
255 Decks, 238 Comments, 18 Reputation

Yeah, i dropped the prisms for 3 preordains, it will get me the right mana, or a better 0 drop, and will help me to pull out my bigger kill cards like tezz and ajani... better choice imo.

and i dropped the voltaic keys for 3 inquisition of kozileks... It's great to get rid of any counters they may have around t2 or t3 when i have a free mana, and other than that, it can really slow them down, giving me the upper hand.

Posted 23 February 2011 at 10:46 in reply to #133172 on t2 Tezz aggro?


I'd look into hada freeblade and kazandu blademaster...

hada enters for 1 mana as a 1/2, then is boosted by +1/+1 counters every time another hada or kazandu enters

kazandu enters for 2 mana as a 2/2 first strike vig, then is boosted by +1/+1 counters every time another hada or kazandu enters...

2 mana for a 2/2 first strike vig!!! jesus man... I don't see how that could be passed up...

Also, I'd look into "brave the elements."
1 white mana = pro chosen color for the turn, making all your pewpew creatures unblockable if they're playing a mono deck...

and have you looked into playing 1 or 2 ajani goldmane? +1/+1 counters and vig for 4 turns in a row on all creatures... that's always fun. :) 4 mana is rough, but it'll get you there if you empty your hand by turn 4 or 5, which you probably will have. ><

Posted 22 February 2011 at 22:33 as a comment on My Original Soldier deck


fumespitter... weak???

are you kidding? that's a block and -1/-1...

I mean... the deck as people have made it out to "good" with suggestions is weak. Honestly. It can't compete b/c it's too slow, the mana is all wrong for early game, and you don't have HALF the mana ramp and/or counters and/or removal to support that kind of mana ramp...

As for anyone telling you to take out silence, I say they need to play test a white control.

I play 3 white decks, Blue / Black infect, white weenies, and green / white allies... I play silence in all of them...

The beginning of their upkeep you silence. It slows them down and ENTIRE turn. Which, if you've played magic, is a very long time... Not to mention if you're playing the tezz deck, you play one mana to push back their slow deck even futher... The card is hugely versatile, and I have never, EVER, been upset to have one in my hand. Playing it t1 isn't a super great idea unless you're playing against goblins, t2 isn't miserable, t3 is probably the peak, t4 is great against certain decks, and if you have in your hand on t5 or later, and haven't used it, you've either top decks it, giving all your spells anti-counters, you waste one of their counters countering it, or you play it on their upkeep and stop their big monsters from coming on the field...
It is probably the single best 1 mana white card in standard right now... And with you're mana ramp as it is right now, you're going to need all the stall you can get.

Posted 22 February 2011 at 22:28 as a comment on B/W control aspiring tournament quality


Yeah... It definatly does to me too. Though there has been a few times when I had all the mana I needed, but not the right type. So a mana filter + draw isn't horrible for 2... I'm just a little meh about what i'll replace it with... I'm thinking duress maybe?
I wouldn't mind preordains either tbh.. I basically always end up clearing my hand completely and having all the mana I need by turn 4 or 5.

Posted 22 February 2011 at 22:07 in reply to #133172 on t2 Tezz aggro?


Inquisition of Kosilek could definatly be really good in this deck. Without a doubt.

As for ink moth, I have basically no reason to run it. I have enough flying / overhead damage that poison counters would slow me down b/c of the mana i'd have to spend to use inkmoth.

Against burn decks like that, That's why I have counters in my sideboard. I'm thinking about sideboarding complete counters though, instead of using black removal.

Posted 22 February 2011 at 15:24 in reply to #132950 on t2 Tezz aggro?


i dropped to 3 tezzes, dropped the 3 mana cost 1/1 that has fetch land on it, and added 3 ajani, and i also dropped a prism.
also, i went up to 3 memnites, and 4 ornithopters. :)

I realized how good ajani is in this deck b/c it lets me defend tezz / ajani b/c of vig. which is brutal. :o

t1 = plains, mox opal, memnite, signal pest, signal pest.
t2 = steel overseer, island (don't use mana here b/c i'd empty my hand).
swing overhead for 1 + 2 + 1 = 4
t3 = swamp, ajani. use ajani's -1 ability to give all the creatures +1/+1 counters, and vig. then tap steel overseer. This gives me a 2/3 signal pest, a 2/4 ornithopter, and another 2/3 signal pest.
swing overhead for 3 + 4 + 3 = 10, also. they have vig, so I can defend ajani if need be.
t4 = tezz. use ajani's -1 ability to give all artifact creatures +1 / +1 and vig. then. use tezz's -1 ability to make a signal pest a 5/5. then tap steel overseer. this gives me a 9/9 signal pest, a 4/6 ornithopter, and a 4/5 signal pest
swing overhead for 10 + 6 + 5 = 21.

that being my best hand, with no interuptions. At least I think it is... b/c of the defense I can then offer for ajani and tezz. I could also draw tempered steels, or more steel overseers, maybe even another memnite or ornithopter.

