
49 Decks, 178 Comments, 29 Reputation

You'd probably get 5 poison counters for every turn you didn't clean yourself up.

Posted 10 November 2011 at 16:22 in reply to #213572 on Shit your pants on turn 3


Well. I'm allowed to be wishy washy right? It's my deck after all. I thought better (with some outside advisement from patchkey) about taking out the stalkers. They give me more hexproof/unblockable options for equipping the swords and batterskulls to. I do want to add more swords/equipment, but I'm short on funds and have little left to trade. I think that 4 mythic rare equipment is going to be enough to consistently draw at least one out every time. I'll update this once I add those swords. The body and minds could make an appearance depending on who I'm playing... Nothing more fun than helping a control deck mill themselves to death.

On that note. I do have lots of other equipment. What would be good for right now, until I can get more swords? Dagger? Pitchfork? Blah blah blah?

Or should I just let it be and hope for.the best until I can steal some more swords from someone?

Posted 10 November 2011 at 16:18 in reply to #213575 on Shit your pants on turn 3


Timely reinforcements was my answer to the fast decks, but I may need more. And doj actually doesnt hurt me too badly because of the equipment. The equipment stays making all the new creatures an instant threat.

But you're right. It's not perfect. And that's why I'm asking for criticism.

Changes are happening today. Stay tuned.

And thanks again for the suggestions.

Posted 10 November 2011 at 14:56 in reply to #213553 on Shit your pants on turn 3


Also. The flails have been THE game winners in way more than most of the games i've played. Why is it so bad to keep them in there? With so many first strikers, unless I come up against another first striker, they work very effectively.

Just curious.

Posted 10 November 2011 at 14:52 as a comment on Shit your pants on turn 3


Ok. You're right. It IS a jack of all trades deck. And there's probably an answer to everything in it. I had champion in there at first, but sort of traded him out for the splicers. He does draw early attention and doesn't manage to do a lot before he's taken out. And I'd been toying with the idea of sideboarding stalker simply because it would allow me to fill the space with more true "warriors" - "first-strikers, vigilant fellas"...

I'll take your advice and throw in some doomed travelers for the 1 drop. I'll also probably just fill out the stalker spot with more of what I already have - Abolisher/inquisitors, and add an extra crusader/splicer to the mix.

This is what I need. Constructive criticism. Tell me my weaknesses so I can patch the endlessly leaky boat that is Standard format.

Thank you sir.

Posted 10 November 2011 at 14:48 in reply to #213575 on Shit your pants on turn 3


Well. I couldn't pull your deck up, but I'm sure its fantastic.

This deck doesn't need ramp since 80% of the cards have a mana cost of 4 or less, and only 2 at 6 mana.

It is slower than your standard rdw deck, but what isn't? That's why I threw the timelys and doj's in there.

Thanks for your suggestions, tho.

Posted 10 November 2011 at 06:59 in reply to #213553 on Shit your pants on turn 3


I was just doing that, actually. I had them in the main-board originally, but during all my tweaking, I guess I'd left them out. They are side-boarded for now though because I found that having the inquisitors in the mainboard makes the deck more aggressive to help against fast decks. But the abolisher's will directly replace them when I play solar flare/ control decks.
People with control decks tend to hate seeing the abolisher's...

Thanks for the suggestion. You actually read my mind.

Posted 10 November 2011 at 05:38 in reply to #213543 on Shit your pants on turn 3


Well... Actually, I'd love to grab a 4th glacial fortress, but local availability keeps me from doing it. And It's been running pretty good with what it has, as far as land goes. I'll probably replace an island with the 4th fortress once I get it.

And really, I can't understand why seachrome coast is so expensive anyways. I know you want options on your first turn, but I can't justify putting another $45 worth of cards in my deck for just 4 lands. Especially when I don't have any 1 drop's in the deck. Maybe I'm missing something though... And if I am, please tell me, because I'll always admit ignorance. (not really)

Thanks for the suggestion. I've definitely considered it, but as long as it keeps doing what it does, I'm going to stick with it.

Posted 10 November 2011 at 03:43 in reply to #213511 on Shit your pants on turn 3


Yea. Keep it pure. I understand. I just like heavy hitters... and a dragon with claws on is a real heavy hitter.

Geistflame if youre having trouble making the furyborn guy bloodthirsty.

Posted 10 November 2011 at 03:31 as a comment on Blood and Thunder


This is a nice deck man. If it were me, I'd just replace the lightning greaves with swiftfoot boots. That way you can give your dragons claws of valikut to make for some real nice first striking damage.

