
134 Decks, 667 Comments, 82 Reputation

Yeah, earthcraft + squirrel's nest is broken. But this deck is for casual group game and this combo is mild compared to some other stuff pulled in my casual group games.

Posted 10 July 2012 at 17:32 in reply to #270361 on 150th Deck Celebration



By Blood Bomb are you referring to Zombie Pod the standard rogue deck that some are referring to as Blood Pod? I can't seem to find a reference to Blood Bomb on the net.

Blood Pod Deck

60 cards
4 Blackcleave Cliffs
3 Cavern of Souls
3 Dragonskull Summit
10 Swamp
3 Woodland Cemetery

23 lands

4 Blood Artist
4 Diregraf Ghoul
1 Falkenrath Aristocrat
2 Fume Spitter
4 Geralf's Messenger
4 Gloom Surgeon
4 Gravecrawler
1 Perilous Myr
3 Phyrexian Metamorph
1 Zealous Conscripts

28 creatures

4 Birthing Pod
2 Go for the Throat
3 Tragic Slip

9 other spells

4 Crypt Creeper
2 Liliana of the Veil
2 Manic Vandal
3 Phyrexian Obliterator
1 Ratchet Bomb
2 Sorin's Thirst
1 Zealous Conscripts

15 sideboard cards

Posted 10 July 2012 at 16:01 as a comment on Low cost Tournament Goblin Deck


My meta-game evironment is currently heavy RUG delver and variety of ramp decks not much combo and lots of control with Pernicous Deed and Killing Wave being some common favorites.

I agree the Sharpshooter is good against RUG delver but pretty useless without a basilisk collar I was
thinking even of replacing it with Tin Street Hooligan, but the deck doesn't have enough green mana to make it worthwhile. I like having a pinger in the deck for that 1 extra damage unfortunately like you said in your post Goblins works more because of the mana denial than the threat of its creatures. When Thalia gets into play with Blood Moon for most Legacy decks that's game over.

Posted 09 July 2012 at 21:34 in reply to #271493 on Low cost Tournament Goblin Deck


Well 4 mox diamonds doesn't seem to hurt too much.

On average the deck will shows at least 1 red mana source 7 out of eight hands
Showing no lands about 1 in every 12 hands.
And about 1 in 30 hands showing only 1 plain.

It shows a mox about 1 in 15 hands and when it shows a mox about 25% the time its paired with 2 lands
50% its paired with 1 land and 25% of the time the Mox is by itself by itself.

So in general about 7 in 8 hands are good. When you get stuck on with a bad first hand and mulligan I'd say you've got about 75% chance of getting workable hand.

This means you'll lose to mana screw somewhere around 1 in 12 hands

Posted 09 July 2012 at 20:22 as a comment on Low cost Tournament Goblin Deck


Hi WhiteAndBlueTheyKillYou,

Like the deck, Thalia, Guardian of Thraben is an interesting addition to the deck. I image Thalia will be appearing more and more in creature aggo decks. Recently I made a low cost Legacy goblin deck that
uses Blood Moon and Thalia instead Wastelands and Rishadan Ports. If you have the time take a look and tell me what you think.

Posted 08 July 2012 at 21:42 as a comment on Goblins, as done by a control player



I've left comments and suggestions on your infinite deck. Which I see you used. Enjoy.

Posted 08 July 2012 at 20:35 in reply to #271330 on Infinite Damage by Turn 2 by two ways



Left a few comments and suggestions on your 3 loops deck.

Posted 07 July 2012 at 23:55 in reply to #271098 on 16 Infinite Loops in One Deck!!!!


Hi heliosofcows,

Thanks for suggestions I'll try to squeeze in a one or two Mimic Vats and Ebony Owl Netsukes. If you have any decks you'd like me to take a look at post it here.

Posted 07 July 2012 at 23:48 as a comment on Isochron Turbo Fog Deck


Hi deckbuilder101,

Nice fun deck. Genesis Chamber instead of Germiniation Chamber is a possibly. Same effect for 1 less mana and Myr Retriever can bring it back if it is destroyed. Diabolic Intent is more mana efficient that Diabolic Tutor. But if your gaming buddies don't mind vampiric tutor is awesome.

Posted 07 July 2012 at 23:46 as a comment on good legacy deck


Hi clarky,

I like to make these type of decks too. Here's some ways to improve your deck.

