
493 Decks, 309 Comments, 91 Reputation

First of all, I'd like to express my utmost respect in the pricing of this deck. I'm fairly new to magic as well, and I will NOT pursue a deck if it's over $40--looking at other decks on this website that are priced anywhere from $300-$500 gives me a slight heartattack. So bravo in that regard.

Down to business: This looks like a pretty well-developed strategy - aggro boros is freaking epic. For starters, while the cacklers are okay, i might take out one or two in favor of another boros elite or war falcon. If you have any extra money to spend at any point, more Foundry Champions would be a worthwhile investment. Lategame, he's your only real hope to clear the board effectively for that last hit. You have a lot of burn spells--maybe too many. Searing spear, lightning bolt, shock, thunderous wrath, and pillar of flame are all variations on the exact same thing. Maybe swap some out--I would take out lightning bolt and shock since they aren't in standard right now--if you're lacking on burn after you do that, add more thundrous wrath or pillars of flame. I would consider reforge the soul for card draw (which you may need with the aggro portion) and maybe mizzium mortars for board clearing. You should be running a full playset of dynacharge--for real. Also, if you have any future plans to further develop this deck, keep in mind some filler cards you have in here (I point specifically to skynight leggionaire and to some extent the cacklers and lightning mauler.) They don't have a lot to offer late game--all they really do is serve as hitters for a couple turns. They're okay--but if you find better cards, those might be the ones I take out.

Overall nice job. If you want, check out some of my decks! I'm working on a simic standard and monoblack standard and could really use some advice. Bravo again!

Posted 28 February 2013 at 20:29 as a comment on Blitzkrieg!


I like your style, sir. I ran a skirsdag high priest standard deck last year when mirrodin was in standard. I found that reassembling skeleton worked incredibly well. He's probably out of standard now, but undying could gladly take the place in this situation. Maybe even a slitherhead for scavenge? I like your direction.

Posted 28 February 2013 at 15:13 as a comment on Orzhov Souls and Demons


Invisble stalker + Stolen Identity. Free copy of the visionary every turn as well as an alternate win con if the game goes on too long. As for the sideboard, the best thing to do is think about standard decks that are big right now. GW, GU, and GR are all big right now and all of them feature a full playset of thragtusk, so an arresting enchantment is the best way to deal with him. Simic is also growing so Devastation Tide might be good for the evolve dekcs--it'll set them back a lot whereas you can just recast your visionaries. Idk about how prevalent it is, but I play flashback in standard, and I know there are cards in block to deal with flashback, undying, and scavenge. Most of them will also take out golgari dekcs. In general, for most creatures, I'm personally partial to silent departure--espeically in GU.

Hopefully that helps a little bit. If you get a chance, check out some of my decks. I'm working on a simic standard and a monoblack standard right now--they might even give you some ideas!

Posted 28 February 2013 at 15:08 as a comment on Infisionary


My friend plays a deck much like this actually. Of course I don't think you just want to mimic his deck, but here are some things that he does that you might consider:

Time Warp or Temporal Mastery for extra turns: Gets the most out of howling mine's ability and gives you a good lead in terms of mana. Also lets you keep some land open for instant bounces or counters.

Temple Bell: Same general effects as howling mine, but lets you capitalize on the extra turns more if you decide to take it in that direciton.

I don't honestly see the point for lotus bloom--cutting out the three would save a lot of money and I don't think it does a lot in this deck. Sure it's fast mana, but I think this deck has the potential to be fast enough without it. From what I've seen of my friends version, even without bounces, no one can really get more than 10 damage on him before his strategy sets in.

Those are just some of my opinions. Nice deck though! Love to know how it works out. If you get a chance, check out some of my decks. Working on refining a monoblack standard and a simic standard at the moment.

Posted 28 February 2013 at 14:49 as a comment on Izzet Mindblast; advice needed


Where's the Undead Alchemist?!!

Posted 14 February 2013 at 15:29 as a comment on La meule imblocable


I came here looking for some interesting ideas on how to build a deck around Rakdos, and I think I got a few.
Try adding in either artifact creatures (not sure that there are many in standard, though) or really massive creatures worth a lot of colorless mana. This will give you the greatest efficiency in terms of having to pay mana in addition to Rakdos' ability.

