
68 Decks, 131 Comments, 17 Reputation

Obzedat, ohhhh Obzedat. I was heavily considering it for a quite a while as I was building the deck. I felt like for 5CMC I wanted something to end the game quicker in those grindy matchups. I went with Vraska, Obzedat might be a better choice, but this is also cheaper. We will see! Thanks for the feedback.

Posted 23 April 2014 at 00:41 in reply to #457376 on Junk!


Any suggestions to get rid of Archangel of Thune is especially appreciated. Spending nearly $50 on 2 cards that are on their way out doesn't appeal to me at all. Hard to deny the synergy, though.

Posted 22 April 2014 at 18:36 as a comment on Junk!


Just updated for Journey into Nyx! Wooooo spot removal in Selesnya! #NewDetentionSphere

Posted 19 April 2014 at 08:52 in reply to #450290 on Devotion to Aggro


I like it! The only thing I see that could help is some card draw. The scry definitely helps though. Perhaps a few Chandras in the sideboard? Check out my Standard Boros burn deck if you have a chance.

Posted 18 April 2014 at 01:06 as a comment on R/W Burn Standard


Please provide any feedback if you like it or if I can make it any better.

Posted 15 April 2014 at 17:42 as a comment on Borokens


Good thinking, I should adjust my sideboard for that possibility. Off the top of my head I'm thinking replacing Chimera with Epic Experiment and Ral Zek. Would change the curve, but give me some late-game answers and turn it into a control/burn deck.

The biggest graveyard hate I could think of as a threat was Scavenging Ooze. With it's ability requiring mana, I am content to let them shrink my Chimera at the expense of playing fewer monsters in Jund Monsters :). Honestly I don't think many people are side boarding Rest in Peace right now in my meta. Then again, even if they are playing cards like Rest in Peace and Scavenging Ooze, I have answers in the main and side like Dissolve, Izzet Charm, Nullify, & Cyclonic Rift.

Posted 12 April 2014 at 18:59 in reply to #454899 on Izzet my turn?


Spite of Mogis is definitely making into this deck! Thanks for the feedback. Once JOU is out I can finish building it and do some real testing.

With Chimera you really have to feed the graveyard. Cards like Steam Augury make it seem worth while IMO. More testing is required.

Posted 12 April 2014 at 08:04 in reply to #454899 on Izzet my turn?


Seven is a lot of devotion to build. I made this deck I plan to use when Nyx comes out. I lean on his ability to pressure my opponent and extra card draw. If I hit devotion it's another win condition.

Hopefully more Izzet spoilers to comes!

Posted 10 April 2014 at 09:09 in reply to #453459 on Which God Do You Worship?


Thank you! Take a look at Keranos, I think he's just the right flavor for this deck. Let me know if you think of anything, and feel free to critique any of my other decks.

Posted 09 April 2014 at 06:23 in reply to #454120 on Izzet my turn?


Thanks for the feedback. I need to test it more to see if extra evasion is needed. Right now I can use Dissolve, Izzet Charm, and Dispell to evade spells. Cyclonic Rift, Nullify, Turn // Burn, and it's Flying + Trample to get over the top of creatures.

Keranos is same CMC as Hypersonic Dragon (good placeholder imo). He's Izzet God, requires 7 U/R devotion to become a 6/5 creature. First draw of every turn (reveal card) - if land draw an extra card, if non-land does 3dmg to target player or creature.

Posted 09 April 2014 at 01:39 in reply to #454120 on Izzet my turn?


That's even better!

Posted 07 April 2014 at 23:11 in reply to #453785 on Never gonna play it


Keranos and Kruphix!

Posted 06 April 2014 at 21:16 as a comment on Which God Do You Worship?


This was intended to be so absurdly ridiculous. It's fun to play, I'm sure. It can be beaten by decks with literally a fraction of the value. I just wanted to make a deck with most of the Power 9 and this was the first thing that popped into my head.

Posted 31 March 2014 at 21:48 in reply to #451740 on Never gonna play it


Half of using the Gods is for their other effects, having an instant answer instead of waiting for your turn for the same CMC is quite effective IMO. As for Selesnya Charm, its for flexibility w/ all it does and Desecration Demon. In addition having a split CMC instead of 2-white is much easier in a fast deck. The most effective way for G/W to deal with Stormbreath Dragon/Nightveil Specter is Plummet, as I alluded to before. Since he has an entire sideboard open, he has many options.

Posted 27 March 2014 at 18:32 in reply to #450537 on Selesnya aggro


I think Selesnya Charm takes care of anything big like Desecration Demon. The great thing about unravel the aether over revoke is that it's instant.

Posted 27 March 2014 at 08:05 in reply to #450537 on Selesnya aggro


Looks pretty darn good. Since you don't have a sideboard I have some ideas for you to toss around...
Mistcutter Hydra for control decks, Plummet to deal with Stormbreath Dragon/Nightveil Specter (you only have Ajani's -3 drop to deal with that which isn't consistent), Unravel the Aether to deal with pesky Gods, and even Nylea for trample / game ender. Just some things to consider for the sideboard on match ups.

Check out my Selesnya deck if you have a chance and critique it.

Posted 26 March 2014 at 16:10 as a comment on Selesnya aggro


I think you're right. Perhaps that or Ral Zarek? Steam Augury has great synergy with the Chimera, So I can drop divination for it and put in Ral Zarek for a little flexibility/burn.

Posted 26 March 2014 at 01:13 in reply to #450311 on Izzet my turn?


Updated to deal with Stormbreath Dragon and add a little speed for mana with Courser. Any additional feedback is always appreciated. I destroyed my friend's Mono-Black Aggro deck this weekend, and went 1-2 against Jund Monsters (Couldn't effectively deal with Stormbreath Dragon).

Posted 25 March 2014 at 19:43 as a comment on Devotion to Aggro


I was building this deck while also building another deck and fixing 2 more standard decks, so budget was on my mind. Chromatic Lantern is a "duh", thank you! I should go get a Hero's Downfall and swap it for Doom Blade when I get the chance. As far as Erase and Path to Exile... The friends I play with like to use Gods for generals often, having a one cmc instant response to a Thassa with devotion out is simply good business, having 2 answers?.. even better. Hinder is a good thought, I think I might track one of those down. Whispersilk Cloak is a little iffy for me. Having Shroud eliminates a lot of my synergy possibilities with playing artifacts. All of a sudden I can't pull that card to my hand and back. Thanks for the suggestions, they should really help smooth out my deck!

Posted 19 March 2014 at 14:10 in reply to #448494 on Esperiential Learning


Thanks for the feedback! As far as Charging Badger is concerned, I made this deck as mostly a joke... so with the option of having Charging Badger in ANY deck or not having it... definitely have it. It's too funny of a card. I like Skylashers more than Mistcutter's because they stop Nightveil Specters, Judge's Familiars, and Cloudfin Raptors in their tracks without having to worry. With all of the buffing between Eidelon and Chromanticore, I like having the reach option. I think making room for the Paladins and Lanterns by getting rid of the Badgers will help.

Posted 19 March 2014 at 07:48 in reply to #448410 on Chromance


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