
49 Decks, 178 Comments, 29 Reputation

I take your recommendations into consideration like everyone else. Don't get offended because I don't do everything you suggest. The purpose of the site is to post your own ideas and have them ripped apart. If I posted a deck I just invented and hadn't play-tested, I would change pretty much change whatever you wanted me to change. However- this deck has been play-tested and re-built and re-tested over the past 3 weeks. I've played against different variations of just about every top-8 deck. It just works.

If card number is your main focus when building a deck, then you need to refocus.

I'd like suggestions on sideboard changes, or help with an order of importance in the mainboard. Sometimes I get blinded by certain cards and can't see when they're no longer relevant to the build...

Posted 01 December 2011 at 23:28 in reply to #218466 on Someone, shut this thing down.


I know. Does it feel like you're talking to a non-standard legal wall of frost?

Posted 01 December 2011 at 23:10 in reply to #218466 on Someone, shut this thing down.


wall of frost?

Posted 01 December 2011 at 23:06 in reply to #218466 on Someone, shut this thing down.


Changing constantly. I need to play with this thing again to restore my confidence.

Posted 01 December 2011 at 21:07 as a comment on Someone, shut this thing down.


Ok. So I'll go down to 60... Or wait... no I won't. What the hell should I do? 59.5 is technically 60, right?

I'll start ripping my land in half right away.

Posted 01 December 2011 at 19:06 in reply to #218316 on Someone, shut this thing down.


Added the probes back because I never should have questioned a deck that works.

Probes are awesome because - they don't take up space and they are dual purpose, potentially for free with the lifegain in this deck...

Good game.

Posted 01 December 2011 at 17:24 as a comment on Someone, shut this thing down.


That was my thought. Some of the cards that made it 65 are gone now, tho. I could throw the probes back in and if I don't like how it plays, just take them out. Yea!

Posted 01 December 2011 at 16:18 in reply to #218287 on Someone, shut this thing down.


I took out the divine offerings and bumped the relic warders up to 4. I also sideboarded a wurmcoil and dropped a land.


Posted 01 December 2011 at 15:34 as a comment on Someone, shut this thing down.


62. That's where it is.

Posted 01 December 2011 at 04:02 as a comment on Someone, shut this thing down.


In other words... The low creature count is deceptive. Tokens are half the creatures in this build.

Posted 01 December 2011 at 03:27 as a comment on Someone, shut this thing down.


The thing is.... The probes actually don't take up much space. U draw it, and then you draw again. 65 is working great.

Swiftfoot is awesome in this setup. I can't tell you how many times its won games for me fiend hunters need protection if they're going to sit on another creature for the entire game. Geist, hero, wurmcoil are all game enders when you make them hasty.

Honor of the pure is in there because it beefs everything up enough to be dangerous. Moorland haunt and midnight haunting are a whole lot scarier when they're pumping out 2/2s or 3/3s. Geist is awesome on turn 3 as a 3/3 hexproof... There's plenty of reason to run them.

Angelic destiny is not a must in this deck. It's a nice win condition. But its not the end of the world if something steals it. Fiend hunter like a boss. O-ring. Whatever.

I WILL take out a land.


Posted 01 December 2011 at 03:25 as a comment on Someone, shut this thing down.


Cool idea. I'll look into it. I don't have a ton of trouble with that, but I can definitely see how that would bea nice trick..

Posted 01 December 2011 at 02:45 in reply to #218276 on Someone, shut this thing down.


I called it a toolbox deck because no matter what deck its up against it always seems to have the tools to handle the job. Not trying to copy a deck from 1875 or whenever the hell you're talking about. It's actually just a very well-rounded deck.

Sorry for offending toolbox tools everywhere.

Posted 01 December 2011 at 02:42 as a comment on Someone, shut this thing down.


Actually. I kept trying to run crusaders in this deck, but they were too weak against red and blue and white. Nothing worse than waiting til turn 3 to have your crusader put back into your hand and lose 1 life. Also... it only takes a shock or galvanic blast to do lethal damage to the boy.

Doomed traveler is one of the best commons in this set. In this deck, he's way better than champion. I'd argue that in most decks, he's got more value than champion. Just put a couple in your deck and watch how people play around him. It's great. WIth moorland haunt out, the doomed traveler can basically survive 2 day of judgements. His value against removal is top tier. Champion and all his counters go in the toilet when day of judgement or doom blade or go for the throat or burn or....

And I would cut it down to 60 if I was having trouble drawing consistent winning hands. But I don't.

And I can explain the wurmcoils. I was lacking on the top-end for mirror matches sometimes, so I decided that they would do just fine in this style deck. With 25-26 land, I don't see a problem.

Posted 01 December 2011 at 01:38 as a comment on Someone, shut this thing down.


Yep. They WOULD work well in here... But this deck was made to be a fast budget deck. So it's just a base for other people to take and make their own decks from.

Side note: How the hell is $20 for a piece of paper not that bad? In what realm is that not highway robbery of the shittiest kind?

Posted 01 December 2011 at 01:15 in reply to #218143 on It's over already? (FAST standard red deck)


I believe it now. I just need to use the deck more with the probes since it's a new addition. It's always good to know what's in the other players hand. But extra card draw is also nice...

Posted 30 November 2011 at 23:11 as a comment on Someone, shut this thing down.


Haha! Thanks. I have no idea what to expect at fnm, but i definitely feel more prepared than usual. It should be interesting...

Posted 30 November 2011 at 22:10 in reply to #218159 on Someone, shut this thing down.


True. True. And I didn't think about the probe actually not taking up a card space... I'll toss the probes in there. Now watch. This fnm will be full of stromkirks and delvers....

Posted 30 November 2011 at 21:35 as a comment on Someone, shut this thing down.


Well. I was actually torn between gut shots and gitaxian probes. If I'm playing in a match where I don't have to worry about the other person running over me with stromkirks or delvers, then I'd rather be running probes. But a lot of people ARE running those kinds of cards now, and I'd like to have a gut shot handy to slow their game up.

And the deck has been running very smoothly lately. I'm actually scared to break the thing down, because it seems like it takes about 15 games to get a deck back into working order.

Posted 30 November 2011 at 16:44 as a comment on Someone, shut this thing down.


Well. I actually threw them in there originally as a multi-use "tool" for re-populating after day, or for stopping geist in his tracks, or for slowing down/stopping the stormbloods and stromkirks. It's a nice surprise card to have when you have 3 untapped mana to spare.
And the mana curve does seem to work pretty well in this deck. I haven't had any issues with playing the cards on the turn they are supposed to be played. But, with swiftfoot boots, I usually like to wait an extra turn to get that surprise hasty attack. I guess the deck does have a lot of hidden trickery built in...

Posted 30 November 2011 at 16:17 as a comment on Someone, shut this thing down.


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