
5 Decks, 17 Comments, 0 Reputation

Kemba is a Legendary creature; you can only have one of her on the board at a time. I'd run her as a 3 of and Shikari as a 4 of. Also; you have almost as many support cards as creatures; you always want at least 2 Creatures for every support card you have, or you'll end up drawing a hand full of useless stuff more often than not.

Posted 03 February 2011 at 19:33 as a comment on cat and spike


I like it; I think the deck would be better served with Hero of Oxid Ridge though, in place of Mirran Crusader, and maybe another R battle cry card in place of Hero of Bladehold. By running Goblin Wardriver and spikeshot, you're signalling you want to go primarily Red, but Hero and Mirran both requre 2 W mana. Basically; you cant play a Wardriver on t2 and a crusader on t3; it's not possible, so one of them needs to get cut.

Also; i'd suggest maybe some Signal Pest in this deck. I feel like you're stuck between making a Soldier deck and making a RDW; you need to pick one and run with it.

Posted 03 February 2011 at 19:17 as a comment on Boros Battlecry


Personally, i think that a Whispersilk Cloak would be devastating here; once you had a vengvine equipped with whispersilk, it's all over. I also feel like the deck needs a way to handle control in the MB... maybe Silence? And then definitely some Autumn's Veil in SB.

I'd also drop the Kor Outfitter and and Fauna Shaman; add in more equipment and Stoneforge Mystics. Playing 1 of a card is generally a bad, bad idea because unless you can tutor for them, you'll never see them, and if they get popped, you're SOL. I'm guessing you've got 1's because of your current cards; thats fine.

I love this deck idea though, and as the above says; it'll get exponentially better when Besieged Drops and you can have living weapons.

Posted 19 January 2011 at 17:33 as a comment on Quest for the Holy Vineyard


I think this deck will get even better once Besieged comes out and you have living weapons; Stoneforge can now search for creatures, and tutor them directly onto the battlefield; this makes casting Vengevine even easier!

Posted 18 January 2011 at 21:55 in reply to #117631 on Quest for the Holy Vineyard


i feel like Birds isn't needed here. Your fattie is the only card that you'd want to ramp for, and Birds will only consistently gain you one turn, if that. So I think you can drop them to get more Kor Outfitter and Stoneforge Mystic. Glint Hawk + Memnite is always a good combo though, and i like the syngergy with Vengvine. Great idea!

Posted 18 January 2011 at 21:54 as a comment on Quest for the Holy Vineyard


I still dont' like Goblin Tunnellers in this deck. I'm sorry, but i feel like you can do better with Distortion Strikes going U. Red isn't bad, but basically everything red does, you can do better in Black or Blue; the only real reason to run red is Assault Strobe, which just isn't good enough.

Just my two cents. Nice idea, good deck.

Posted 18 January 2011 at 21:52 as a comment on Standard B/R Infect (FNM)


I'm not sure about how well the Spellbombs will work; i think Livewire Lash is a better card here. The main problem i have with your deck is that it has no way to fetch your infect artifact creatures (of which there are only 12) if you don't get them. I think infect decks NEED to stay in B/G or have a reliable fetch (see my U/W infect deck) to be competitive.

Infect decks are all about speed, and in Magic, speed is about consistency.

Posted 18 January 2011 at 21:49 as a comment on U/R Infect


You're on the right track with Livewire and attachments; i think you'll find though that the Umbras are too slow. And you need more instant pump; Vines of the Vastwood and Groundswell are great here.

Finally, you're missing out on Blight Mamba, who's an awesome green 2 drop with infect.

Go look at my white/blue infect deck and tell me what you think;

Posted 18 January 2011 at 20:35 as a comment on White Infect Deck


Vines of Vastwood pretty much makes any infect deck with Green go; it's significantly better than Giant Growth.

To bring the deck up to 60, I'd add in more creatures (Hand of the Praetors) and drop the Vector Asps for Ichor Rats, and add in some black meta; Duress and Doom Blade are both great cards to add in. I'm not really sure on the Extended format, but def. need Ichor Rats in this deck, and Hand is actually a better card than Skittles in a fast deck.