Ajani was, all in all, a godly addition to this deck. :)

And, that being what I think is my perfect draw,

Posted 21 February 2011 at 17:47 as a comment on t2 Tezz aggro?


firstly, the deck has no creatures, relatively speaking. 16 in a 60 card deck?
like um what?

secondly, revoke is 100% side board.

maybe also give it more "answers"

burn isn't always an answer to an opponet, and relying on it until you get all your allies out is just a bad idea, as you only have 16 of them.

Posted 20 February 2011 at 18:54 as a comment on Red/White Ally deck


Tezz is there to aid in boosting the P/T of my artifact creatures even further. Not to mention the +1/+1 counters that are on an artifact, if used on tezz with transfer over.
if they use burn on me tezz will help protect a creature, and if it's a stale-mate then tezz's +1 or -4 ability gives me game. :)

Posted 20 February 2011 at 10:11 in reply to #131684 on t2 Tezz aggro?


Thanks a lot! I really appreciate it! :D

Posted 20 February 2011 at 00:08 in reply to #131598 on t2 Tezz aggro?


trade "like" for "like?"

Posted 19 February 2011 at 23:24 as a comment on Green Machine


trade "like" for "like?"

Posted 19 February 2011 at 23:23 as a comment on Stompaholic


signal pest with tezz's -1 is god tier along with the steel overseers, it's hard to pass up. not to mention signal pest with etched champion against a non-artifact creature.

Posted 19 February 2011 at 23:12 as a comment on t2 Tezz aggro?


As for the holy strengths, I'm actually amazingly surprised at how useful it is! drop it on a kazandu blademaster and it'll me a 3/4 vig first strike... without even playing one of the hada freeblades or another kazandu. and that's a 3 mana 3/4 vig first strike.

in the sideboard, I'm definatly looking into journey to nowhere, and emerge unscathed. However, for some reason, I'm retarded and completely forgot about "brave the elements"

also, silence will be in my sideboard as well. in case anyone was wondering...

The hada freeblades are definatly not the best card in the deck, but as a 1/2 1 mana cost, that is bumped up every time i play another one or a kazandu, it seems to work fairly well, if nothing else for early block and for late game bitch blocking...

I will defiantly be making the deck though, and expect updates on this soon. :)

Posted 14 February 2011 at 06:52 as a comment on white power!


although I like battlecry, a friend of mine has basically this exact same deck...

battle cry just doesn't make up for the lack of equips. outfitter + feast and famine / agentum armor / body and mind... it's insane. You just can't touch it. you'd have to have 3 battle cries out to make it an even trade off, and having that many battle cries (espeically the expensives you chose) slows down the deck too much...

on the flip side, running the cheap battle cries may work, but i haven't seen / tried it.

also, trade like for like?

Posted 13 February 2011 at 22:53 as a comment on Boros Experiment


check out my deck?

Posted 29 January 2011 at 16:26 as a comment on Stop advertising your deck by giving bs +1


though I like it, being a 4 color and not having much ability to search for a specific land leads the ally deck here to be even slower than most allies.
I also think that bojuka bog seems like a sideboard card, and that the high mana cost curve here means that w/out land searches, you'll need more than 20 lands.

I would try to narrow an ally deck to 3 or less, preferably less. I know mine is 3 colored, but all the green mana / land providing cards I added balance out it being 3 colored.

have you played with the deck at all? if so, how'd it go?

