
5 Decks, 615 Comments, 104 Reputation

man* not mans. damn proofreading.

Posted 13 November 2011 at 05:52 in reply to #212354 on Inn of the Wolf's Moon


Etherium sculptor can break the game in a pure Grey deck. i'd triple up on him.

Posted 08 November 2011 at 01:20 as a comment on Equipt and Destroy


Freeverse, zero meter. Hope you like it.

Within the lust of blood,
beyond the sky and night,
BEFORE the dawn triumphs o'er
the horrible curse - must pass the hunger.

Skin of lightning, eyes aflame.
every cell begging for its sadistic fill.
the last of the man begs for mercy from himself.
the beast replies in wicked wolfen laughter.

The man and beast are one.
as conspirators, as prisoners.
where power meets agony,
where life meets death,
where mans meets beast,
rests the Inn of the Wolf's Moon.

Posted 06 November 2011 at 01:00 as a comment on Inn of the Wolf's Moon


NOW we're talkin'.
i love two more Bituminous over Titanic and Flame Slash (it's really good, but your deck would benefit from the cascade) if you're concerned about the curve, take up a Galvanoth (or two, they're kinda piss) for free burners.
Check out the top Jund deck on the homepage.

Posted 03 November 2011 at 02:22 as a comment on Wolf-Run > Jund


Since legal's over. How bout throw in 2 x Galvanoth for a free Bituminous Blast?

Posted 01 November 2011 at 15:49 as a comment on Jund Jund Jund


i'd nix summon the school if it'd only be a One-Of.

Posted 31 October 2011 at 01:44 as a comment on Milling Merfolk


I built this deck and my buddy's Dimir Mill ruined it. Said it needed more field control.
I suggest Path to Exile.

Posted 31 October 2011 at 01:35 as a comment on Merfolk Mill


you know I poop on one-ofs.
also, thought you got more bloodbraids? did you nix them? she's great.
the poopy art one goes for 3 bucks.

Posted 27 October 2011 at 16:55 as a comment on Wolf-Run > Jund


How bout Filth?

Posted 23 October 2011 at 00:35 as a comment on Thraximundar EDH


this deck is SKYROCKETING in popularity (by my standards) i shall certainly construct it.
Thank you for the brilliant build. I'll tell all my friends about you, (once Thrax is done raping them) and credit YOU with my wins.
I'd like to vote this deck be named "Insatiable Hunger" or "Insatiable Toilet of Doom"

Posted 15 October 2011 at 16:28 as a comment on Thraximundar EDH


i shall write a macabre poem about the name alone and get back to you.
THE DECK OF ITSELF is fierce and its facebeat capacity is impressive.

Posted 15 October 2011 at 16:22 as a comment on Inn of the Wolf's Moon


oh scratch that. fuckin thing shuffles itself back :(

Posted 15 October 2011 at 03:39 as a comment on Thraximundar EDH


Howbout Nezumi grave robber? flip it over it becomes a raperaperape that lets you keep what you murder.
looking at your formula, i was just fantasizing about forcing someone to sac Ulamog.
... mine now.

Posted 15 October 2011 at 03:19 as a comment on Thraximundar EDH


Might i suggest Grave titan to produce squishies AND serve as a beatstick.
also, Avatar of Slaughter goes for $2 max, i think he would have a place in this deck for making BOTH Thrax attacks more painful and giving your opponents extra incentive to block weak creatures, thus triggering Grave Pact.
(Creeping tar pit + fallen ideal) + avatar of slaughter + Thrax + grave pact + tons of squishies = at least one opponent's field is cleared, tar pit kills someone outright, thrax gets superpumped and kills someone else. double strike for all. If savage beating was in your hand, you can break the game.

Posted 14 October 2011 at 19:05 as a comment on Thraximundar EDH


How do you operate with the loss of life?
for example, necropotence, arena, bloodgift AND bitterblossom active. Should you choose to capitalize on bloodgift and necropotence, that's 4 life per turn!!
You couldn't keep that up for long, i'd guess. and the only slurp spell in the deck is Cruel Ultimatum.

Posted 13 October 2011 at 01:47 as a comment on Thraximundar EDH


Doesn't EDH require only ONE of everything and max 100 cards?
the formula is sound for aggravation-ability synergy to delay until heavy hitters come online.

Posted 06 September 2011 at 02:21 as a comment on Thraximundar EDH


i just discovered oblivion crown and creamed my jeans on the spot.
pump a creature PLUS discarding for hellbent.

Posted 23 August 2011 at 03:49 as a comment on Hellbent Nights


finally, a way to get back at my friend's evil Dimir miller.
i adore the tap/untap ability synergy.
brilliant ideas.

Posted 21 August 2011 at 03:52 as a comment on Merfolk Mill


what advantage does spreading seas REALLY yield you - beyond the obvious draw?
i don't like it, but you might have better ideas.
i think you could work wonders offing those in favor of contagion clasp.

Posted 18 August 2011 at 03:49 as a comment on To Proliferate Or Not Prolfierate


capitalize on Regen for infinisac to pump Scarland, Scav-er Drake and ping with Hissing iguanar. ex: Squee, re-assembling skeletons, drudge skeletons and regen-ers of that ilk. infinisac, infinideath!

Posted 15 August 2011 at 22:43 as a comment on Golgari Jund


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