
13 Decks, 30 Comments, 6 Reputation

instead of negate- try mindswipe burn them while countering best of both worlds

Posted 01 August 2015 at 19:07 as a comment on My First Standard Deck


I would run 4 evolving wilds (budget) that way you don't get flooded on mana late game. You could also consider Hero of Leina Tower the pay x could make her huge.

Posted 13 June 2015 at 18:43 as a comment on Decks with Stuff: Green Aggro


I'd suggest running 2 lightning berserker and 2 whip of erebos- recurrs your cheap creatures and gives all you creature lifelink to help survive late game.

Posted 09 June 2015 at 15:06 as a comment on Crazy Ideas:Cold Blood Tactics


He's running 0 lands so any mana producer is an improvement- what one's do you suggest for a cmc less than 3. Any more and he will never be able to cast it.

Posted 01 June 2015 at 19:26 in reply to #551753 on Rule defying Who needs lands!?


while expensive- mox opal at least 3 so you can have one in your opening hand
4 sol rings your not running lands.... so an mana producers will help and they still get your affinity going.

for funny look as your opponent start debating about playing lands- Ankh of Mishra

Posted 01 June 2015 at 16:41 as a comment on Rule defying Who needs lands!?


You might want to consider- Pyrewild Shaman - a recoverable titan strength. sent an attacker discard and pay. Next turn send attacker use instant to bump and pay to recover Pyrewild Shaman to use the following turn.

Posted 27 May 2015 at 18:14 as a comment on Budget Decks: Total Aggro


which is pretty likely as it can't be played til turn 3. Yeah they spent a turn dealing with it- but with leyline they likely can't deal with it at all since decay can only cmc 3>. Paying 2 extra is ok but there's a reason why leyline is 17 and siege is .50. ( that loophole is etb/ltb triggers or any ability really which is what makes leyline so great.)

Posted 27 May 2015 at 14:27 in reply to #550525 on Get milled son


When the decks whole goal is to deck your opponent them getting back 20 cards from their graveyard shuffle trigger versus none is a very big deal. Consider an archive trap that hits Emrakul thats a quarter of the thier deck back rendering one of you best mill spells useless cause thats 12 cards back in (Emrakul was spot removed by scepter) vs 13 cards in exile including Emrakul. Keep in mind just because you exile it from the graveyard it's shuffle trigger still goes on the stack and will resolve even if the Emrakul is in exile when it comes time to resolve.

Posted 26 May 2015 at 14:30 in reply to #550031 on Puppy Mill


There are times where extirplate is better (think splinter twin and all there counters or blocking the ermakul trigger and leaving their graveyard intact) but compared to surgical it's very situational.

Posted 26 May 2015 at 14:23 in reply to #549673 on Puppy Mill


I guess its the difference of our local metas ( I get to see: Twin, Infect, Tron, Merfolk, and Abzan every week)- I can handle a 2 extra to cast versus a no cast and backfiring landfalls. Monastery Siege will not last in modern for it fails the abrupt decay test which is why leyline gets used, Most will simply mull down til they get it or they have 3 or 4 cards to start with.

Posted 26 May 2015 at 14:21 in reply to #550525 on Get milled son


While agree with everyone with adding black (my mill is esper) its really for ravenous trap, glimpse, mind funeral. breaking| entering is not worth the black as a one card difference for easier mana fixing is the better deal.

Posted 25 May 2015 at 19:54 in reply to #549828 on Puppy Mill


tormods is better than the relic as crypt gets the whole graveyard causing them to shuffle 0 in while the relic is x-1 shuffle in. The draw isn't really that important when you're talking a quarter of your progress getting wiped away. The only downside to the crypt is that it has to be on the field before milling so you can sac it in response to the trigger making it a target for abrupt decay or tap/bounce spells.

Posted 25 May 2015 at 19:53 in reply to #550031 on Puppy Mill


if you go that route be sure to add propaganda and mana web

Posted 25 May 2015 at 19:49 in reply to #550145 on Puppy Mill


Wickeddarkman- if you run surgical extraction you can really mess with their mana base the easiest example is tron, getting one of the unplayed lands before turn 3 is basically a win con cause it slows down wormcoil/karn til turn 8 and turns ermakul into a shuffle trigger to get rid of.

Posted 25 May 2015 at 19:46 in reply to #549673 on Puppy Mill


To help you get more landfall triggers I consider downing the number of forests and replace them with these

4 Overgrown Tomb
2 Woodland Cemetery

Also since your splashing red you might want to consider having alesha, who smiles at death as maybe a 2 of - as she can get your creatures back or cheat in your hydra for 2 mana. To protect or get your strongest through to finish you may want a whispersilk cloak

Posted 25 May 2015 at 18:22 as a comment on Abzan Landfall Season


I think you might want to tag out the vault for Crux of fate- 9 total cmc over 2 turns <5 cmc and you can cast it and leave your dragons in play. I would also suggest having hero's downfall its the most consistent way to deal with Plainwalkers

Posted 25 May 2015 at 13:03 as a comment on Old Standard Blue Dragons!


Echoing truth only buys you one turn unless there's one in their graveyard that you can extract. And the leyline will render his deck down to mesmeric orb for mill.

Posted 22 May 2015 at 16:07 in reply to #550525 on Get milled son


Since your planning on playing in tournaments you will need enchantment hate- I run 3 erase. Any deck that can splash white will always bring in leyline of sanctity and most will mull down til they get it. I'd suggest dropping crypt incursion for ravenous trap, and thought scour and visions as a 50/50 play. And remember to always drop visions for leyline as a sb cause it will never give you 3 when leyline happens.
here's what I run-

Posted 21 May 2015 at 22:19 as a comment on Get milled son


I'd suggest limiting yourself to 2 colors ( ideally black and blue works the best) 4 is really hard to manage getting the right color even with a lot of fetches.
Bring in hedron crab as he's a beast in any mill deck
Drop to max of 2 Mind Grinds (6 cmc for 4 lands vs 3 cmc for 4 lands of mind funeral) and max out you mind funerals
Mindcrank for you duskmantle is an instant win combo if you can get 1 mil.
bring in 4 archive traps and at least 2 ghost quarters as they will trigger the traps
drop dream twist for thought scour (they mill 2 you draw 1) or tome scour (mill 5)

check out my turbo mill deck if you want to see a ultra fast mill deck.

Posted 16 May 2015 at 23:05 in reply to #549348 on Over Mill


You took a budget deck that should be around $20 and ballooned the cost to 200 with non basic lands that you decks goal is to discard. If you really want to ensure this deck can be more reliable - I'd suggest Erratic explosion and seismic strike going Blue/Black/ Red- erratic explosion gives you another dig option that deals some small damage and seismic strike gives another win con. Putting all your money into lands that the deck intends to discard isn't very useful.

Posted 16 May 2015 at 22:56 as a comment on treasure storm


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