
28 Decks, 240 Comments, 22 Reputation

I've been thinking about that, I just don't know what cards to replace it with. I may swap banefire for them. Thanks for the input.

Posted 04 March 2011 at 02:57 in reply to #137241 on The followers of the hydra


Blue focuses more on slowing down the opponet down rather than going fast themselves. If you're looking to control creatures, one of my favortie cards for this is ensnaring bridge. It works great in decks like this (unblockable,low power) and card advantage. Ink-eyes would have a problem with this card though, so idk if the trade-off would be worth it to you.

Posted 04 March 2011 at 02:56 in reply to #137239 on Ninjutsu


nice deck, it looks solid and has alot of combinations. I have three suggesstions for this.
1-add one more Higure, the still wind: since he can grab any card from you deck, it may be good to add one more so you have a better shot of getting him.
2-replace peel from reality for whispersilk cloak- whispersilk cloak would be alot more benefical than replace peel imo. Unblockable and shroud would be amazing or this deck.
3- replace smog steed rider for dimir infiltraitor- the only reason im suggesting this is because his ability only works on other creatures, so he can die.

Good job, if you have time you should check out my hydra deck and let me know what you think. thanks

Posted 03 March 2011 at 02:37 as a comment on Ninjutsu


thank you. =]

Posted 07 February 2011 at 14:22 in reply to #125472 on Bant


nice deck, very scary. the only cards I would think about swapping are death's shadow (He only works as a last resort, and you should have enough mana to play something better at that time) and morturary (this may hurt you more if you lose your chance of drawing a removal card but you had to put a creature on top of your deck). I would suggest doom blade, basic removal in black, or some card to swap power and toughness so that sorceress queen can kill something (that combo kills indestructible creatures too, which always makes me laugh).

Posted 07 February 2011 at 02:42 as a comment on Fixing version of "First Deck"


I'm sorry, what i meant was that they're so many dragon decks on here that you could see how they work and get ideas based off that. I dont run dragons, though my friend does and combines them with goblins so i've seen how dragons kindof work. Every set of cards have their overpowered cards, though green doesnt have that many, if any, removal cards, so you shouldnt choose a favorite color since they don't feel cheap. One factor of the game is to find loopholes in the game so that you get the advantage. for my hydra's, protean hydra and behemoth sledge makes it unkillable by damaging it (including wither) since it prevents damage so death touch doesnt work either and it doubles it counters. So if you find a great combo, don't be afraid to use it.

at the moment the only decks I have in real life are bant, clockwork, and hydras and they are all posted on this site. They're all on my page and your more than welcome to take a look at them. the others are just ideas for decks and are just random cards. They all work really well, but they took me a long time to make all of them, except clockwork:hydras-6 months,bant-2 months, clockwork-2-3 weeks (this is ironically my strongest deck lol) It was just trial and error untill I figured out what I needed to do to make it better.

How long have you been playing btw? I've been playing for about a year.

Posted 07 February 2011 at 02:28 in reply to #125459 on Hydra/Dragon Hell


*fixed it, put in a birds of paradise and took out 3 sol rings.

Posted 06 February 2011 at 13:36 in reply to #115933 on The followers of the hydra


I'm sorry, but the only thing I can suggest is to make these into 2 seperate decks, and do some research on decks for each creature type that you want to do. This is a bad idea to go with a deck like this since it's top heavy and the focus isn't clear, and theres to many ways to make a dragon deck for me to put on the comments. If you're going to make a hydra deck my deck could be of some help.

Not trying to be rude, just speaking from experience.

Posted 06 February 2011 at 04:27 as a comment on Hydra/Dragon Hell


yea like you said, I will probably add in 2 more rafiq, I just need to see what to swap first. I'll try getting rid of steel of the godheads and add in 2 rafiq of the many and 2 ardent plea's and see how that works. thanks for the suggestions. =]

Posted 25 January 2011 at 16:04 in reply to #119895 on Bant


If you don't mind, can you check out my bant deck?

thanks. =]

Posted 24 January 2011 at 19:53 as a comment on [HELP] Heroes of Bant Deck


Yea ,I've only played since feburary last year too, but your coming up with better ideas then mine. =]

Posted 24 January 2011 at 19:49 in reply to #119214 on [HELP] Heroes of Bant Deck


I don't think ardent plea would work well with this deck because your not focusing on exalt and it may screw you over if the next couple of cards are rafiq or soverigns. It's a great card, but not for this situation imo. I would try to get cards that give your creatures shroud, like privileged position, whispersilk cloak,etc., that way removal won't screw you over.