Urza's Incubator instead Planar Gate.
Soul Warden instead Angelic Chorus
Might try adding artifact lands like Seat of Synod and Ancient Den to sacrifice for Reshape, Transmute Artifact, etc...
If you replace Arcbound Ravager with Altar of Dementia you then add 4 more ways of milling opponent library to nothing.
Genesis Chamber might be a fun thing to add to the deck = infinite tokens creatures are fun
If you're play group doesn't mind banned or restricted cards Tinker is a nice card to use.

You might enjoy taking a look at some my decks that abuse Myr Retriever
3 Ways to Infinite Direct Damage 2 ways to Infinite tokens
Deck link:
4 Ways To Infinite Damage Deck
Deck link:
16 Infinite Loops in One Deck!!!!
Deck link:
Heartless 1st Turn Kill - No Vintage Power Cards
Deck link:

Posted 05 July 2012 at 07:07 as a comment on Artifacts are Infinite



You asked me to take a look at your deck.

I'm not a big extended player I mostly do legacy and stardard but I'll try to keep my comments limited to extended.

First off here's a tourney level arifact deck that uses some a few golems
taken from
Transmuter by Frank Lepore
Main Deck

4 Etherium Sculptor
4 Grand Architect
4 Lodestone Golem
4 Master Transmuter
1 Myr Battlesphere
1 Platinum Emperion
1 Sharuum the Hegemon
3 Shimmer Myr
1 Sphinx of the Steel Wind
4 Sphinx Summoner
2 Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas
2 Treasure Mage
1 Wurmcoil Engine

Creatures [32]
3 Everflowing Chalice
2 Sphere of the Suns

4 Arcane Sanctum
4 Darkslick Shores
4 Island
1 Marsh Flats
2 Mystic Gate
1 Plains
2 Seachrome Coast
4 Sunken Ruins
1 Swamp

Lands [23]

Deck Total [60]


1 Dispeller's Capsule
1 Elixir of Immortality
1 Ethersworn Adjudicator
1 Executioner's Capsule
4 Leyline of Sanctity
1 Nihil Spellbomb
1 Platinum Emperion
1 Shimmer Myr
1 Spine of Ish Sah
1 Steel Hellkite
2 Trinket Mage

This deck should give you some good ideas of how Shape Anew and Etherium Sculptor and Master Transmuter can be used to abuse artifacts. It also would be good read the article to understand how
the deck works in the metagame environment.

My idea of a golem deck is a little less straightforward I like to go for infinite golems :-))

Here's one way to do it: Get into play Leyline of Anticipation (mulligan till you can cast it free on first turn) + Golem Foundry + Glen Elendra Pranksters + 2 zero casting cost artifacts at the end of my opponent's turn, I flash two 0-cost artifact guys. I ignore the Prankster's triggered ability on the first one, but use the second trigger to bounce the first 0-cost guy. Then, I go infinite, bouncing and replaying 0-cost artifact guys as long as I want, amassing an arbitrarily large multiple of 3 charge counters on the Foundry, which I activate a huge number of times to produce a vast army of 3/3 Golems who will be ready to attack when my turn starts.

Posted 05 July 2012 at 04:56 as a comment on Slow-mo Golems: Needs Help.



Left comments and suggestions on your B/W deck.

Posted 04 July 2012 at 21:49 in reply to #270259 on 150th Deck Celebration


Hi TheGusBus ,

You asked me to look at your deck. I notice that the deck is mostly standard cards with a bit of non-standard cards. I don't know exactly what your play group allows so I'm limiting my card selection to
Legacy legal unless I say otherwise.

You say your having a hard time with hexproof stuff, yeah Sigarda, Host of Herons is a tough to beat. Some of the following cards may be of help; Damnation, Wrath of God, Day of Judgment, Nevinyrral's Disk, Ratchet Bomb, Planar Collapse, Retribution of the Meek, Rout, Season of the Witch, Winds of Rath. A mix like this should work for you:
3 Wrath of God and 2 Ratchet Bomb and 1 Killing Wave should do.

Personally I like the following for black spot control
4 Tragic Slip, 3 Go for the Throat, 1 Doomblade, 2 Dismember
for white spot control
4 Swords to Plowshare or 4 Path to Exlie, 3 Oblivion Ring, 1 Disenchant

Tombstalker and Baneslayer Angel are a nice creatures.

If your group allows restricted and banned stuff Balance is very nice card.

Posted 04 July 2012 at 21:47 as a comment on Black + White Angel deck


Hi TheGusBus,

Why no planeswalker?

Well no planestalker is needed.

Most of the creatures either can become infininte power/infinite toughness or make tokens infinite power infinite toughness or help do infinite damage. The exceptions are Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur which gives great card advantage and Khalni Hydra which is likely to be a 8/8 trampler cast for free and Urabrask the Hidden which give all my creatures haste.

