
148 Decks, 1,477 Comments, 183 Reputation

This sounds pretentious as eff, but whenever I see a bad deck 'flourishing' from poor advice, I get mad hahaha. This site used to be so tight! but now... casual players run it all. I mean, casual is cool, but if it's only casual why bother offering advice to begin with? Budget restraints are one thing, but poor advice is poor advice.

I know, I should be the voice of reason at times, and instead of being a troll I should try and offer some legit advice to help players out, but when ALL the front page are horrifically designed decks with comments telling them how they broke the format or how they're sick deck builders, it seems like they're the ones trolling me hahahaha. But alas, I digress. I don't play legacy much, but I do on occasion. If I had the money, I would.

Posted 02 November 2012 at 23:50 in reply to #301388 on Modern Valakut


Usually I'm just lazy. If all my suggestions would just be geared towards a net deck, it's just a lot easier to say 'net deck' than to specify why. However, I can should you wish.

The only thing the deck wants to do is to scapeshift with 7 lands. Sac all 7, get 6 mountains and 1 valakut, deal 18 to the dome. Valakut in modern, unlike it was in standard, is pure combo. Blue lets you find your pieces, while red was just the standard secondary color.

With that being said, eliminate all board sweepers, and all things that don't have to do with your combo. Titan can stay, I kind of like the dude, but your only creatures should be 4x sakura tribe elder, 2x snap, and like, 2x primeval titan (just because he's an added threat and then you can get cute with the landbase).

Anything like bolt, or anything like that, are just helping v.s. the decks you prob. don't need the help against to begin with. If you can resolve a scapeshift (using your ramp which is virtual dig, and your actual draw spells provided by using blue), you just win. That's why bolt and slagstorm are pretty weak, because they don't dig you any deeper, and they only postpone a game you'd win if you just resolved the scapeshift anyways. That's why U/G valakut runs counters - their aggro plan is already to just win, and v.s. control they can win counter wars.

In the board, now, 3x pyroclasm are good, v.s. affinity, but other than that, you just win if you combo.

The reason a lot of people net deck, is because the people who have designed said net decks are among the best in the world. They're top tier for a reason.

Sorry if I came off as unhelpful, but lately I'm just irritated with the vault. I'm glad you've seen some of my builds, and also glad you consider them top tier. Cheers, and hope this helped. If you have any questions, ask away.

Posted 02 November 2012 at 23:06 in reply to #301388 on Modern Valakut


ohmygod can you imagine if goyf were black.... the card would look 10x better hahahaha.

but yeah, this deck is basically "survive aggro, beat jund and valakut."

Posted 02 November 2012 at 19:02 in reply to #300790 on [Modern] Esper


don't run lotus cobra, or primeval, or wurmcoil, or khalni heart, or cultivate, or red.

if budget's not a thing, just look at the lists that are top 8'ing, and then tweak accordingly.

Posted 02 November 2012 at 19:01 as a comment on Modern Valakut


The combination is just... iunno, boring. This deck is so sweet though. After a few games, i've fallen in love <3 It has everything to beat both valakut and jund, and I feel it does so quite nicely. :)

Posted 01 November 2012 at 02:13 in reply to #300790 on [Modern] Esper


Alleywayjack, thank you, for restoring some of my lost faith in the caliber of deck builders on this website.

Posted 29 October 2012 at 00:10 as a comment on Polymorph Eldrazi


Jund; because jank is bad.

Posted 09 October 2012 at 04:12 as a comment on Post Your Return to Ravnica Deck Builds Here


I adore cursed scroll- it's actually probably the most useful card in the deck. A lot of the time, you find yourself with no cards in hand, and paying 3 mana to shock your opponent each turn, while having no cards in hand, is actually incredibly effective. That card's pretty much the win con of the deck that can't get path'ed.
Dark rituals just allow for crazy turn 1 starts, and also help out if a smallpox has left you a bit behind. I might try playing around with Chrome mox, but sometimes a t1 liliana or a t1 inquisition into a Hymn can just stone wall them. Plus, as weak of an argument as this is, in a deck with Liliana is often times found in a board state, it's not bad having cards you don't mind discarding as the game goes on.

Andddddd, nether spirit over bloodghast because with Maverick so rampant, having a blocker is a luxury. :')

Posted 13 September 2012 at 21:54 in reply to #289167 on Smallpox


Lol, had scroll rack, meant to have cursed scroll. ~

Posted 12 September 2012 at 03:51 as a comment on Smallpox


Hahaha, 'fish with wings'- I like that!

And there's a huge reason I left out blink cards- I simply don't have enough creatures to run them. This deck is essentially a control deck, and having only 15 (17 creatures with Spellskite) to blink seems like really poor odds for more blink cards.
Now, I know what you're thinking; doesn't that kind of argue against Resto? Well, not at all, actually. I included Resto because she, by herself, is an amazing creature, regardless. In a format dominated with lightning bolt, smother, flying delvers and geists of st. traft, a 4 drop 3/4 Flyer that could potentially gain you further value seems SOLID to me. :)

Also, considering cutting vials. They just seem weak.

