
28 Decks, 240 Comments, 22 Reputation

Good start, here are my suggestions.

first thing, drop to 20, your mana curve is meant for control decks. this should give you more room for aggro spells, for the extra 3 slot, I would suggest using curse of stalked prey. there good for increasing aggro.

Cards to take out
2 desecration demon: he may be strong, but you want fast and he does the opposite, he''s a good control card. add 2 more hellrider for more speed.
4 rakdos cackler: he''s alright, but stormkirk noble is faster. I''d get those instead.
3 rakdos shed freak. he''s also an average card, I would add 1 more searing spear, and 2 sign in blood (draw is slightly relevant since you''ll dump out your hand quickly.
3 stab wound, this card is too slow for your deck, I would replace them for crippling blight.
3 bump in the night: this card alright, and I would test using my suggestions, but this is card may be good im not sure. another sign in blood and 2 flings would help with the aggro.

Hope these suggestions are useful, please check out my new deck, i need suggestions for it.

Posted 22 November 2012 at 09:09 as a comment on Rakdos Aggro


I would rather use a keyrune than heartless summoning since it has no synergy with your deck (it barely accelerates it either with 8 creatures getting a benefit and killing 8 others (the combo for gravecrawler, captain and heartless summoning is weak for the hoops you have to go through.)

I like it otherwise.

Posted 20 November 2012 at 03:32 as a comment on GabesDeck


I wish I knew what to say, but I don't know jack about legacy. Good job on getting 1st!

Posted 15 November 2012 at 02:30 as a comment on Volcanic Armageddon


A couple of things I would suggest is to add sign in blood, liliana of the veil, shrieking affliction, and Olivia.

Sign in blood: this card would be very versatile for your deck; it can either let you draw cards, or be used as a combo piece for your discard spells in hand.

Liliana: I don't need to say much about how relevant she is for your deck.

Shrieking affection: this may be win-more, but it helps speeds up your victory since you lack bombs.

Olivia: with her utility, she can stand up to whatever manages to make it to the field, whether being stronger, pinging weenies, or stealing a creature for further advantage.

Hope this helps, if you can check out my B/W/R deck, I'd appreciate it, I need some advice on how to make it better.

Posted 13 November 2012 at 03:26 as a comment on Rakdos Discard Sniper


The card I mentioned are pretty cheap online (most expensive is cyclonic rift at $2.50, but you could use unsummon if that's too much) I would add sever the bloodline, slaughter games, pillar of flame, and rakdos charm for your sideboard, those are cheap and can help against graveyard hate and token decks.

Posted 12 November 2012 at 18:17 in reply to #302980 on Grixis "Control"


Looks like a good start. Here are my suggestions.

I would consider using undead alchemist instead of guttersnipe since he can win the game on his own. I would personally use mindshrieker instead of shreikgeist since he's more versatile.

I would swap one land for nephalia drownyard for alt milling.

For spells, krenko's command and counterflux arn't as useful and I would replace them for 2 trepenation blade and 3 cyclonic rift.

If you get a hold of one, add in Lilliana of the Veil, she would be really use full for this deck.

Hope this helps! If you have a moment to check my current idea for a standard deck, I'd appreciate it. :)

Posted 10 November 2012 at 19:13 as a comment on Grixis "Control"


You're decks are always amazing poet. Wish I could make a suggestion, but It's already great.

Posted 07 November 2012 at 21:03 as a comment on Olivia Huntmaster


Delver of secrets doesn't fit here. I would swap it for hovering Elgaud sheildmage instead (hexproof is important to keep your wincon alive). I would also swap moonmist for clinging mist.

Posted 07 November 2012 at 00:54 as a comment on Elocutor's Vengeance


Fling is a must; it has good synergy with your spells and creatures. I would consider swapping it for the disciple or traitorous blood

Posted 05 November 2012 at 22:01 as a comment on standard sacrfice


Like what poet said, use cyclonic rift instead of thunderous wrath. I wold also suggest using think twice instead of inaction injunction, that card works really well with guttersnipe..

Posted 05 November 2012 at 17:16 as a comment on 'Merica Guttersnipe


If you want to focus on lockdown/populate, one card you should consider is acidic slime; it's a cheap uncommon that can destroy lands, enchantments, or artifacts. If you can make a token of that and populate it, you can destroy their lands for a complete lockdown. Deathtouch makes allows it to kill most creatures that block it too. You don't need a beefy creature to win in lockdown, you just need to make sure they don't play anything.

Posted 04 November 2012 at 21:06 in reply to #300768 on Good standard deck??


If you want to go with lock down, add some mana ramp to get it out as fast as possible. turn five to get it out is fairly slow. The potential in populate is choosing quality over quantity, so try taking a look at some cards that can make a token of a powerful card. one card that comes to mind is cackling counterpart, however it's blue. Here's a rd of a populate deck I'm working on to give you some ideas on how to work with it. It's more expensive, but that's because of the creatures I choose, you don't have to pick them.

Posted 04 November 2012 at 21:02 in reply to #300768 on Good standard deck??


I'd take out two cards (4-5cmc) to have a play set of arbor elf and avacyn's pilgrim. Looks solid otherwise. If you can take a look at my deck I'd appreciate it.

Posted 01 November 2012 at 02:26 as a comment on Selesnya Aggro


This deck is too slow to be effective, plus you have 2 concepts that don't work with each other; populate and lock down. i would start by focusing on one theme and build on that. It'll be faster, and more consistent.

Posted 31 October 2012 at 17:19 as a comment on Good standard deck??


Looks like a good start. Here are my suggestions
Cards to take out
2 cackling counterpart-this card doesn't have much synergy with your deck
1 Devils play- without mana ramp, x cost burn spells lack the power they need.
2 faithless looting-You already have the charms and think twice, which should be enough draw spells.

Cards to consider
1 more Talrand, Sky Summoner- You're not likely to draw it with only two, plus this shouldn't affect your creature/spell ratio.
4 Rewind-Counter spells have a lot of hate atm, but having a few of these would work really well with your deck.

If you can take a look at my deck, I would appreciate it. Hope this helps!

Posted 31 October 2012 at 02:57 as a comment on R/U Guttersnipe Burn


Your deck is spread too thin; you need to decide to make this a zombie damage-based mill (undead alchemist), regular mill (Jace) or just a regular control deck (leviathan and talrand). When you decide, focus on that theme.

Posted 30 October 2012 at 19:08 as a comment on Mass Mill 2012


Posted 29 October 2012 at 19:46 in reply to #300207 on Olivia Burn (standard)


I like this deck A lot, it has a lot of aggro power.

like what poet-masterx said, get rid of bump in the night and swap reverberate for increasing vengance instead. Blood artist also makes a good utility card for your deck too.

I would think about replacing a swamp or two for mountains since your deck is more red heavy.

Not much to say, the deck seems very consistent and strong, good job! If you can check out my RUG deck for help with touch-ups and ideas for the sideboard. I would appreciate it. :)

Posted 29 October 2012 at 19:44 as a comment on Olivia Burn (standard)


I would take out Sigarda and a restoration angel in favor of two acidic slimes for versatility. Call of the conclave doesn't have good synergy with your current deck since it seems to work like a blink deck. Like metamorph said, cloudshift is a very strong card for a deck like this. Can you please comment on my deck? I would like to hear what you think about my populate deck, thanks.

Posted 24 October 2012 at 23:15 as a comment on Selesnya Aggro


Yea it shows, the curve and versatility is still there. it's hard to determine which card to deal with.

Posted 20 October 2012 at 20:08 in reply to #297882 on BUG superfriends


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