
109 Decks, 14 Comments, 1 Reputation

Since you did ask to see if this could be made standard, I hate to tell you that pure life gain just isn’t possible without some support/a Plan B. I’m noticing the whole life gain theme going on, but there isn’t anything protecting you or your field. Now it may be plausible if you throw in another color to help not only with the life gain, but maybe put some pressure on the opponent. Green and Blue have always gone hand in hand with White and Green is right up the alley with life gain. Green also helps with the mana accel. and buffing creatures/having big creatures.

As for the cards you already picked, im going to say just stop using half of them, they’re very dependent on life or dependent on living long enough. Cut the Emancipation Angels, Serra Avatars, 3 Rhox Faithmender, 3 Goldnight Redeemer, 2 Angel of Jubilation, all of the Ajani, 3 of the Elixirs, 3 Chalice of Life, all the Seraph Sanctuaries and the Scrolls.

That doesn’t leave you much of the original deck you have, but it leaves room for cards like: Cathedral sanctifier, Duskdale wurm, deadly recluse, giant growth, Divine Favor, Farseek. Rancor. The list goes on and on.

Don’t stop tinkering with it, some ideas or cards work better than others. The deck has potential for casual play.

Posted 29 September 2012 at 22:11 as a comment on Gain ALL the LIFE


This is a great deck, from what I can see, only thing left is the sideboard. You could start by putting the rest of Doom Blade[x2] and Go for the throat[x1] that way, you can switch up for different threats. Maybe a playset of Tragic Slip, those are insanely good. maybe even some Ghost Quarters just in case, or even a Devil's Play.

Posted 09 February 2012 at 02:24 as a comment on Vampires (with Dark Ascension)


Made a Kiln Fiend Deck myself, on a good hand, games over on turn 3, the blue adds variety to this deck, I prefer mine mono-red, just straightforward threat, only thing is if Kiln Fiend goes down, I've lost my engine. (I see that the blue helps you out in that regard) But I feel Fling harms more than helps, because it gets rid of Kiln Fiend, (even if you would win the game, imo, I like Fiend to stay on the Field.) Still a cool deck though.

Here's the one I made, if your interested.

Posted 09 February 2012 at 02:15 as a comment on Kiln Fiend: Annihilation


Always had this idea myself, have to say this deck seems pretty solid. Only thing that worries me is that you have no 'creature kill' or bounce as in the sense of unsummon, to deal with potential threats, even with your massive army of creatures just making themselves stronger. You could also take out 2 Island and replace them with more card draw, such as Flow of Idea's or even Divination, and could even throw in Reliquary Tower to keep your hand.

Posted 09 February 2012 at 01:58 as a comment on Modular and Proliferate


switch out the 4 mindshrieker for 4 screeching silcaw or any combonation of the two and it's ready to go. everything else is fine.

Posted 16 December 2011 at 14:29 as a comment on Jank Mill for FNM


Since this is mill, I would suggest low CMC mill, like Hedron Crab and Tome Scour, easy mill, also, it would be simplier just to remove Spellbook and keep the Reliquary Towers, they do the same thing, except one produces mana. Another Excelent mill card is Sanity Grinding since this is mono blue.

Tidings is nice, but a Playset without mana ramp is like having 3 wasted card slots because there Sorcery speed, and you have some counters in here, so a good replacement would be Jace's Ingenuity, which is instant speed, but 2 less cards and gives you the advantage of having mana open.

Since you wont have a maximum hand size, you can use cards like or similar to Overbeing of Myth.

However, in my opinion, you have too many cards with a CMC of 3, I think it would be wise to take out some of those cards and put in some creatures, since your lacking in that department. Mind Spring is a good card, but you really only need one of them, same with the Reminsce and possibly Curse of the Bloody tome.

Jin-Gitaxias is a good card, but for extreme late game, and unless you put in some mana accel, I would just take him out and put in another low cost creature.

Posted 13 December 2011 at 07:31 as a comment on Jace Beleren


No Problem.

Posted 13 December 2011 at 07:09 as a comment on Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker


I gotta say, first off there are too many Titans and Prince of thralls, you do not need a playset of each. Second, you have no mana ramp, control, burn or stall cards to help you live long enough to get out these high CMC spells. Endless ranks of the Dead is only nice when you have a substantial amount of zombies in play so you reap the most benefits before they remove it from the board/game, however you seem to be torn between vampires/bats and zombies. My suggestion would be to pick one, and start with that.

For the lands, since what I see is a casual deck, go ahead and put 4 Crumbling Necropolis Lands in there. Also I would suggest 1 or 2 Obelisk of Grixis for mana fixing, perhaps 1 or 2 Sphere of the Suns as well.

I would recommend taking out anything with a CMC higher than 5, save for Nicol Bolas and the Endless ranks of the dead, unless you go down the zombie route(but even then 4 is a bit excessive). and throw in some low cost creatures like Typhoid Rats and creature kill spells like Terminate, Incinerate, Shock, etc.

Posted 13 December 2011 at 04:54 as a comment on Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker


wouldn't the Thrumming Stone and Beacon cause a 'infinite' loop of damage that's more than 20, if your libary is low enough, a iffy suggestion would be to use a card like Splinter with liqidmetal coating on your lands. even though splinter is green, there might be cards similar to it.

Posted 12 October 2011 at 07:48 as a comment on Memory Loop


You do make valid points on everything, and I have to agree with you. Nicol Bolas taken out along with anything else making this a mono color deck would help the mana curve, not to metion make room for cards that would help, maybe with the cards coming out in Innistrad this could get some more power, though instead of Doom blade, I would use Geth's Verdict, same CMC but isn't color oriented, and throw doom blade in the side-board,

Thanks for the suggestions, helped out alot.

Posted 25 September 2011 at 23:47 in reply to #191304 on Liliana theme


Replace the Adder-Staff Boggart with a Goblin Tunnler or Mudbutton Torchrunner, and this will be even more deadly.

Posted 11 August 2011 at 12:06 as a comment on Goblin Tsunami


Like the deck, and I liked the opening hands I had with it, though I don't understand the T. Expanse, you seem to have the whole land thing covered, I'd like to hear the reason behind it. I would replace some of them with a Tezzeret's Gamble or maybe you could throw in a Core Prowler or 2.

Just a thought.

Posted 11 August 2011 at 11:12 as a comment on U/B infect reloaded


The deck itself looks solid, drew a few sample hands but I think I can help you tone down the high CMC, First off since your already running Archon of J. you wouldn't need the Serra Angel in there as well, (though I suppose the Vilgilance would be nice, you could throw it in the sideboard.) Like the board control that you have going on there, but I would replace Arrest with a Enchantment called Journey to Nowhere. Lower CMC, just removes the creature some play (like a creature-based O-ring). The Arrests are nice for stopping activated abilites, but I would have Pacifism and Journ. to Nowhere and sideboard the Arrests as well. As for your comment on the Pegasus stomping them down 2 per turn, You could replace the Benalish Vet. with a card called Signal Pest. It's 1 colorless, and with at least 2 of these out Battle Crying with your Pegasus, you'd be bringing the pain alot faster, it also helps that they can't be blocked except by reach and flying. This will mean you can lower the number of lands your using to 20, making a 60 card deck, which is always nice imo.

Posted 11 August 2011 at 11:00 as a comment on Lockdown


This deck is oringinal. It is also highly expensive, it will never see the light of day

Posted 07 August 2011 at 13:24 as a comment on Land Ahoy!!!