Posted 09 January 2011 at 11:14 in reply to #113871 on turn 3 win infect


I like it. I still say you could run a Wurmcoil Engine over the Lone Missionary, since the Missionary's life gain is contingent on coming into play. I know there's synergy with Sun Titan and Emeria, but i still think that it's more advantageous to bring back a 6/6 with lifelink and deathtouch that spawns 3/3s than a simple 4 life gain.

I'd also consider running Elspeth Tirel in this deck. With Soul's Attendent out, she can not only help by creating chump blockers, but also gain life while doing so. With as many creatures as you have, you can almost guarantee that you'd be gaining at least 4 or 5 life a turn from her.

Posted 07 January 2011 at 13:18 as a comment on T2 Lifegain 4ever


I like the idea, but i think you're missing a few key components; one is Vines of Vastwood; it's one of the best cards out there for an infect deck, as for GG, you get +4/+4 and your creature can't be targeted by opponent's spells. I like the inclusion of Goblin Tunneler; it's nice twist.

Trigon of Rage and Contagion Clasp are pretty useless here; with the Trigon, you're effectively paying 4 mana for +3/+0, since any good infect deck will power out before you get the chance to use it. I'd drop it for the aforementioned Vines of Vastwood. Contagion Clasp is just simply too slow; it only nets you 1 poison counter a turn, and costs a total of 6 mana to do so, if it doesn't get destroyed.

If I were you, I'd run 2 more Goblin Tunneler, dropping the Clasp, drop Trigon for Vines, and drop the Vector Asp for Ichor Rats; it's one of the best cards available right now for infect decks; unless you're not running black in your infect deck, you need to be running Ichor Rats and possibly Hand of the Praetors.

A final note; Assault Strobe isn't that great of a card for Infect decks; it only gets rid of one blocker. I'd argue that something like Distortion Strike or even Whispersilk cloak is better, because they can nullify multiple chump blockers, something that Assault Strobe can't do. All in all, i feel like adding Red to an infect deck is kind of useless; there' s nothing Red has to offer infect that Blue can't do better, while also giving you more options with meta, proliferate and control.

Posted 07 January 2011 at 13:03 as a comment on GRB Infect


28 lands is far, far too many lands to be running in a deck with Llanowar Elves AND birds. You have no meta to stop removal. And you're only running 8 offensive creatures, as opposed to 16 support cards. It's very, very easy to get caught here with a hand full of support, and no creatures to play it on. With so much of your deck being 1 drops, i think you can go down to 22 lands. I'd also recommend Oran-Rief, the Vastwood, because it's another pump.

You mention blight mamba in your description, but aren't running it; and i think you'll find that the Ichorclaw Myr's +2/+2 isnt' going to stop anyone from blocking it; these infect decks are everywhere right now; nobody is going to just decide "oh, it's only 1 poison counter" because every infect deck out there is running pump spells. Any opponent who has any knowledge of the current format will automatically assume that you have a hand full of pump.

Posted 07 January 2011 at 12:51 as a comment on Infect Combo


The problem with Frost Titan would be that you'd only be grabbing 1 or 2; i think it depends on how many Seas you want to run; if you're okay with only 2, then by all means go for Frost Titan. But if you want to run 3 (which is what i'd recommend) then i'd just drop in a 3rd Wurmcoil.

The only other thing i'd say is that you may want to drop the Wurmcoils for Frost Titans entire, since i agree the synergy there is awesome.

Posted 27 December 2010 at 09:04 as a comment on Scarhawks


I agree with the Above; Soul Attendant is a much better choice MB. But the other thing to run here is Serra Ascendant; for W, she can be a 5/5 Flying Angel, once you're above 30 life.

Posted 27 December 2010 at 08:41 as a comment on my original deck


I like it; good idea. Im not entirely sure you need 4 spreading seas though; i might drop one to get an extra Wurmcoil Engine, just in case the first gets popped somehow.

Posted 26 December 2010 at 10:32 as a comment on Scarhawks
