
28 Decks, 240 Comments, 22 Reputation

I agree with TeeJay; Sigarda is a strong card, but there are better options. I would actually go for 2 garruk primal hunters and a restoration angel though.

I would also take out plasm capture too; you already have dissipate, which should be enough counters. I would either consider investing in 2 supreme verdicts since it's a good spell for midrange or 2 selesnya charms since it's very useful for your deck, regardless of which ability you use.

please check out my Jund Aggro deck, I would appreciate your input. thank you.

Posted 02 May 2013 at 17:44 in reply to #347364 on Bant Mid-Range


I''m on the fence about paranoid delusions since your deck isn't a mill deck. I would put in either abrupt decay, ultimate price, or dimir charm to help with early control. I would also think about switching vraska for either garruk, curse of the veil or primal hunter, Vrasks doesn't do much, and the 1/1's are easy to deal with whereas consistently pumping either 2/2, 1/1 deathtouch, or 3/3 tokens every turn can help sustain and give you a more reliable win con. Hope this helps you

Posted 23 April 2013 at 19:29 as a comment on BUG control


you cast the spell after they declare an attack. That way it you get the counter and maintain their field, making it harder for them to race you.

Posted 22 April 2013 at 18:48 in reply to #343427 on don't let sleeping dragons lie


Lotleth Troll doesn't work for this deck; that card works well for wanting creatures in the graveyard for advantage and none of your creatures want to be discarded. I would take out the troll and 2 deathrite shaman for two delver, but then you would need to add more spells to have a better shot at flipping the delver. Here's my take on BUG, if you comment, i'd appreciate it.

Posted 21 April 2013 at 23:33 as a comment on B/U/G Tempo Plz Rate


I would think about adding white as well for dramatic rescue; it bounces your creature after they attack, adding a counter to your dragon, gives you life agaisn't aggro, and you set them back. Either that, or add to more cyclonic rifts. If you can comment on my deck, i would appreciate it.

Posted 21 April 2013 at 22:47 as a comment on don't let sleeping dragons lie


I would take out Vraska for Sorin since she's doesn't do much. Blind obedience is more of a side card for your deck, and growing ranks is fairly slow. I would put in 2 more farseek and another temple and lingering souls.

If you can comment on my deck I would appreciate it.

Posted 21 April 2013 at 22:41 as a comment on Junk Tokens


Main thing you should invest in are shock lands; that alone will improve your deck by making your deck run faster. Your deck will also have a hard time against both aggro and control decks first game since your only way is maintain the field is primarily having bigger creatures, which takes time and is too slow for esper and aggro, so I would suggest taking out the bioshift in favor of 2 spell ruptures; Bioshift does little to nothing for you, and spell rupture can help either early or late game. I would also replace 3-4 creatures, and maybe one simic charm, in favor of kill spells like ultimate price or abrupt decay to help control their field. You already have a lot of creatures, so this can help balance your deck and focus on what creatures work best for you.

I made a BUG deck to, so if you can comment on it i'd appreciate it.

Posted 17 April 2013 at 16:35 as a comment on Evolve


Unfortunately that combo doesn't work; the tap ability would happen before worldfire.

Posted 13 April 2013 at 22:17 in reply to #340922 on Competitive r/w stuffy


If you don't mind splashing for a 3rd color, heartless summoning would work really well for your deck. running 3 heartless and 4 farseek would set you up for the mana ramp you need without mana dorks. I would also think about using serra avatar as another win con. Also, if you do go with using black, that would open up to some more creatures for your deck like nighthawk. This looks really fun, I want to try my own version now.

If you can comment on my B/W/R flicker deck, I would appreciate it.

Posted 29 November 2012 at 20:16 as a comment on Chalice of Life and Death


I forgot to mention, the tutors for standard are already expensive, that playing one to search for a card, you can cast 4-5cmc creatures already blue doesn't have good draw spells either. If you want to take advantage of desperate ravings and faithless looting, you can splash blue for Havengul Lich (which gives you some other blue draw spells.)

Posted 28 November 2012 at 22:41 in reply to #306645 on SEM CORAÇÃO/HEARTLESS


I would take out the one drops; they're useless or die if heartless summoning comes out.

I would consider lowering your mana curve as well; heartless is your only mana ramp, and this deck is very slow without it. You can use the slots from taking out one drops to add some mana ramp (keyrunes or chromatic lantern to help with the mana curve. This will also help focus your deck on what cards work well with each other (such as ashmouth; it has no synergy with your deck, and even sets you back if the opponent removes at at a proper time).

Also, faithless looting and desperate ravings are not prime cards to use since you're not using your graveyard and might discard you could really use (It's happened to me), I would take those out in favor of 4 sign in blood and another dreadbore.

Hope this helps

Posted 28 November 2012 at 22:34 as a comment on SEM CORAÇÃO/HEARTLESS


It's cool, cmc is converted mana cost (total mana needed to cast it.). I've been playing for a couple of years, but I'm still new to standard myself.

Posted 28 November 2012 at 20:29 in reply to #306592 on NANANANANA BANTMAAAAN


I saw that somberwald sage helps you, but I would consider looking into chromatic lantern, the lantern will still take you to 5cmc turn 3 (same as the sage) but is a lot harder to get rid of. elderscale wurm is also unnecessary since you have thragtusk and you can add more lower cost cmc (since your curve is slightly high). Like the deck though, looks pretty fun.

If you can check out my B/W/R flicker deck, I would appreciate it since I need more advice to make more tournament worthy.

Posted 28 November 2012 at 19:19 as a comment on NANANANANA BANTMAAAAN


Worldspine goes back to the deck once it''s in the graveyard, that combo doesn't work.

Posted 28 November 2012 at 05:10 as a comment on Standard W/B/g Lifelink


didn''t notice you already have dreadbore, in that case use murder.

Posted 26 November 2012 at 17:53 in reply to #306117 on UBR Standard


One thing you can do is drop your land count to 24 and take out a think twice and 3 tribute to hunger.

with 6 slots free now, you can add 4 delver, and 2 dreadbore. this should be a good start.

comment on my deck, I need suggestions, thank you.

Posted 26 November 2012 at 17:52 as a comment on UBR Standard


Posted 26 November 2012 at 03:27 in reply to #306039 on The Witch's Curse


Mizzium mortars or cyclonic rift. This may help you stall long enough to get your curses out, but even still curse of thirst take a long time to win the game, so it may not be enough. Hope this helps. If you can, please check out my W/B/R deck since I still need some advice on it.

Posted 26 November 2012 at 03:26 in reply to #306039 on The Witch's Curse


The problem with deck atm is that there are only 7 cards to protect yourself, with very high mana cost. to start, I would make every curse (except misfortune and thirst) a 1 of (it's a problem if you keep drawing curses when you want creatures or spells. with those 5 slots, add 1 more bitterheart witch and more control cards (3 lingering souls will go a long way). get rid of boundless realms and seek the horizon (at this point, mana ramp is unnecessary) for

Posted 26 November 2012 at 03:23 as a comment on The Witch's Curse


Faster may not be the right word, but a bigger threat than rakdos cackler. After playing agaisn't decks with the noble, he was a card that needed to be answered or he can get too big, however if they use a spell to get rid of it, it's not a huge loss to you. The cackler doesn't provide as much of a threat compared to him.

Posted 22 November 2012 at 23:11 in reply to #305463 on Rakdos Aggro


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