Posted 04 July 2012 at 21:09 in reply to #270259 on 150th Deck Celebration



Love the concept of the deck. I'm probably a mad scientist at heart.
Iv'e always loved giving infinite mana to Spawnshire of Ulamog.

Posted 01 July 2012 at 18:11 as a comment on Mad Science


Hi Chewrida,

Glad you like the deck. Sorry to dissappoint you but all these infinite mana combos I looked up. But often the way I combine and use my infinite combos is unique to me.

This deck has an over abundance of infinite mana combos. Realistically this deck should be cut down to just one or two infine mana combos and the rest of the deck such be devoted to finding, protecting, and abusing the combo. I just posted this deck because I want players like yourself to see various different types of easy to use infinite mana combos so they might inspire you to make your own deck abusing them.

When you see one of my deck labeled tournament and it has sideboard then you will be seeing a deck that is a really serious deck. Most of my decks are casual and made for the joy of doing crazy silly stuff with MTG cards.

I have couple low cost Legacy Tournament decks that haven't got many comments here are the links
Low cost Red Deck Wins deck
Deck link:
Low cost Goblin deck
Deck link:

Here's a tourney combo deck with a very rarely seen combo that I'm quite happy with
Deck link:

Deck link:

Posted 30 June 2012 at 19:22 in reply to #269434 on Infinite Mana 7 ways


Hey RoboRisu,

Not exactly sure what you're saying about the Maze of Ith. But assure you the combo
Argothian Elder + Maze of Ith + another mana land = Infinite Mana is a very well known combo and
was the reason Argothian Elder was banned in Legacy for quite awhile.

Here's just one of many semi-official site that proclaim its legality

here's an explaination how it works:
The combo works. You don't have to declare the Elder as an attacker more than once. After you've done that, it will be an attacking creature until end of combat (except if some effect removes it from combat). Maze of Ith doesn't remove the targeted creature from combat, it will just untap it and prevent all damage from it. So, you can use Maze on Elder, then tap Elder to untap Maze and some other land, then repeat this as many times as you want. Only one thing has changed: the mana now disappears at the end of the step, not the phase (and it won't cause mana burn).

Posted 30 June 2012 at 18:56 in reply to #269403 on Infinite Mana 7 ways



You've always been my biggest fan. But sometimes you enthusiasm gets in the way of reading and careful thought.

This deck makes infinite tokens with earthcraft and squirrel's nest as early as turn 3.

Like I told CrazyFox in an earlier post on this deck.

"I don't really need double infinite tokens. So please suggest the biggest and meanest creature you can think of that hasn't already been suggested to replace Relentless Rats."

I really appreciate all your support and suggestions on all decks since you've become an active member of the Vault. And your idea about haste is a good idea. But if you read the posts there was a whole discussion about this and I added Concordant Cross roads with Sterling Grove to find it and also added Urabrask the Hidden.

I guess I could tweak the deck some more and reduce some creatures to add more Sterling Groves and Concordant Cross roads, but since this is a celebration deck I'd rather include all the suggested creatures even though it is at the cost of the deck's consistancy.

Look forward to celebrating your 50th deck soon.

Posted 30 June 2012 at 17:12 in reply to #269363 on 150th Deck Celebration


Happy birthday!!!!!

Well as soon as I read Thief of Hope "Whenever you play a Spirit or Arcane spell, target opponent loses 1 life and you gain 1 life" I immediately thought wow another Blood Artist! Then I thougtht what's my favorite spirit to abuse with Blood Artist that is non-alcoholic? Why Nether Traitor of course!

Phyrexian Altar + Nether Traitor + Blood Artist or Thief of Hope = Infinite damage to opponent + Infinite life gain for you.

Also Diabolic Intent is a useful card is these types of decks.

Have fun abusing spirits.


Posted 30 June 2012 at 16:47 as a comment on Happy Birthday Lanaeus/Challenge Accepted


Hi Crazyfox,

Yeah isn't not a likely hand, but it is possible. Here's how.

Opening Hand
Ancient Tomb, Grim Monolith, Lotus Petal, Show and Tell, Helm of Obedience, Leyline of the Void, 1 other card.

Put in play Ancient Tomb tap cast Grim Monolith put in play Lotus Petal tap Grim Monolith for 3 colorless
sacrifice Lotus Petal for 1 Blue mana pool now 3 U cast show and Tell put in play Helm of Obedience use extra mana to activate Helm game.

Posted 29 June 2012 at 18:44 as a comment on Turn 1 Mill Kill Deck


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