
43 Decks, 276 Comments, 59 Reputation

I hadn't thought of Orb for this deck, but it seems obviously good now.

"Through ragged veins, a card that you should seriously consider!
(Turn 1, dark ritual and wall of blood. turn two, pass, and when they attack put ragged veins on their attacker and pump!) "
^^ That's a face I want to see; I hope you've had exactly that happen.

Thanks for the great pointers (always welcome). I did some well needed surgery, I'm really liking it (esp. the prices on most of the cards you mentioned). Thanks a lot!

Posted 12 August 2013 at 20:00 in reply to #388253 on Legacy: Blood Fling B/R


Good call, it works out well.

Posted 12 August 2013 at 19:39 in reply to #388251 on Mono Black: Turn 1or3 Win $13


For sure! 1 or 2 well places counters could completely wreck the plan, but that's true with a lot of decks.

Posted 12 August 2013 at 19:36 in reply to #388082 on Yes, your Holiness


Without Near-Death Experience, the only win condition left is Luminarch Ascensionx3. Stalling out but having nothing isn't going to win too many matches :(

Posted 12 August 2013 at 01:27 in reply to #388158 on Yes, your Holiness


Yeah this is looking a lot cleaner and more manageable for you, nice editing.

Posted 11 August 2013 at 23:00 in reply to #388113 on human zombie tokens


Yessir (or ma'am? idk), I'm considering it on the non budget edition I'm working on. It's a great safety net!

Posted 11 August 2013 at 21:55 in reply to #388112 on Near-Death/Wall of Blood $17


I think you could benifit from focusing hard on managing your tokens, as opposed to boosting them. Also you're running heaviest on white - I'd run with that idea even more, maybe reduce it to 3 colors to save some bucks o your land (completely up to you).

Here are some cards to check out:
Aura Mutation (I know they are sap.s, but its some nice removal and in the direction you're headed)
Hour of Reckoning
Emeria Angel
Hero of Bladehold (little costly though)
Twilight Drover & Geist-Honored Monk
Voice of Resurgence (if you're rolling in the dough) / Wayfaring Temple

I'll give some more thoughts, I just want to hear from you before I get carried away; I hope this helps :P

Posted 11 August 2013 at 21:54 as a comment on human zombie tokens


That's true; it's a great creature choice to prevent a hilarious and embarrassing Shock loss!

The deck we worked out for Wall of Blood / Near Death Experience (for $17) is here:

Posted 11 August 2013 at 21:24 in reply to #388101 on Mono Black: Turn 1or3 Win $13


I only play this deck casual under Legacy rules; I'm not worried about keeping it moder. I do like the card choices you offered though - esp. predator. I love Invigorate too much to kick it out :(. It serves as 0 mana for 4 counters, because I only play it on unblocked and it's generally the last booster I save (and it stacks with Mutagenic Growth well). I generally assume I will lose with this deck if I do not finish by the fourth round (got 2 second turn wins from the 8ish matches I've done with it so far).

That being said, I'm loving the Inkmoth idea, and you saying you've had it work out against you in incuraging! I have a first draft of how I would play a deck like that (it's very rough right now). Let me know what you think.


Posted 11 August 2013 at 21:01 in reply to #388088 on Fast Green Infect <$20


I had thought about it; it's really great in terms of difficulty of removal and flying. My only hesitation is that there isn’t a lot I can do with colorless mana. I think it could work incredibly well in an infect deck, but mine is so heavy in green mana req. atm. I think I’ll work on one with Inkmoth and link it here, I’d like your thoughts on that one once it’s done. Thanks for your input.

Posted 11 August 2013 at 20:29 in reply to #388088 on Fast Green Infect <$20


Good call on the sideboard. It's an investment, but it would really help vs. mono and 2-colored decks.

Posted 11 August 2013 at 19:22 in reply to #388082 on Yes, your Holiness


Pestilence is the right idea, but in this case the mana cost to activate it gets in the way. But it is a fun card!

Posted 11 August 2013 at 19:03 in reply to #387991 on Mono Black: Turn 1or3 Win $13


Yeah lol. That's a forfit moment. Wouldn't be surprised to see it, esp. with all the mill decks going right now.

Posted 10 August 2013 at 23:11 in reply to #387894 on Mono Black: Turn 1or3 Win $13


Of course, I'm happy to help!

Unrelated, if you wanted to mix it up and not spend much money, building a mono green deck can be a good choice for budget/versatility/ease of play. Cards like Fog, Giant Growth, or Naturalize give you a nice comfort in a casual deck. And it would play much different than red/balck :P

Posted 10 August 2013 at 22:11 in reply to #387836 on First Deck


Yeah, that's the catch. There is a large number of one drops that could be in almost any deck that really hurt my plans, but that's how it goes in a cheap combo heavy deck, right? Lightning bolt, Exile, Vapor Snag, a counter Bump in the Night could come from anyone and end it quickly. I'm ok with that though, you get what you pay for, right?

Posted 10 August 2013 at 21:06 in reply to #387894 on Mono Black: Turn 1or3 Win $13


Blightning, Dash Hopes, and Terminate aren't too costly; they seem like the kind of cards that could be your style.

Having creature costs from 3-5 can be hard when starting out, but if you try to offset them with 1-3 mana cards that hinder or prevent you opponent, it can work out well.

Lastly, Cryptborn Horror is a R/B creature that is fun (and only $0.25 each / a buck for 4). Drop it after a good attack and you could have a finishing creature.

Posted 10 August 2013 at 08:57 as a comment on First Deck


Do you mean taking out Apostle's Blessing and placing Dash Hopes in its place? They could chose to take the five life when removing Wall of Blood, and the life advantage wouldn't be an issue for my opponent with my wall removed :(

I had Dash Hopes in originally, but removed it so I could have both Rite of Consumption and Essence Harvest.

Posted 10 August 2013 at 06:43 in reply to #387806 on Mono Black: Turn 1or3 Win $13


You can pump it up as much as you want that way, the only thing about Angel's is x4 = $10.

I did a related deck just now, $17 edition. W/B/R:

Posted 09 August 2013 at 21:54 in reply to #387736 on Mono Black: Turn 1or3 Win $13


Way better than the Mono White one I did, great work! I'll have to fix mine up.

Posted 09 August 2013 at 21:52 as a comment on Yes, your Holiness


That's 20 for 20; I wouldn't say thats a clean win... But I do like that!
The first turn win needs 3 of the Dark Rituals and Bump in the Night/Bile Urchin/Death Cultist

Posted 09 August 2013 at 20:51 in reply to #387640 on Mono Black: Turn 1or3 Win $13


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