
116 Decks, 258 Comments, 201 Reputation

I love the Thropter Foundry and Sword of the Meek combo as its a nice combo, yet not an infinite one (I refuse to play with infinite combos). I think you need to take more of an advantage of that combo. For example, disciple of the vault, moriok rigger, scrapheap, summoning station are all some nice options depending on what your looking for.

Delver of Secrets is a great card in tournament blue dueling decks, but I think its much less effective in a multiplayer deck. So I would switch that out for a better option. Same advice for Marsh Flitter.

Also, your instant selections, I think they can be improved. Moreover, 19 instants just seems like too much.

You have few ways to get rid of or defend against an opponents threats. The first of which is creatures. How about dropping some instants and adding a great card like Propaganda? Another nice option would be Aetherize or even cyclonic rift. I know you want to get your combo out with all this draw/discard options but for 4 mana you could replace Careful Consideration with Diabolic Tutor and just grab it. For defense a card like Fog Bank is a stud especially with Propaganda out.

All in all a nice concept but finishing off an opponent shouldn't be too much of an issue, but you need to be able to take out multiple opponents and I wonder if this deck would be able to stand that test as it stands now. Hope this helps

Posted 21 July 2016 at 01:49 as a comment on Delver of Westvale


Heres a multiplayer Vampire deck I made. Like it and lets see if we can get a multiplayer deck to the hot page!

Posted 14 July 2016 at 22:14 as a comment on Multiplayer - Vampires


No multiplayer vampire deck should be without Bloodline Keeper, add 4 of those ASAP. Since this is mono black and a low mana curve, you can drop 2 lands. Also Asylum Visitor, in my opinion should be dropped. A lot of cool vampires out there. Anowon, the Ruin Sage is a good one for example.

Posted 14 July 2016 at 20:59 as a comment on Multiplayer - Vampires


I agree with Muktol, you need a deck description, even if its very basic and some deck tags. However, as I always do, I comment and try and like all multiplayer non EDH decks.

Posted 14 July 2016 at 20:46 in reply to #585171 on Multiplayer - Vampires


This deck is going to make you target number one with a vengeance. You will die quickly with this deck, I know the moment I saw it come out I'd hit it with everything I had, I am assuming others will as well. Sun Droplet is a nice addition, but it won't keep you alive, its too slow. Cards to help: Meekstone, Crawlspace, Ensnaring Bridge all some options that can help. Splashing white in might also help as there are cards like ghostly prison, holy day etc.

Also, you need to burn and burn quicker. Perfect card that comes to mind is Furnace of Wrath. There are also other cards that do the same thing, I'd use some of those. Hell maybe even a couple Final Fortune in this deck (or cards like it) can help get you another turn to finish off opponents.

Lastly, I don't know any off the top of my head, but I'd like to see at least one permanent are that stays on the board and can deal repeat damage every turn.

Posted 14 July 2016 at 19:20 as a comment on Multiplayer - Burn


Glad to see you are posting some multiplayer decks on here that aren't EDH. First you should make sure to include a multiplayer tag in the deck. I'll try and comment and give advice on your decks. Ill start here:

You are missing several stud zombie cards that are much better for multiplayer zombie. I'll list them:soulless one, lord of the undead, noxious ghoul, endless ranks of the dead, unholy grotto, undead warchief, corpse harvester.

Another weakness here is little to block flyers, and trust me from experience it matters. I always run 4 Stromgald Crusader or Still Mooncavilier to help with that problem.

Finally, you have little/no removal cards (ways to get rid of your opponents threats) and in a multiplayer game that is an absolute necessity.

Cards to drop: Carion Feeder, Ghoul Callers Chant, Crypt Angel (doesn't fit the theme, and its special ability does nothing for your deck--other than the protection from white--a much better card = Stillmoon Caviler), I also think 4 zombie masters is overdoing it, but thats just my opinion.

Hopes this helps and like I said, Ill look at your other decks shortly.

Posted 14 July 2016 at 19:08 as a comment on Multiplayer - Zombies


Im confused as to what this deck is supposed to be for? Is this a style of multiplayer? If so how can this deck possible work with 20 lands? Thanks ;)

Posted 12 July 2016 at 22:22 as a comment on Multiplayer Cube


Of course! Also, one more thing. Lands really should be around 20-24. 27 is a but much. Your decks mana curve could probably get away with 20-22, which would open up some slots for you as well.

Posted 12 July 2016 at 22:04 in reply to #585030 on My first deck


Not a bad little white weenie deck. I think the 2 slots used for Windbrisk Raptor are better served with another card. 7 mana is pretty steep and honestly, by that point, your opponent should be dead already. I'd suggest a removal type card. White is full of cards that remove threats.