Posted 11 September 2012 at 23:44 in reply to #288875 on [Modern] Faeries


Reading some of the comments makes me actually sad :(

If I were playing golgari zombies, and somebody dropped a Crypt, I honestly would not care the slightest bit. Oh no, my gravecrawlers! Oh no, my one trigger on my geralf's messenger! Omg, my scavenge mechanics! So what? If you're playing properly you won't over extend to the point that they have such an edge with one card either way. Yeah, losing gravecrawlers sucks, but you're still up on card advantage. If your 2/1 died in the first place, that card is technically dealt with, in terms of value. If they have to side in a card to deal with a card they've already dealt with, they're losing value. Same with geralf. Sure, losing value on their end seems as though they're gaining something- preventing a 4/3 body and 2 life loss, or a swarm of 'bloodghasts', or a free pump, but either way they're still losing value by doing this. I would not be caught dead siding in tormod's crypts v.s. zombies. That is not the answer to that strategy by any means.

Know what is? Pillar of flame, oblivion ring, thrag tusk, olivia voldaren- answers that answer what they're doing while at the same time putting you ahead. 1 card for 1 card, it's a numbers game.

Now, with that being said, I'm not saying Golgari is the best deck, by any means. Personally, I expect to mop that MU with 4 maindeck pillar of flames, 4 thrag tusk and 3 olivia. However, if your answer to that matchup is to deal with that you've already dealt with, good luck.

Posted 11 September 2012 at 23:41 in reply to #288512 on Return to Ravnica Discussion


You need 4 tombs for the colorless sources to work. And yeah, Iona can hit t1 in some decks, but mono black reanimator is actually a lot weaker than regular ole U/B. I'm not too too worried about reanimator.

Posted 11 September 2012 at 22:18 in reply to #288888 on Smallpox


Reanimator is actually a pretty solid matchup for pox, I believe. A lot of people fall under the impression that pox is a hand disruption deck, when that's not really the case at all. Yes, it can hit your hand pretty hand, but it's mainly your lands it focuses on. With 4 sinkhole, 4 smallpox, and 4 wasteland, reanimator had better hope to not only survive my hand disruption, but my land destruction as well. Yeah, a resolved Iona is a problem, but if I resolve a liliana, I'm in really good shape. :)
Plus, in Legacy now it seems as though reanimator has kind fallen into the background. D':

Posted 11 September 2012 at 21:15 in reply to #288855 on Smallpox


It's so nice <3 I think in Legacy I'm going to make mono black my pet archetype. Whether it be aggro, Pox, or even a stax list that you KNOW I'm going to wind up making (I love MUD too much to not do it), I just love mono black in Legacy. Plus, this deck is relatively cheap compared to a lot of others, and once I have wastelands, I have 'em for good.

And sounds good, buddy. I miss being able to talk Legacy on the vault :'(

Posted 11 September 2012 at 07:19 in reply to #288855 on Smallpox


I'm way too tired at the moment, however, I definitely will.

Posted 11 September 2012 at 05:37 in reply to #288844 on [Modern] Faeries


Not a problem! And even though your friends stop, doesn't mean you have to! Standard is a relatively cheap format to get into- so is modern, in come cases! Makes some mtg buddies, that's what I did, honestly. I started playing at my local card shop, befriended a few guys, and now they're like brothers.

And man, sometimes, you gotta do what you gotta do. I hope all goes well, and never lose that drive ~

Posted 11 September 2012 at 05:36 in reply to #288810 on [Modern] Faeries


:O Why thank you! I'm really glad you enjoy them :')

And my advice is, play in a group. Get some friends together, and constantly grind games. If you make a decision you're unsure about, reveal your hand, and go through the steps and explain why you made said decision. That way, you can get feed back on them, and having to actually verbally explain them forces you, yourself, to have an idea of why you acted a certain way. If you're unsure of a mulligan, show your hand, and ask for opinions, again explaining why you made your choice.

In my play group, we explain EVERYTHING. If a card's in our deck, we explain why. If a card's in our sideboard, we explain why. If we side a card out game 2, we explain why. If we make a certain play, we explain why. Always be able to explain your choices, and ALWAYS take your time. Practice is the key to magic- like anything, practice makes perfect.
In a tournament setting, the hardest thing to do is get comfortable. I've been in several top 8s where my nerves got the best of me, and because of this I made poor plays. Always take your time, and if you're making any decision whatsoever, pretend as though you were with your friends, explaining why you did so.

I have a ridiculous passion for the game, haha. Mainly, to be good, all it takes is drive. :') Good luck, and if you ever have any questions, feel free to ask!

Posted 11 September 2012 at 03:25 in reply to #288810 on [Modern] Faeries


...So, back when we had surgical extraction, you could have made that argument, as well, yet zombies is still putting up the results. S.E. was better than crypt for these purposes, and zombies is still tier 1 currently (with S.E. legal). If you think B/G isn't going to be tier, you're horrifically mistaken. Go ahead, answer their graveyard- you've still got to deal with what's on the field after doing so.
If you really want to commit 4 out of your 15 SB slots to a non-cantrip, single purpose Tormod's Crypt, be my guest, but Crypt is definitely not the end all answer you think it is.

Posted 11 September 2012 at 00:05 in reply to #288512 on Return to Ravnica Discussion


C'mon, you can't tell me that her interaction with every creature isn't insane :O

Posted 01 September 2012 at 07:56 in reply to #286571 on [Modern] Faeries


Lately I've been working on U/R Delver tempo, with a green source just for ancient grudge flashback, and my god, now I can see why you run so many counterspells. If I have a turn one play, the only thing I want left in my hand are counterspells hahaha. I run 10... :')

Posted 29 August 2012 at 04:04 in reply to #285448 on [Modern] Fishy isn't it?


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