
15 Decks, 110 Comments, 11 Reputation

Any Thoughts?

Posted 21 March 2011 at 14:43 as a comment on Level Up / Proliferate


@Steve: Master's Call summons him artifacts...

@FreedomLost: But, I'd say that only gives you 4 cards to gain you an artifact to sac... Why not add in Inkmoth Nexus? This way you have 4 more cards that you'll be able to sacrifice.

Posted 21 March 2011 at 14:41 in reply to #144272 on U/W Shape Anew cont


I'd say this is a very nice deck, the only thing I would wanna change is adding in some Verdant Catacombs to ensure you have the best chance at a turn one Birds.

Posted 21 March 2011 at 10:49 as a comment on Regionals Winning Infect


Definately an interesting combo, I'd try to make it a bit more consistant with opening hands so you don't have to mull down to three cards until you have a Treasure hunt.

I dunno what kinda budget you're looking at but I think this will help alot.

-4 Island
-4 Swamp

+4 Mystical Tutor
+4 Demonic Tutor

But totally your call.

Care to look at my Myr Deck?

Posted 21 March 2011 at 10:45 as a comment on U/B Zombie roll-out


I vote add in Precursor golem in. I know my mill deck always lacks in bodies to help block the aggro decks. You already have twisted images main deck too, target one of your golems and you get to draw 3 cards for 1 mana. Very nice. Also, I'd take a look at Archive Trap, its a extremely solid mill card especially with all the fetch lands people use.

Care to take a look at my Myr deck?

Posted 21 March 2011 at 10:37 as a comment on Hea-vy Mill-er


Contagion Clasp
Inexorable Tide
Throne of Geth

All very good proliferate tools.

I see where the Golden Urn could be useful... but I think 4x Everflowing chalice would be waaay better, proliferating its counter will give you tons of extra mana to cast Inexorable Tide early.

And I see you have the Golem Foundery, maybe think about adding precursor golem and going for the golem/draw engine with Twisted image. 1 blue mana for draw 3+ cards is always lovely.

Care to look at my Myr Deck?

Posted 21 March 2011 at 10:30 as a comment on Mono Blue T2 Proliferate


I'm thinking of Dropping the Birds for Worldly Tutors, what do you think?

Posted 21 March 2011 at 10:16 as a comment on Helix Myrs


Hmm if the problem lies in drawing your Forgemaster utilities maybe add in See Beyond?

Lets your draw 2 and then shuffle back in a Blightsteel or whatever.

Posted 21 March 2011 at 09:14 as a comment on Tezzeret, the Forgemaster


Great start. But you need some sort of disruption other than grasp and inquisiton, I feel like you should:

-3 Black Sun's Zenith
-1 Blightsteel Colossus

+2 Mana leak
+1 Spell Pierce
+1 Mindslaver

Should help you stall out better til Forgemaster can go off. And Adding a new target of Mindslaver really help if your up against Valakut or some Boros

Posted 21 March 2011 at 07:52 as a comment on Tezzeret, the Forgemaster


Yeah I was trying to think of a decent replacement... but I dunno, I like it and I don't. Shimmer Myr is a fun card, Flashing in Battlesphere would be hillarious. 2 Iron Myr's could also be a good option, giving you a little extra ramp to get to your win faster...

Or you can go a different route and just add some Splinter Twins. Splinter twin is a beast in a myr deck, make a copy of battle sphere, or propigater and go to town.

Posted 15 March 2011 at 08:01 as a comment on B/R Myr Deck


I see little reason to run Akoum Refuges... 4x of Dragonskull Summit would be much faster, or at least Lavaclaw Reaches for some extra damage.

I'd also chuck in the Red Zenith incase you get your infinite mana combo goin. Gotta love fireball to the face for a billion.

I'd also...
-1 Go for the Throat
-1 Grasp of Darkness
-4 Smother

+3 Doom Blade
+3 Arc Trail

Doom Blade can hit the artifacts GFTT can't, and Arc trail will usually be able to kill anything smother was going too, and gives you the possibility for a 2 for 1.

That's my 2cents.

Posted 15 March 2011 at 07:29 as a comment on B/R Myr Deck


I'm pretty sure that's the only two ways I can get my oppenent to cast Selective memery. If you know any others, I'd be happy to hear them!

Posted 11 March 2011 at 13:01 as a comment on Crazy Pills


I have a similar deck to this.

Take a look maybe it will give you some ideas.

Posted 11 March 2011 at 09:06 as a comment on Infected in 1-2-3


-1 Sword of Body and Mind
-1 Sword of Feast and Famine
-2 Sun Titan
-2 Cancel

+2 Stoneforge Mystic
+2 Gideon Jura
+2 Stotic Rebutals

Posted 10 March 2011 at 12:54 as a comment on U/W CAW Blade


Trying to keep it standard? If not, I think Might of Oak's might be cool. Instant speed buffs are very fun with infect.

Posted 10 March 2011 at 10:44 as a comment on Gigantiform Infect.


8 Searing Blazes... gotta fix that. Maybe main deck the kiln fiends so you have a few more bodies to help defend if the game goes longer then 4-5 turns.

Posted 10 March 2011 at 08:35 as a comment on Aggro Red Burn Deck


This deck is very awesome! The ramp is really nice and you can easily drop a huge creature fairly quick. Maybe to keep with the Emeria theme, throw in an Iona. She's just nasty when she hits the field, also Elspeth Tirel might be a good addition, you'll be getting back creatures often so the life gain from her +2 ability will be nice. Being able to put a few soldiers on the field is always good. And she's got another Wrath to help clear the way when you've got Sky ruin online.

Posted 04 March 2011 at 13:57 as a comment on Emeria Ramp (valakut alternative)


Expedition Map

Posted 19 October 2010 at 11:56 as a comment on Infinite Landfall


Pretty sweet, you should add in some Spawnsire of Ulamog. They also combo great with Training grounds. 2 training grounds + Spawnsire of Ulamog = infinite mana and infinite tokens. Plus his 20 mana ability is way too fun in a multiplayer game lol

Posted 07 October 2010 at 09:04 as a comment on GREAT Balls Of Fire


Yeah, so I'm thinking Vector Asp, a nice 1 drop which this deck could take advantage of, and then another early creature I don't need to worry about needing Tainted Strike to make use. But Ichor Rat seems great too... Hmmm

Posted 07 October 2010 at 07:40 as a comment on Infected Fiends


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