Posted 11 July 2016 at 01:48 as a comment on "Bird Knows What's Good" Deck


For starters you are allowed to use up to 4 cards in a deck. Honestly, each deck needs a theme to it. For white, it usually is smaller creatures that are cheaper. White is also a solid life gain style, and yes it even does have some more powerful creatures like angels. The deck you have is all over the place. Pick a theme and stick to it. For example if you like bigger angels, thats cool. Have some powerful angels, and if you want to splash green, use greens mana ramping abilities to get your angels out quicker. A mistake beginners make is they see all these cool cards and mechanics and want to include them all into their decks. What happens is a deck with cool cards that don't really work together. Simply put, stick to a few basic concepts and build your entire deck around that.

Also, you only have 3 ways to get rid of the opponents threats in this deck. You need more, I like at the very least 6 ways, if not a few more. Northern warlord on this site has been making great decks for years on this site, and all of his decks pick a concept, and run with it, check them out. Another really cool site is MTG the gatherer. It allows you to search for cards that can help your deck. For example you want a 2/2 white flyer that costs one mana? Check the gatherer and it will give you all he cards that fit your billing. Here is the sire:

Hope this helps

Posted 11 July 2016 at 01:39 as a comment on My first deck


a fun deck to play competitively, but seems to lose to blue control often. I like the inclusion of Cavern of Souls maybe even a Boseiju for the key Green Sun's Zenith

Posted 10 July 2016 at 05:14 as a comment on Chaos Elves


It is not dead, but the problem is, I believe is that very few people actually like a deck or comment on a deck. It seems everyone is looking for something instead of looking to contribute. Also, I have a hard time contributing/liking a deck if you don't even take a few minutes to describe the basic details of your deck and how it works. These sections are vital as it saves me from having to click each card and say, oh yeah thats how this works. If I can read how it works I don't have to try and figure it out. Besides, if your deck isn't important enough to comment on how it works, why should I?

Posted 10 July 2016 at 05:03 as a comment on Is MTGVault Dead?


As far as lands for eldrazi go you can't go wrong with Cloudpost and Vesuvan. Use Sylvans Scrying to get the into play asap.

Posted 10 July 2016 at 04:57 as a comment on Deck HELP!!!!


Well the point of having more green is because all of the cards that allow you to search for basic lands cost green mana: IE Kodama's Reach, Sylvan Scrying, and Sakura-Tribe Elder. With those cards you can search for the islands and any other land card needed. But thanks for the input.

Posted 08 July 2016 at 00:25 in reply to #584884 on Hail Cthulhu


Cool deck, batwing brume over safe passage is a card I would switch

Posted 04 July 2016 at 22:42 as a comment on Creeping Death


I really like it! Propaganda is my absolute favorite multiplayer card. From experience, I would say 4 propaganda will be enough, which means you could drop the sphere of safety, this would net you 2 cards. Those two spots are perfect for a tutor of some type of some enchant/artifact removal. However, perhaps you want the added spheres for protection incase of removal. Up to you ;)

Posted 15 January 2015 at 19:40 as a comment on Budget Decks: Pillowfort


People will already hate playing this deck as it is, so you might as well add Death Cloud.

Posted 15 January 2015 at 19:33 as a comment on Unfair MP Discard


Dear god man this one is horrible. I would concede as soon as I saw you were playing it! A serious breaker of Rule #3 in my multiplayer guide haha!

Posted 09 December 2014 at 01:13 as a comment on Greedy Advocates


Another original deck by you! Great decks man. Only issue can see with this is getting overrun on an attack. Hissing Miasma? Or maybe a couple of chump blockers like Fog of Gnats?

Posted 09 December 2014 at 01:11 as a comment on Empty the Crypt


Neat concept and very original, I like it! I see its a work in progress. Obviously you need more/faster ways to kill your opponents, which I'm sure your aware of. Suggestions: Maze of Ith over Ebony Horse I'm thinking. How about Ring of Evos Isle? It will allow your little 1/1s to get bigger, and has the benefit of allowing you to protect the creature if needed. This will up your damage output. Also, Soldevi Golemn? I'm thinking you could easily fill this with a better creature (unless I am missing some type of combo). Abjure as well. Why not a simple counter spell? Your Blue Permanents in this deck are valuable so why sacrifice them? I think Hunted Phantasm would fit perfectly in this deck also. Let me know what you think.

Posted 09 December 2014 at 01:06 as a comment on Gimme them creatures


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