Posted 11 October 2012 at 11:13 as a comment on Rakdos Devils


Why didn't I think of that?! Brilliant, sir. Simply brilliiant.

Posted 11 July 2012 at 18:26 in reply to #272101 on Come at me


But the thing with Phyrexian Mana is that they always can pay the mana--they can just substitute life instead.

Posted 11 July 2012 at 13:51 in reply to #271997 on Come at me


That's an interesting suggestion. I've never considered using Jace's archivist like that. The only problems I might have with that are 1. accidentally self-milling and 2. what if you give your opponents more cards that way? Very unique idea though. I'll try it out and see if I like it. Have you ever tried something like that?

Posted 14 May 2012 at 20:48 in reply to #255716 on Affordable Reanimator


I never even considered Drogskol reaver lol he is PERFECT for this deck lol. Thanks!

Posted 14 May 2012 at 02:24 in reply to #255601 on Affordable Reanimator


As nice as Griselbrand is, I just didn't find him to be as useful as Avacyn and Gisela. His ability IS amazing, but he doesn't enable 10-16 points of damage every turn like Gisela does or make all your cards indestructible like Avacyn. He's ba--i know--but he just didn't make the cut lol

Posted 14 May 2012 at 02:22 in reply to #255600 on Affordable Reanimator


Elementals are easily my favorite creature type BY FAR. I've always wanted to build an elemental tribal (though mine would be RUG). This is a fantastic deck. SOOOOOO good.

Question: Why sideboard Quest for Pure Flame? That is EASILY one of my favorite red cards in the game, and I feel like it could gain A TON of momentum in this deck.

My opinion aside, this deck is utterly amazing. Nice job.

Posted 10 April 2012 at 10:53 as a comment on Incaendium


If you want a fast and aggressive dragon deck (not just changelings) then you need to add in Kargan Dragonlord and DragonMaster Outcast. I can't think of any better dragon cards than those. You could always use ruined stalactite to turn outcast into a dragon himself too.

Posted 23 February 2012 at 10:16 as a comment on Aggro Dragons


I definitely see what you're saying. Just to make sure where on the same page, you think I should focus on getting more spells out (because there are no really amazing ones here), so runic repetition doesn't really matter. Also, why no artful dodge? the purpose was to really power up stromkirk noble. I really thank you for your comment though. What counter spells would you recommend? Mana leak?

Posted 18 February 2012 at 01:22 in reply to #235423 on PLEASE HELP


Awesome deck! Such a great idea! I might recommend adding a few undying evils (insurance for your lich). Also, could you use Midnight Guards at all? It seems nice with all the creatures entering your battlefield. also, I know your deck isn't red, but it seems worth splashing so that you can add in a "Flayer of the Hatebound"

Posted 15 February 2012 at 14:38 as a comment on Heartless Lich Combo Deck (Standard)


What happened to Kargan Dragonlord?

Posted 12 February 2012 at 04:58 as a comment on The Best 2-Drops Ever Made


I had thought about that too lol not snapcaster but past in flames. Thing about this deck is that most of the spells already have flashback, so i don't need to give any of them flashback with snapcaster.

Posted 05 January 2012 at 00:51 in reply to #226162 on De-Ja-Vu Standard



My standard morbid deck. PLEASE HELP ME!

Posted 12 December 2011 at 01:10 as a comment on ADVERTISE 2!!!


Yeah I bet. Not to mention Norn's Annex and Isolation Cell are really going to slow down the game, giving you a lot more time to get what you need. Considered Etched Champion for this deck? I know I'm probably just listing off really good cards because I have no imagination lol but it's something to think about.

Posted 07 November 2011 at 12:36 as a comment on Manufactorum


Wow, this deck is epic. While I don't want to sound like a jerk criticizing one-of's, Mirrorworks is WAY too good of a card to just have one of it. If that's all you have IRL, I understand, but this deck would be INSANE if you had 3 or more.

Posted 07 November 2011 at 01:05 as a comment on Manufactorum


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