Posted 10 November 2011 at 01:47 as a comment on Blood and Thunder


Thanks man. I feel the same way about the discussion. I posted the deck on here to try and get idea's on how to make it better and to maybe help other people out with their deck designs. I enjoy the constructive criticism and the thumbs ups equally. It's all been very helpful.

And, I believe that's what this website was built for. :)

Posted 10 November 2011 at 00:15 in reply to #213462 on Shit your pants on turn 3


Thanks! I did have o-rings in there but I guess I forgot to.make space for them when I changed my sideboard up yesterday. I'll make some more changes to fit those in. Thanks for pointing that out.

And I'll check out that dragon deck. I always enjoy playing with a good dragon deck. I have one that's jot standard anymore but its still a lot of fun to play with.

Posted 09 November 2011 at 22:05 in reply to #213435 on Shit your pants on turn 3


Thanks man. Yea. I'll check them out. My decks are actually made with a lot of input from a lot of different people. Amd a whole lot more trial and error frustration. It's nice to find a winner every now and then.

Posted 09 November 2011 at 22:00 in reply to #213420 on Shit your pants on turn 3


Actually.... I've been working on this deck for quite a while. The original idea was to use puresteel along with people who.had hexproof or protection. The Geist and angelic destinies were the most recent additions because I saw how they played and I liked it. I don't have deep pockets by any means. I traded a LOT of cards to get it where it is now.

Ive had human equipment decks since I first started playing, so if there happen to be a whole bunch of awesome cards from the new set that 'everyone" is playing, its because they ARE awesome fucking cards. And if I choose to trade up to those cards and use those cards, that doesnt mean I'm following a recipe for a cookie cutter deck or that it should be assumed that I hace deeper pockets than anyone else.
There are around 260 cards that come out in a set. Not a 100 fucking thousand. About 30 of them might be worth playing in a tournament deck. So there's bound to be some overlap in deck styles. When certain cards work well with others, you play them together. It's called synergy. Decks are built around synergy.

Jesus. Standard limits the options so much that its actually impossible to come up with something that someone else doesn't already have or won't have within the week. If you've ever played standard, youd know.

You should think before you speak. You might not look like such an asshole.

Posted 09 November 2011 at 20:39 as a comment on Shit your pants on turn 3


Sorry. Here's the link.


Posted 09 November 2011 at 19:50 as a comment on Stop! It's dragon time!


This is a nice start. I love dragon decks. A black and red dragon deck would be tits. Using heartless summoning to pull out massive dragons on turn 4. Also youd have black removal and red burn spells to clear the way for destruction....

Sorry. I know I'm off topic, but dragon decks don't get enough credit.

Have you thought about adding in some geosurges?

Check out my new human swarm deck and let me know what you think, please. Its a work in progress.

Posted 09 November 2011 at 19:43 as a comment on Stop! It's dragon time!


That was pretty great. Thanks for letting me get to that point.

That was a nasty germ angel. Can't wait to see what happens when I put boots and darksteel on a human and have the overseer go to work with some swords or batterskulls or flails or....

And then bring it all back with the sun Titan!

Posted 09 November 2011 at 19:33 as a comment on Shit your pants on turn 3


Thanks everyone for the comments. Everything helps. I'm looking forward to trying this out on Friday.

Posted 09 November 2011 at 16:18 as a comment on Shit your pants on turn 3


It's not the spell bombs. It's the creatures and equipment that just keep coming throughout the entire game. You are forced to use all your counter spells and o rings and timely's and d.o.j's early on, but then the nicer creatures and nicer equipment just start coming out. And I don't know if you've played with any angelic destiny's, but they are a game winner when you strap them on a crusader/geist/batterskull/angelic overseer/damn near everything. Most of the creatures have hexproof or protection of some kind. If they don't, they can just borrow a pair of swift foot boots.

I'm actually changing the sideboard up a bit now though. It seems like the deck definitely has some weaknesses as it is against fast red decks. I'm throwing in some timely reinforcements and some elite inquisitors. That should do the trick. And maybe some day of judgements to put in, in case of a token deck. Also, I think suture priest might work well against token decks, but I don't want to give up the space for it just yet.

Posted 09 November 2011 at 04:52 as a comment on Shit your pants on turn 3


This is a nice deck. But I've beaten several decks EXACTLY like this one with my new creation. It cripples your graveyard play, but more importantly, it doesn't matter how many day of judgements or timely reinforcements you play, I will probably still have more board presence.

Just check it out. It might help you figure out how to plug the leaks.


Posted 09 November 2011 at 01:45 as a comment on Solar Flare


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