Posted 24 January 2011 at 19:48 in reply to #119784 on [HELP] Heroes of Bant Deck


congrats on making the home page. =]

Posted 23 January 2011 at 15:31 as a comment on [HELP] Heroes of Bant Deck


Glad I could help. :D

Posted 20 January 2011 at 14:31 in reply to #116462 on [HELP] Heroes of Bant Deck


I see why you have sleep now, didn't think of that. originally I was gonna say swap sleep with summoning trap, but that depends on how this deck plays to see if its worth it.

as for the first part, The only card I would say you swith is battlegrace angel since you could easily swap it with another low mana creature and get the same effect, lifelink shouldn't matter to much in this type of deck since you should win in 2 turns at most once you get your combo out.

Posted 16 January 2011 at 12:38 as a comment on [HELP] Heroes of Bant Deck


heres my .02

doesn't seem to bad, you can get your big creatures out by turn 3-5 (like you said) Though if you don't care for exalt, I would rather have unblockables (jhessian infiltrator) than battle grace angel. Its good, but if you have rafiq and soverign out, you're swinging for 20 damage, not including the exalt and creatures power already, and making them sacrifice 4 permamanets. That should make it gg.

finest hour: Its a good card, but its a bit overkill, by the time you would get this out, you should have your annihalator enchantment out and finising them already.

I would get rid of
bant panorama-terramorphic expanse
pillar of the panuns (not every card is multi colored)-seaside citadel

snakeform: not a very good control card, if they have any buffs, they stay on.
sleep: Not the right type of control for this deck, your only swinging with one creature, so tapping all of them doesnt matter.

I would swap with
congregation at dawn- put 3 creatures from your deck on top of your library in any order you choose.
summoning trap- its pretty good agaisnt counters
any creature search card really. You want soverign as quick as you can, so you need some search cards.

hope this helps.

Posted 16 January 2011 at 02:48 as a comment on [HELP] Heroes of Bant Deck


good job man, scariest eldrazi deck i've seen

Posted 16 January 2011 at 01:58 as a comment on Elfdrazi Trap


yea this deck is mostly used for casual, but I still may take them out and put in 2 birds of paradise to make it a 60 card deck.

Posted 16 January 2011 at 01:32 in reply to #115933 on The followers of the hydra


This deck is a cool idea, but at the moment, I don't think that it will be very effective.

having all hydras in a deck is a bad idea imo. they all come out late game (molten hydra can come out early, but its ability is expensive.) which leaves you wide open. I would replace some of the hydras for either walls or mana creatures. Overgrown battlement is perfect since it covers both. the main creature I would cut completly is ulasht, the hate seed. That card's better used in a token deck, and it wouldnt be very strong if you play it, even with doubling season.

Braid of fire is a great card, especially if you get it in early play, I would get another one of these for your deck.
Doubling season is another great card for this deck too. I would keep these in too.
I would get rid of mighty emergence since 2 +1/+1 counters wouldnt matter to much if a hydra is over 10, its not that useful imo.
Primal rage is a great card too, I would get 3 more of these too. another great trample card you may consider is loxodon warhammer. you may want to just use whispersilk cloak instead, since it makes it unblockable and gives it shroud.

I would get rid of oran-rief since it doesn't really help this deck to much. I would use skaarg the rage pits instead. for 2 mana, a creature gets +1/+1 and trample untill the end of the turn. more sueful than oran imo. other than that the mana curve seems good.

I would add another colossal might since it works really well in this deck.

I would get rid of decree of savagery, incremental growth, and the journey of discoveries.
decree of savagery is to expensive to get 4 counters
incremental growth is the same problem.
journey of discovery is to expensive to play her entwine, and without entwine, kodama's reach is better so i would add 2 more kodama's reach instead.

If you want to keep getting counters (which shouldn't be necessary especially with doubling season, they should be big enough already) then I would go with proliferate cards, since you can keep using them.
You could also add x burn cards like fireball since they do great in decks like this.

hope this helps.

Posted 14 January 2011 at 20:14 as a comment on MONO-HYDRA!!


thanks for the comments! =]. I will probably sideboard those cards atm. they're really good for this type of deck, but if my archer deck works right, it should deal enough damage to kill them.

Posted 14 January 2011 at 17:06 in reply to #114979 on Archers


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