
971 Decks, 1,210 Comments, 22 Reputation

I added in Gratuitous fo the Pandemonium effect. I play 3-5 player free for all, so I can't afford to send all 3 at one person. I'll probably take out one each of Gratuitous, Wound Reflection, and Volcanic Fallout and throw in Lightning Bolt.

Posted 21 October 2009 at 12:55 as a comment on Bury You (Alive or Dead) - props to solburntaco


Yep. Love it. Add in Intruder Alarm (which I'm going to do) and you only need Phage, Altar of Dementia, Endless Whispers, and Callous Oppressor to beat infinite opponents.

And for the record, Phage has a disease very similar to AIDS, but it's so potent, you only need one.
She has AID.

Posted 21 October 2009 at 12:47 as a comment on Phage the Hooker


Merrow Reerjay is also a good idea.

Posted 21 October 2009 at 12:43 as a comment on Merfolk... v2


Never EVER remove Seahunter. I used my Merfolk (blue and white - it's the only way to win) against two counterspell decks and a red aggro deck last Friday, and Seahunter is the only reason I won. Think about it... Unless they can counter an ability, you get just the Merfolk you need for 3 mana (usually less than the actual casting cost). Anyone who hates on Seahunter is an idiot. (Basically, ignore thealextheory)

For Drawing cards, I use Islandwalk and Coastal Piracy. Can't beat it. I would also recommend Sygg, River Cutthroat or Cold-Eyed Selkie.

Posted 21 October 2009 at 12:42 as a comment on Merfolk... v2


Yup. It could work in single player. All you would have to do is add in some chump blockers and a lot of counterspells.

Posted 20 October 2009 at 21:25 as a comment on Phage the Hooker


Adding some of the Leylines would be cool. Leyline of Singularity, for instance.

Posted 20 October 2009 at 21:19 as a comment on end of days


I had to thank you for that Laquatus idea. I'm going to build a deck (right now) around it for 5 3+ player free for all.

Posted 20 October 2009 at 20:14 as a comment on Land Baron (Creatureless)


You, sir, are a genius.

Posted 20 October 2009 at 20:13 as a comment on Laquatus's Champion will eat you.


I also must ask where your win condition is.

Posted 20 October 2009 at 17:58 as a comment on The standard deck i hope to be competing with (help needed)


I've bever really played a tournament, and I'm certaily not familiar with this type of deck. The only advice I can give is to include as many copies of each card as possible, especially in competitive play. One card out of 60 isn't going to come up often, so why not make room for what you know you'll use?

Posted 20 October 2009 at 17:57 as a comment on The standard deck i hope to be competing with (help needed)


And Overrun/Kamahl

Posted 19 October 2009 at 22:18 as a comment on To Many Squirrels


Druid's Call and Llanowar Elves would also be safe bets.

Posted 19 October 2009 at 22:18 as a comment on To Many Squirrels


You don't need Fervor. You can tap a creature to pay for another permanent's ability the turn it comes in. I would recommend adding other ways to get Squirrels in, such as Nut Collector, Deranged Hermit, etc. If you're dead set on having red in the deck, replace Fervor with Pandemonium.

Posted 19 October 2009 at 22:17 as a comment on To Many Squirrels


It's pretty fun just to bang around after a long night of drinking. It's one of those decks you can just point at the enemy and let it off its leash.

Posted 19 October 2009 at 21:40 as a comment on Giant Headache


Made a G/U version.

Posted 19 October 2009 at 00:56 as a comment on Seedborn Shooters


One of my friends has an upwelling deck, and I'm always made fun of for not exploiting it. Everyone always makes sure they tap all of their lands.

Posted 19 October 2009 at 00:45 as a comment on Tricky Upwelling


our basement*

Posted 18 October 2009 at 18:37 as a comment on Tricky Upwelling


My friends and I play Magic in out basement. We never play the legend rule, and I know for a fact we're gonna keep mana burn.

Posted 18 October 2009 at 18:36 as a comment on Tricky Upwelling


I could drop red, seeing as how many blue shooters there are. Might even be a good idea, seeing as how Gratuitous Violence always makes me the target.

Posted 18 October 2009 at 18:13 as a comment on Seedborn Shooters


You gave me just the inspiration I needed. I went with Aeon Chronicler for a chump blocker... Whoops.

Posted 16 October 2009 at 19:49 as a comment on Infinite Damage/Draw


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