
8 Decks, 75 Comments, 3 Reputation

Appreciate the comment bud. Well for me gideon is a life saver. I don't think I've had the chance or need to make him a creature. If I'm getting pounded he's potentially 8 life that can make a persons whole field hit him also it forces my opponent open. He's crushes a lot of decks just making them swing at him, slows them down or let's me block their key creatures to kill them. Unfortunately fnm where I play can be pretty competitive, there's a lot of really good players so trip blade probably wouldn't work to well. =(

Posted 16 November 2011 at 04:51 in reply to #214882 on It feels good to be human G/W


Defiantly going to agree here. Titan has much better targets to get back than the magnet in a lot of cases. I'd drop the cores for more basic lands and drop in 2 vensers somehow. Also any comments towards my u/w deck would be OUTSTANDING!

Posted 16 November 2011 at 04:37 in reply to #214839 on I'm shocked I'm doing this again


I agree with the up of o ring. Just want to figure out what I want to take out for it. As for the feast and famine it works much better in play than its being given credit...

Posted 16 November 2011 at 04:08 in reply to #214867 on It feels good to be human G/W


When did untapped land start only work on instant spells?
There are 2 main phases for one thing. If I know my creature will connect I can blow my mana or most of it first main phase then set myself up to play another creature or have the mana to swing all out and drop a bell ringer when my opponent thinks I'm open...

Posted 16 November 2011 at 04:06 in reply to #214864 on It feels good to be human G/W


Grand Abolisher should be sideboard, because elite inquisitor is much stronger main deck. Hmmm, looking at it our decks are quite similar so I can just post my list and ya can ask anything or constructive criticism would be amazing. Imo I think mine would run smoother =3

Posted 16 November 2011 at 03:57 as a comment on Shit your pants on turn 3


Ohh ok, I definitely will. Sadly I won't be attending fnm this week (luckily I already got my promo for this month :)) but my university has a mtg club that meets every Wednesday and I'll finish the deck and play test. My app I make my decks on let's me pull hands and draw cards and the draws have all been good. Thanks for the input! I also put my g/w humans on here so I could show someone running the same concept what I'm working with tips on this deck would be amazing also!

Posted 16 November 2011 at 03:50 in reply to #214823 on U/W Invisiblade!!! =3


I haven't even built it. But I know the way the control decks i've faced run and this would work amazingly. Once I get the last couple of cards for it I will play test

Posted 16 November 2011 at 03:15 in reply to #214823 on U/W Invisiblade!!! =3


Against control i've seen it would do fine, sideboarding in extraction kills control. Extract whatever relevant that hits the graveyard and I get to see the hand and their whole library. Control isn't what it used to be, so I'm not too worried.

Posted 16 November 2011 at 02:31 in reply to #214823 on U/W Invisiblade!!! =3


Np at all thanks for the 1up! =3. I plan on putting my g/w humans deck on here and I'll definitely link you to it and see if you have any advice or questions about why some of the stuff I have in there is there =D

Posted 16 November 2011 at 01:38 in reply to #214801 on U/W Invisiblade!!! =3


That would be in there... If it was standard lool

Posted 15 November 2011 at 18:53 in reply to #207053 on Kill Em With Counters


Was anybody else expecting Liliana as the Plainswalker for this deck before looking at it? lol
Playing around with my new deck, any help would be great

Posted 10 October 2011 at 07:49 as a comment on Liliana's Zombies Horde


I tried to add the proliferates to speed it up... Played a Mirror match with a green/red infect deck that was really fast and really nasty with a version of this that wasn't nearly as good as it is now, imo. I don't have much knowledge about legacy, but I'll take a look.

Posted 10 October 2011 at 07:39 in reply to #205861 on Kill Em With Counters


If Stony silence was played against this deck would it prevent tempered steel's +2 +2?
Check out my new deck Any help is greatly appreciated!!!

Posted 10 October 2011 at 07:35 as a comment on Death Metal


My bud just copied this deck just so he could finally beat me. It didn't work against my Kuldotha red deck, at all. This deck is pretty weak against fast decks or decks with a lot of counters/opponent sacrifice. It's an interesting idea and a good one, but it relies too much on perfect conditions.

Posted 04 June 2011 at 12:04 as a comment on I can't Lose. No Plat Angel


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