
28 Decks, 240 Comments, 22 Reputation

It looks like a hard deck to deal with since you're not running many playsets. I like it.

You were looking for a 2 cmc card that could help you so I did a bit of looking and these are the cards that I thought may help.
Augur of bolas
deadly recluse
Fog bank
ludevic's test subject
kraken hatchling

Kraken hatchling seems the best option out of the list if you plan sacking it with a 0/4 body for U, hope this helps.

Posted 19 October 2012 at 00:57 as a comment on BUG superfriends


First off, get rid of catalyst stone and mystical tutor just to keep it standard. I don't see why you splashed black either; neither of those cards go with your deck so I would take them out to keep it U/R

Posted 17 October 2012 at 02:46 as a comment on Izzet Flashback


I would replace phantom general for dungeon geist since you already have intangible virtue and it gives you more control. I would also sideboard your current counter spells in favor of dissipate/rewind/or syncopate for more versatility.. Lastly, add some black (1-2 drowned catacomb, they're cheap) so you can flashback your lingering souls. hope this helps.

Posted 16 October 2012 at 06:40 as a comment on Not a Ghost of a Chance


I would consider swapping vile rebirth for mutilate since you're running 24 swamps. looks like fun

Posted 16 October 2012 at 06:19 as a comment on demon standard


Like the combination with peddler and your other creatures. Thragtusk is strong, but it doesn't seem to have the synergy you have with your other cards. I would use thundermaw hellkite instead as a effective finisher. I would also get rid of the syncopates for 1 more charm and dissipate.

I made a rug deck too, but need some more advice, and help will be appreciated.

Posted 14 October 2012 at 07:13 as a comment on RUG RATS NIGGA


I would sideboard sever the bloodline for murder for murder and rakdos return for 2 more dreadbore for more solid kill spells. Seems solid other than that.
If you have a moment to look at my deck i'd appreciate it.

Posted 14 October 2012 at 06:51 as a comment on Rakdos Control


it would keep its counters. it only loses counters when it leaves the battlefield, regen doesn't blink them..

Posted 09 October 2012 at 23:43 in reply to #294605 on *HELP* B/G Golgari Deck


Having that many enchantments will hurt you, especially since it's easy to kill off your creatures. use only 4-6 buff enchantments at most imo and replace the ones you don't need with spells to control your opponents creatures like unsummon or the detain spells or counter spells like rewind and cancel. Also, swap shreikgeist with dungeon geist. shriek is counter-productive in your deck where dungeon geist controls a creature and gives you a 3/3 flyer. I would drop the wingcrafters since all but fencing ace has flying for another 4-5cmc bomb. hope this helps.

Posted 09 October 2012 at 02:38 as a comment on Weenie Power


Other than bonfire, I would get rid of your x mana spells since you only use 18 lands. I would also consider using delver since, or if you can splash green, use huntmaster since he has good synergy with your deck. If you have a moment, can you check out my rug deck? thanks.

Posted 09 October 2012 at 01:01 as a comment on U/R Izzet Standard


Not a bad deck, here are some of my suggestions.
guttersnipe,: I don't know if you have enough spells to make him useful. I would use wild defiance instead

Electrickery: this card is good as a sideboard if you're facing tokens, but revenge of the hunted could cover that and give you aggro.

Caravan vigil: It's slow to use, unless you have multiples in your hand when a creature dies. that's very restrictive and risky in a aggro deck since you want to win as fast as possible. I would use arbor elf instead to help with mana excel.

Those are my suggestions. If you have a moment can you look and comment on my decks? thanks.



Posted 28 September 2012 at 23:16 as a comment on green/red midrange


I was iffy about this deck at first, but I like the concept. I would look for room to put in counters, in case your opponent has an instant answer to your surprise attack. I would also think about splashing in green to make it a bant deck and add in some green creatures and spells from innistrad as well since their are good cards to help with self mill in that color.

