
15 Decks, 110 Comments, 11 Reputation

You forgot to add in "Great Wall" how will you ever survive without it. It's only one of the best white cards that every deck needs....

Posted 08 June 2011 at 20:06 as a comment on The "REAL" Worst Deck Ever Made


Deck's pretty sweet man. All I can think of is adding in some little tricks.

Steel Overseer + Inkmoth Nexus is a sweet little alternate win condition, and gets them really worried, plus with your gambit's proliferate the poison win becomes even easier. And Tempered steel is just mean with inkmoth.

I'd also consider running contaigine clasp, gives you a second removal option to go with dispatch, more artifacts is always a plus, and the constant proliferate will make your creatures huge with Overseer's +1/+1's and then the poision plan gets more support.

But all are my own opinions and none are really needed as the deck is very good already. Nice Job! Feel free to look at one of my decks if you want.

Posted 08 June 2011 at 19:20 as a comment on steely dan


Well the deck is "based" on Glissa? Then you definately need to think about what artifacts you could take advantage of with her secondary ability. The simpliest thing that comes to mind is Gremlin Mine, being able to constantly get back a 1 casting cost artifact that can deal 4 damage is awesome...

A side note, with your current set up, Phyrexian Obliterator does not seem good at all. Only 18 lands... and only 10 of them produce black, Phyrexian Obliterator is much better in mono black as you WANT him turn 3 or 4 whenever possible. Unless you change up your mana (which is pretty low anyway) I really don't see Phyrexian Obliterator being cast often.

Posted 08 June 2011 at 19:03 as a comment on BG Glissa and her chums


Geosurge might be feasible. Or maybe bring in more ramp cards like: Explore, Harrow, etc.

Posted 08 June 2011 at 18:56 as a comment on Fresh Meat


Add in Omnath. So you can just stock up the Green Mana for an alternate win with your huge beatstick of Omnath, then when/if they find a way to kill Omnath, then just Throw the mana at Pinnacle.

Posted 08 June 2011 at 18:51 as a comment on Helix Pinnacle


Vampire Hexmage.

Posted 07 June 2011 at 17:23 as a comment on etched monstrosity and black


Okay tweeked for souly Koth and Ramp.

Posted 02 June 2011 at 17:18 in reply to #168143 on Red Ramp Walkers Win


Aw Poooop, now there's a monkey wrench in the works.

Posted 02 June 2011 at 17:12 as a comment on Red Ramp Walkers Win


Thinking of dropping 1 each of the Proliferate spells and upping Karn and Koth to 4 of's

Posted 02 June 2011 at 16:36 as a comment on Red Ramp Walkers Win


Maybe add in Grim Affliction? Gives something -2/-2 and proliferates up your artifacts and Karn.

Posted 02 June 2011 at 15:40 as a comment on Karn's Eldrazi


Personally I'd drop 2 quests for Shrineof burning Rage. Shrine gets huge super quick in a goblin deck because you cast so many spells early. Can easily be used to clear the way for your army or to burn them down for the last 5 or so damage.

Mind looking at my deck?

Posted 02 June 2011 at 15:13 as a comment on Pacy Gobos


Thanks for the suggestion, I looked at your deck.

Posted 02 June 2011 at 15:06 as a comment on Liquimetal Twins


Which all those creatures + manaramp you'll be dropping alot of creatures per turn. I would totally put Lead the Stampede main deck to give you uber draw/refill hand ability. You'll likely be drawing at least 3,4, or 5 cards off of it.

In my opinion Stampede is already a really good end game, you might not need 4x of asension maindeck, maybe drop it to 2? or sideboard them all.

Hope that helped!

Posted 02 June 2011 at 14:58 as a comment on Overwhelming Win!


Add 4x inkmoth nexus, being able to equip it for 0 will give you a great alternate win condition.

Posted 25 May 2011 at 14:03 as a comment on Puresteel Paladin


Looks pretty good. Maybe squeeze in 2x Viral Drake's they are very nice and have both things your looking for, infect and proflierate. Also I'd add 4x Tezzeret's gambit. Draw is always good, and 3 mana + 2 life is a small price for 2 cards and prolif.

Posted 25 May 2011 at 13:56 as a comment on Standard 1 counter, proliferate


Corrupted Conscience

Sideboard could be Pistus Strike or Relic Putrescence

I'd add in maybe something else that can be proliferated then, to help you survive. The poison proliferate route is slow. Tumble Magnets are good, or even something for an alternate win like Shrine of Burning Rage... Lux Cannon for some removal...

Posted 23 May 2011 at 13:31 as a comment on Creatureless Infect


Since your not keeping it standard, you definately should get Might of Oaks in here. That kinda instant speed pump with your unblockable creatures is way too fun!

Posted 23 May 2011 at 12:08 as a comment on Psycho Infect


Yeah but your totally relying on Virulent Wound to get your first poison counter... that's not very good odds. Decimater Web isn't active til turn 5 which is when you'd be able to cast caress or conscience anyway...

I'd add in maybe something else that can be proliferated then, to help you survive. The poison proliferate route is slow. Tumble Magnets could be good, or even something for an alternate win like Shine of Burning Rage... Even Grindclock to go with the mill from Web, or Lux Cannon for some removal...

But its just my opinion.

Posted 13 May 2011 at 15:16 as a comment on Creatureless Poison


Yeah just looked up the rulings, you can't 'pay' for life if you don't have any.

Posted 12 May 2011 at 15:29 as a comment on Infinate Damage


Caress of Phyrexia, Corrupted Conscience, Relic Putrescence

Sideboard could be Pistus Strike

Posted 12 May 2011 at 15:19 as a comment on Creatureless Poison


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