could even put a Demonfire/Banefire or two in for an impressive effect.

Posted 02 April 2009 at 14:38 as a comment on barbsydoll


Solid deck, but some of the cards can be upgraded. I'd replace the Ickspitters with Mudbutton Torchrunners. Opponents typically don't like blocking them, and they work nicely with Lyzolda. Also, I'd take out Demon's Jester in favor of more Avatar of Discord. Wrecking Ball, Twinstrike, and Cackling Flames are okay, but I recommend getting some Terminate, Flame Jab (or Firebolt) and Demonfire to replace those. I don't think Scorched Rusalka is all that great...perhaps you could replace them with Mogg Fanatics or some of the other spells I mentioned above. You could try out Rite of Flame/Dark Ritual to make it faster, but I'm not sure how well those would work. Anthem of Rakdos might be something to experiment with as well. Finally, try to get some Blood Crypts and Keldon Megaliths.

Posted 02 April 2009 at 12:21 as a comment on Hellbent Basic


Momentum is okay, but not great, and there isn't much point to a single Elvish Fury. From there you need to decide your focus...from the looks of it, you're either going with a deck that focuses on big creatures, a warrior deck, or an elf deck. So far as creatures, I wouldn't really consider Rhox, Elvish Lyrist, Nurturer Initiate, Moss Kami, or Foxfire Oak for any of those deck types. Once you focus your deck a little, it could work out pretty well.

Posted 02 April 2009 at 11:23 as a comment on Wrath of the Woods


I'm not too worried about legality. I mostly play in a casual environment where 40 cards is minimum. I could always bring it up to 60 if I needed.

Posted 01 April 2009 at 20:31 as a comment on Landfill


Hmm, very cool idea. Could probably take out a Grave Pact, a Ghoul/Husk, and a plains if you wanted to go for straight 60 cards. Path to Exile/ Swords to Plowshares and Oblivion Ring are a good idea in any white deck. As Xavier mentions above, Exorcist is very good for this deck, and they're faster than the Paladin (though I wouldn't take out all the Paladins in favor of Exorcists...maybe 2 exorcists and keep 2-3 Paladins). Have you thought about any sort of painland/filter land such as Fetid Heath or Godless Shrine? They're especially helpful when many of your cards have 2 or more colored mana in their mana cost. Also, Stillmoon Cavalier would be pretty great in here.

Posted 01 April 2009 at 20:28 as a comment on When the world turn Black!!!


You should replace the Guildmage, Swiftblade, and Enforcer in favor of faster, more aggressive creatures. Thundersong Trumpeter is infuriating...they're not bad p/t wise and they can stop up your opponents best creatures. Belligerent Hatchling is very nice, especially when all your spells are white and red. Firemane Angel is better than Razia by a bit if you want an angel, though you're probably best off sticking to powered-up Legionaires. Boros Recruit and Duergar Assailant are good 1-drops (though Figure of Destiny is still the best), and Hearthfire Hobgoblin can be pretty awesome. Waves of Aggression is not a bad one-of, as you can play a single one multiple times. The Sunforger should come out unless you add some more instants. There are some great equipment suggestions above. Sword of Light and Shadow would work well, too.

Posted 01 April 2009 at 18:58 as a comment on Help with: Chris's Boros Reborn Deck


I think it's awesome when people build tribal decks other than the 'obvious' tribes (like elves and goblins), even if it is more for fun.
It may be difficult to get, but Wolf Pack would work nicely in here. Wyluli Wolf may also be nice. I love the Wren's Run Packmaster, but casting her is going to be difficult with only Tolsimir to champion. If you don't want to add more elves, Shields of Velis Vel would allow you to champion your wolves. Priviledged Position or Glare of Subdual might also work nicely. You could probably take out an Aura Shards for one of those.

Posted 01 April 2009 at 18:36 as a comment on Nicks Wolf Pack


Not bad at all. I'd try to find some Birds of Paradise to be even quicker. Mighty Emergence/Where Ancients Tread might be fun. Exuberant Firestoker (only problem with these is they're not warriors) might work well, as they not only create mana, but give you a nice bonus when your giants hit play. Gaea's Anthem would make sure even your 4-power giants such as Blind-Spot Giant and Borderland Behemoth are big enough to trigger. Cream of the Crop would allow you to dig through your deck for what you need and filter away anything that isn't useful.

Personally, I would take out the Heavyweights, Inescapable Brute, and Fertile Ground but the rest of the deck looks pretty smooth. Furystoke Giant is a nice alternate win condition, but I would only play one in here. I am unsure about the Woodland Changelings. I know it's another giant, but you have plenty of other little creatures that are better in play than they are.

Posted 01 April 2009 at 16:09 as a comment on Giant Warriors


Reminds me of my old black deck, one of the first decks I ever built on my own. Pretty far from tournament level, but it looks like fun for a starting deck.

Posted 01 April 2009 at 13:33 as a comment on My Black Deck


Mercy Killing might be interesting in this deck, especially if your opponent tries to kill one of your big creatures. It also gets rid of opposing creatures quite handily. Burrenton Forge-Tender and Gluttonous Slime are great ways to get around Pyroclasm-type spells that wreak havoc on decks such as this (and the slime works nicely with the Doubling Season, too). Also, I recommend replacing Tolsimir with Wilt-Leaf Lieges. They're cheaper to play, larger, and harder for your opponent to get rid of. Sprout Swarms are also a great idea.

Posted 01 April 2009 at 11:21 as a comment on glare ftw


Pretty interesting. With the Natural Order, you could power out even more dangerous things such as a Progenetus. I don't see the necessity of Okina, as there are no legends in here, and Overgrown Tomb is superior to Llanowar Wastes in my opinion.

Posted 01 April 2009 at 10:40 as a comment on delete


I really like the concept you have going here. Very cool, and it looks like a blast to play. I think it looks pretty good the way it is. The only thing I could pick out is that until you get a creature out (3rd turn is your earliest with the War Elemental, and then you wouldn't be able to pump it at all), you're going to be fairly vulnerable to really fast decks (even with the Blazing Salvo to help). I don't know of anything that would fit all that well into a 1-2 mana cost slot off hand, but I'm sure there will be some other ideas. You probably only need about 18 lands for this deck, but then again, you can't really tell until you play it a bit.

Posted 01 April 2009 at 01:20 as a comment on Deal or No Deal?


Hello one and all, I am DRAGONCHILD.

Posted 31 March 2009 at 22:13 as a comment on Member Database


I don't think the cards that return cards to the top of your opponents deck are such a bad idea, but what about other types of cards? Excommunicate only works on creatures and AEthertow only works on attacking creatures, and both are relatively slow. Some Oblivion Rings might be quite welcome. Light from within is also a great enchantment, as it will boost your creatures by quite a bit.

Posted 31 March 2009 at 22:12 as a comment on Deja Vu


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