If you have a moment to look at my decks I would appreciate it



Posted 28 September 2012 at 22:53 as a comment on Bruna Self-Mill


I would also appreciate if you commented on my decks




Posted 28 September 2012 at 22:43 in reply to #292737 on Dragon-Ramping


I like it since I don't see dragons in standard. Since flameblast dragon is going out, I would think about using moonveil dragon. dragon hatcling would also be very good for another firebreather. I would put devil's play in as an alt win con.

If you have the money too, I would think of getting a couple of cavern souls. Mana ramp like this is very risky, and a simple counter can screw you over.

Posted 28 September 2012 at 22:42 as a comment on Dragon-Ramping


I'm not too familiar with Miracle decks, but there are some cards that I think can be replaced (you already mentioned guilded lotus).
skirsdag cultist: This isn't a creature heavy deck, so you would be reluctant to use it's ability.

mondronen shaman: This card lacks synergy with your deck since most of your spells are sorcery speed. You would have to skip a turn before you let it flip, giving you a disadvantage.

Tandem lookout: You already have curiosity, that would be to much focus in trying to draw cards.

scalding devil: This card doesn't help your deck, it lacks synergy with your other spells

past in flames: It's too expensive to play since you would have the pay the full cmc for your miracle spells.

mad prophet: He's too pricy for a draw/discard effect

Think twice: having a 4 of is a bit much for a deck like this

Cards to consider
Delver (Cliche I know): a one drop that can become a 3/2 flyer is always good since you're focusing on a spell heavy deck

invisible stalker: Works great with curiosity (or tandem lookout if you want to keep it), however this combo doesn't work well with miracle since it''ll be the second card.

Faithless looting: a good card since you wanted a creature that had this ability, plus the flashback is cheap too.

Dungeon geist: good for control and attacking

Those are a few cards I would consider for this deck. Also I would suggest you raise your land count to 22 at least, 18 lands is usually for decks that don't want to go past 4 lands and control usually need more lands.

If you have a moment to look at my standard rug and boros deck, i'd appreciate it.



Posted 28 September 2012 at 22:19 as a comment on Don't Throw Water on the Fire!!!


Thanks for the comment!
If you're looking for cards in Return to Ravnica, I would think about the Selensya Guild, the lord allows you to gain life when other creatures enter the field, then use blink cards like deadeye navigator and cloudshift combined with etb cards like thragtusk and other ones that makes tokens and your life gain will be a lot faster, though deadeye might be overkill, but if you want to keep blue he's a good card to consider.

Posted 28 September 2012 at 21:51 as a comment on bant life gain


A standard boros deck that I plan on buying after I finish standard rug deck.


Posted 28 September 2012 at 06:46 as a comment on Post Decks Here!!!!


I'm a fan of burn at the stake too. The main problem I saw with your deck after a few sample hands is the mana fixing; Most of you're creatures are not splashable which makes it really hard to get the right mana base to play your spells. Try to focus your deck on more splashable spells because atm, you won't be able to play your spells consistently.

I would take out the forest, sunpetal groove and autumn veils because that spreads your mana base even more in favor for a few more basic lands and look into another spell.

Rummaging goblin and gisela are not useful for this type of deck, so I would take them out in favor of another spell or creature. Krenko, mob boss comes to mind, and since you need to focus a bit more in red I would consider it.

Please give me some feedback on my standard boros deck so I can figure out what to do to improve it. Thank you.

Posted 24 September 2012 at 03:07 as a comment on She's a Witch...Burn Her!


So you're thinking of making a blink deck? I'm not to familiar with good cards for synergy for low cmc, but I know Elvish visionary has good synergy with blinking for repeated draw for 2cmc. Undying works well with that too.

Posted 23 July 2012 at 22:21 as a comment on Blink, blink, blink


I like it. The only thing I can think of is replace the curse with the enchantment that buffs tokens. I'm not sure how well the mana fixing is, but you'll have to playtest it to see the right balance. good job.

Posted 18 July 2012 at 01:19 as a comment on My Oreo deck


Personally, I'm not a fan of geth's verdict since they can choose the creature they sac, I would sideboard it agaisnt players using hexproof creatures. I would use 2 more dismembers since it's one of the strongest removal cards out for now.

Posted 16 July 2012 at 18:44 as a comment on Mono Black Control (Standard)


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