
148 Decks, 1,477 Comments, 183 Reputation

So is this for modern? :O

Thanks for the credit, by the way! (:

Posted 21 December 2011 at 17:31 as a comment on Wrexial Mill Variation


This is exactly such a good idea... Jund wolf run... will definitely make my own version of this.

I like this list, except there are a few things that I'd change.
Viridian emissary is kind of yesterday's news. I mean he's good, he's essentially a shock on a stick in the sense that no one wants to block him, but he'll rarely get you that land. In a deck like this, I'd be more concerned with actual mana acceleration rather than early damage.

having no beast withins is a bit too balls deep for me. I need to have at least some answers to non-creature threats.

I feel like glissa is really lack lustre here, I mean, sure she can bring back some artifacts, but she's almost too cute for the deck. and on the topic of artifacts, I don't think you need 4 solemn. 3 is usually where most people decide to cut off, but that's totally a preference thing.

Posted 20 December 2011 at 22:55 as a comment on Wolf Run Jund


Haha thanks! (:
I try my best, all I do is play magic, hacky sack, and chill out with a few friends and the girlfriend lol.
I like to be good at at least one of them.. hahahaha

Posted 20 December 2011 at 16:44 in reply to #223048 on Wrexial Mill


Meeeee tooo! I'm waiting on dark ascension to drop, then hopefully we'll get a duress or something better than despise, and maybe a decent black creature, and I'll be poxing it up no doubt.
it's just right now mbc can't really do it. wurmcoil is too big by itself (mbc's worst enemy) and it can't even use the obliterator because of all the clone effects and vapor snag. :/

Posted 20 December 2011 at 15:51 in reply to #222829 on Mono Black Pox


Not in my books! :'D

Posted 20 December 2011 at 14:59 in reply to #223106 on Legacy Forgemaster


Haha well I'm glad you have faith in me to put such a card to good use!

Also, how do you feel about 'the rack'? I love that card, so much. I think it has such potential... just not yet. With liliana it ALMOST got there, but it needs a bit more.

Posted 20 December 2011 at 04:19 in reply to #222953 on Look Ma! No hand!


Oh yeah, man, go nuts! I'm really glad you like it! (:

This deck is olddddd, back when I didn't really know what I was at (lol)
If you have any questions on changes I'd make now, from a competitive standpoint, feel free to ask (:

Posted 20 December 2011 at 04:14 in reply to #223048 on Wrexial Mill


should said selections*

Posted 20 December 2011 at 02:52 in reply to #222953 on Look Ma! No hand!


Oh i don't feel he belongs in every deck, but to me a deck that wants total field control at a painfully slow rate seems like jace's perfect home. It just makes sense to me.

I can totally see where he's coming from, but I mean, I'd risk him grinding his teeth at my card selections should selection prove to win me the game. You know? ;P

Posted 20 December 2011 at 02:51 in reply to #222953 on Look Ma! No hand!


Oulala, I loveeeee prison. But although arty would disagree with me, I find jace to be my favourite win con. I mean he bounces threats AND draws cards AND wins the game? c'mon thats sick.

Posted 20 December 2011 at 02:20 in reply to #222953 on Look Ma! No hand!


chains is a really nice card! I actually really like underworld dreams. I might have to find a home for that card. :O
I want to make a mono black deck that's still fast enough to use cards over 4cvc, but can slowwww the game down. I'm a real fan of prison decks, so never know where that might go.
liliana is just so good. getting my play set this weekend!

and dag, i didn't really miss bb, but I kind of overlook it at times. hehehehe

Posted 20 December 2011 at 01:50 in reply to #222953 on Look Ma! No hand!


hahaha I see, I see :O

can you name off some cool black cards? I don't know what sets to browse through, and I'm looking for just under-the-rader black utility spells.
like a black bounce spell would be amazing lol.

Posted 19 December 2011 at 22:14 in reply to #222953 on Look Ma! No hand!


whats PAL :O

Posted 19 December 2011 at 21:17 in reply to #222953 on Look Ma! No hand!


also the rack might be a card to look into as a win con if you find yourself short on them.

Posted 19 December 2011 at 21:07 in reply to #222953 on Look Ma! No hand!


This seems half slow. I know there's dark rits, but besides that you're looking at around turn 3-4 where you really get anything off.
You could try adding some chrome moxes of some sort, or just spreading out the curve.
it seems like you have no real answer to creatures in this deck, though. you have 2 liliana, 6 blockers and that's it, really.
also I feel like there are too many enchantments really based towards somebody discarding rather than the discard itself.

i'd really just ditch the temple bell, haunting echos, painful quandary (I love the card, but 5 mana is just too slow), bloodchief ascension and also quest for the nihil.
this deck seems really suicidal, i'd swap up the thoughtseizes for either duresses or inquisition of kozileks. with such low answers to creatures, i feel any life you could preserve would really help you out in the long run.

for card draw you could try sign in blood. that has really good synergy with underworld dreams. BB deal 4 damage. and it helps you out, as well.

for removal there are cards like smallpox, innocent blood, dismember, spinning darkness... the list goes on, I'm sure you're well aware.

mainly I'd be worried about getting speed on the opponent. mox diamond, chrome mox, any cards like that could help you get a faster start. but honestly the only enchantment I can see you really needing is liliana's caress. besides that I'd be worrying about the discard itself.
if you find you're playing out your hands really fast, ensnaring bridge could help. or anything form of hand restoration.

how do you find this runs, on a regular basis? and is it competitive or casual? all my advice was for competitive lol.

Posted 19 December 2011 at 21:05 as a comment on Look Ma! No hand!


Yeah, I don't think the singular pox is worth it. there are a few things I plan on tweaking, but so far I love this deck. legacy is so fun now that I can afford it. (:

and yeah, this deck is more so a land destruction deck, but having no cards in hand helps a lot. :)

Posted 19 December 2011 at 17:00 in reply to #222775 on Mono Black Pox


I take that as it's good? :'D

Posted 19 December 2011 at 05:03 in reply to #222775 on Mono Black Pox


Hahaha I started when alara rotated out. hierarchs weren't necessary at that point.. for they weren't standard legal.

in eternal formats I play graveyard based strategies, again where you don't need hierarch.

but now I guess I'm going to have to buy some hierarchs lololol

Posted 18 December 2011 at 20:29 in reply to #222538 on Modern Green White?


I was going to, but I was trying to make this with cards I already had. I pretty much have this deck - the elspeths and kotr

Posted 18 December 2011 at 15:48 in reply to #222538 on Modern Green White?


shit i completely forgot kotr, thanks!

Posted 18 December 2011 at 05:34 in reply to #222495 on Modern Green White?


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