Posted 12 January 2011 at 18:31 as a comment on Allies Deck


you have no idea how happy I am that you resisted the urge to use proliferate. it blows.

a few comments
1.) those are the exact blues spells I would use, besides maybe I would add a "twisted image," but i'm not sure about that. it would depend on what i would replace the cards I don't like in here with.
2.) i'm basically 100% sure I would not use wall of frost.
3.) do you think that, with the other large amount of other infects and the high manacost to toughness ratio, that you really need corpse cur at all?
4.) you really don't have many "buffs" at all, and though It is nice to have lots of counters, you cannot use them all the time. would it not make sense to at least add a vault skyward or so, then use your praetors or something to defend with? that way you can counter their spell that kills your monster, instead of their spell that puts a monster on the field, and you can still go over them w/ flying?

all in all, I love love LOVE this deck. I make lots of infect decks, I've run U/W, U/Blue, mono Blk, mono Grn, Blk/Grn, Blk/blu proliferate, Blk/blu control, Grn/blu proliferate, U/Grn buffs, U/W/Blu control, mono artifact, and one or two others.
I have actually run all of those, not just made them on here. actually, most of those I haven't made on here, I've just used them.

Regardless, basically. I really really like this deck, it will work well as is, though I might change around the land, and make a few minor adjustments. Overall though, I'm a huge fan. :)

Posted 14 December 2010 at 20:23 as a comment on Blue/Black Infect


i'm not fond of 4x corpse cur, or wall of omens. leyline isn't my fav either. mighty leap isn't near as good as armored, and is probably just wasting space compared to whispersilk and hyena umbra.

i debated journey quite a bit in my white infect, eventually through playtesting i realized that by the time someone had a card on worth using it on, i needed the mana for other reasons.

i don't run hyena umbra, but i might throw it in. also, you really think you need 23 land? if you didn't run true conviction, which i wouldnt, and did run 4x corpse cur, you could easily move the land to 21, and have a lot of space for more cards.

look into infiltration lens and explorer's scope. I end up winning by pumping up one or two infects as quickly as possible, by turn 5 or so. thusly, having card advantage is nice.

Posted 11 December 2010 at 16:11 as a comment on Whitey Infect


i'd add some quicksand, it's not an artifact, i know, but the small amount of control / removal is nice. :)

Posted 10 December 2010 at 10:50 as a comment on To Affinity and Beyond!


i am under the very firm belief that if any card is worth having, it is worth having at least 2 of. If you don't, your deck loses focus, and lacks drive.
when i go about making a deck i want to play, i try for a balance between fun and ability to win. But the process starts like this for me...

1. figure out what you want the FOCUS. if you decide to choose to focus on 2 things, make sure they have synergy.
2. figure out what a side focus that is fun and complicates the deck, this can be buffing, control, card advantage, removal, etc... make sure this compliments your focus.
3. figure out, AFTER step one and two, what turn you want to win by. be realistic.
4. distribute and search for cards that fill the bill
5. decide based on that, what is the very best thing you can play turn 1, then the very best play turn 2, etc etc, until you reach 3 turns after the turn you want to win by.
6. distribute cards, making sure that you have at least 2 of every card (a few exceptions, such as searching for cards in your library). try to have no more than 5 cards that you only have 2 of. if you do have that many cards, you're deck will loose focus.
7. figure out how much mana you want, and what kind of mana. having mana that compliments your deck. if you're running black/red, dragonskull summit. for an artifact deck that has little control, quicksand is a good card.
8. review your deck. is it focused? is its mana curve realistic? does your land work WITH your deck? what are your weaknesses?
9. after reviewing, figure out how to combat those weaknesses. sometimes it may seem like it takes away from the focus of the deck. that's a personal choice. though, sometimes, a little control is a good thing
10. draw 10 sample hands, what did you think of them? play 10 games, against different styles of decks. what did you think? if you didn't have fun, got owned, or things just seemed WRONG, make minor adjustments.

from what it seems...
you have nothing to play turn 1, turn 2 is weak, turn 3 is decent, turn 4 is okay, turn 5 is good, turn 6 is good, turn 7 is good, and it just stays good from then on. there is no point where it is GREAT.
your deck lacks focus
you have too many different cards, not too many cards...
your land is too, literally, basic. (if you have nothing to play turn 1, why not add 4 oran-riefs in?)
your deck lacks synergy. deathtouch and infect don't work well together...

all that being said, don't listen to a word i say. i play how i like to play, and you play like you like to. if you think the decks is fun, worth having, and you have a reason for making it, blow off everything i said. MTG is a game, so play it however you want. :D good luck, and im sure you'll do great, and have a blast! :)

Posted 10 December 2010 at 10:43 as a comment on Lingering Touch


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