
8 Decks, 75 Comments, 3 Reputation

It would take out the humans, overseer would be fine =]

Posted 30 November 2011 at 21:00 in reply to #218067 on It feels good to be human G/W


I can't attach SoBaM to illusions, which the deck is based on, and it's not a mill deck lol. I should be safe w.o lord of the unreal, most decks other than rdw and delver don't run a ton of creature targeting spells, so I don't have to pull him. I'm thinking about getting more card draw, but idk what to sub uut =/, thx for the crits though!

Posted 30 November 2011 at 05:18 in reply to #217967 on Image of the Invisible


It can, but it's not terrible if it happens. I don't play every creature in hand. If I'm playing every creature I can then it's because there's some sort of stalemate, then we would probably lose similar numbers

Posted 27 November 2011 at 03:33 in reply to #217227 on It feels good to be human G/W


The thing is, but is that's its humans not Wolfs. I don't really want mayor to transform except for in special situations, I got body and mind in sb against decks running illusions, snapcasters or just blue heavy. But thanks for the input and for the comment on me explaining, I like people to know the method behind the madness.

Posted 26 November 2011 at 05:59 in reply to #217046 on It feels good to be human G/W


I appreciate the complement :D. Even though I havnt been playing it, it was quite the powerhouse at my local fnm when I did play it.

Posted 26 November 2011 at 03:34 in reply to #216951 on [Infect] Phyrexian Onslaught


Why take out a dual land for that? I run no double forest cards so all I need is one, and running 4 of a card gives a much higher chance to pull it in the opening hand...

Posted 25 November 2011 at 23:37 in reply to #216969 on It feels good to be human G/W


I'm going to add destiny

Posted 25 November 2011 at 17:15 in reply to #216940 on It feels good to be human G/W


There is no turn 4 gap, there are still creatures 4- mana that can be played. I'm actually thinking about thrun against control, as sideboard, ntop of the abolishers, it would be sick.

Posted 24 November 2011 at 07:12 in reply to #216676 on It feels good to be human G/W


Im prolly gonna drop the titans for destiny's, becaus when i think back, he rarely gets casted, gideon on th eother hand has helped me out a ton. I like gavony as an option and having 2 doesnt hurt my mana at all. How is doomed better than parish? its a 1/1 body potantially a little higher with tribal buffs, then a spirit that doesnt gain anything from humans, but it can fly. I think parish is an awesome card.

Posted 24 November 2011 at 07:11 in reply to #216707 on It feels good to be human G/W


cant doom blade a hexproof indestructible angel, and there will be a human on the field for her to interract with, Sun titan has been a lifesaver after a board wipe. and I have sideboard if i need it for permanent hate (other than well instants, but enchantments and artifacts get wrecked if i need to sideboard). Meek is well, meh, but I like him better than a bellringer, card draw is a card advantage no matter how ya look at it, and draw 1 card for 1 is pretty nice (ponder is totally better, but once its used its done unless its snapcasted or something, i can keep using mentor and hes not a huge threat so most people dont even try to deal with him). Haha yea, finally on here, my u/w deck is close, id love some crits on that.

Posted 23 November 2011 at 08:03 in reply to #216538 on It feels good to be human G/W


Ah the mono white deck im looking foorward to making. Well its mono white, but i have a few changes opposed to yours. drop bonds of faith, the single blade splicer (Unless your playing tutors, reanimator or soome kind of draw, 1 ofs are almost dead, rule of thumb for me is if its good enough for your deck its good enough to put atleast 2 of), drop 2 wap, 4 parish, 1 fiend hunter, 1 elite inquisitor and add 4 doomed travelers (its a 1/1 body that can block and becomes a flyer, gains from honor of the pure and can carry a sword nicely), add 2 faf to main board (its awesome to have options other than the wap), add 3 angelic destiny (I cannot even begin to say how ridiculious this card is on anything, and the grand abolishers main board complement it), add 2 gideon jura (he is an amazing card, pretty much give you extra life and if your at a dead lock with your opponent, it forces them to open of gives you the chance to block and kill what you want, or a 6/6 smacker). Now for the sideboard drop the faf and put the two main like stated b4, add 2 boody and mind(even though nobody really throws out fat blue creatures, it's nice to not let them stop your damage with chump blocks), take out bonds and celestial purge (better options), add in 4x divine offering (an instant that can kill any artifact for 2 and heal for the mana cost is great, and if your just hitting a inkmoth, it was definantly worth it, people doom blade those things for 2 all the time) and drop 1 splicer for 2 revoke existance (oh damn, wurmcoil, exile suka, trust me youll feel the joy). Thats about all i got and im pretty sure the drops and adds are even =D
IF you or anybody else commenting whats to give some advice on my G/W humans please do or go to my profile and take a look at my u/w invisiblade deck, so far its running really well!

Posted 23 November 2011 at 07:35 as a comment on 4 - 0 HUMANS


I feel like there could be better options than elder, I never really liked him. Id up the wardrivers to 4 and something else up. With even rwo battle crys hes 3 damage for 3 with no other options. My favorite thing about this kind of deck (like K-red b4 rotation) is that you almost always pull an awesome hand.

Posted 23 November 2011 at 07:15 as a comment on It's over already? (FAST standard red deck)


K-red goblins with ornathopter, bushwacker and guide?

Posted 23 November 2011 at 07:11 in reply to #216309 on It's over already? (FAST standard red deck)


I agree here, she is much better. They sack and you grab, cant be much better than that? And even if it's a mirror match she just does work on w.e they reanimate. I would love some suggestions on my G/W Humans deck, if anybody has any!

Posted 23 November 2011 at 07:07 in reply to #216506 on Riposare in Pace


So I ran this deck against a few friends and it is ridiculous. Very fast and my opponent can't do anything to most of my creatures. Unblockible invisible stalker with blades hurts, or angelic destiny geist. So much fun

Posted 22 November 2011 at 07:10 as a comment on U/W Invisiblade!!! =3


Land has never been a problem with this deck and parish is ridiculous turn 2 3 damage parish because of a mayor or with the pilgrims turn 2 crusader. By the time I get a titan to play or overseer the lands are there. Blade splicer seems alright, but it's slower in most situations for me than a parish, but thanks for tha ideas!

Posted 22 November 2011 at 07:00 in reply to #216298 on It feels good to be human G/W


I might run devils play for a bomb if needed, but I'm not sure yet

Posted 21 November 2011 at 19:11 in reply to #216168 on U/R Delver Delivers Tha Pain!


It looks nice but it's atleast gonna cost me 5 mana to flash back anything, seems too expensive

Posted 21 November 2011 at 18:36 in reply to #216168 on U/R Delver Delivers Tha Pain!


I changed my G/W deck quite a bit, any input on the changes would be great and thx for the 1up =D

Posted 21 November 2011 at 08:38 as a comment on U/R Delver Delivers Tha Pain!


It's chill, it happens lol

Posted 21 November 2011 at 08:36 in reply to #214864 on It feels good to be human G/W


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