
13 Decks, 269 Comments, 2 Reputation

thanks so much once again:-) I have looked over each of the cards that you posted. I'm now starting to get a better idea of what is viable in legacy :-) Very useful:-)

Posted 03 February 2010 at 05:18 as a comment on What You Need: Invasion Edition


Well yes if your trying to break into the game with a new deck, you'll have to playtest it to death, to see how it survives against a variety of matchups. Of course,this is going to to take alot of time and effort to do this, but it's certainly going to be worth it, if you can create a tournament deck.

Plus i love trying to create new decks myself, and go about this process alot:-). So i'm not unoriginal

What i am saying is, that although processes like this do create some good decks, some of the time, these ideas are discarded, as a particularly important tournament looms, and players run out of time, or testing results are inconclusive, players will look to play well known, and poweful netdecks. E.g. jund, vamps, UWR, red deck wins etc...

Posted 03 February 2010 at 05:05 as a comment on ANTI-JUND


@irrelevant You really are an idiot, why in hell would you be watching me, thats just a very weird thing to say.You probabally don't even live in the same country as me. Do you watch many people outside thier houses.Why the hell aint you in prison, ya poof.

No i ant gonna leave and by no means have you won this argument. Tbh the rogue deck does usually lose btw. You look cakins, at the number of rogue decks that do poorly in standard and you wouldn't dare argue with me. You look at the statistics for the number of rogue decks that have failed, and you will shut up. Seriously you are still making the same mistakes, your speaking before actually thinking.

i think its great when the rogue deck does well, cuz it brings something new and exciting to the game but it doesn't happen often. Sure, plenty of decks do breakthrough, but absolutely loads don't and thats it.

You look at standard right now, the decks are consistently similar, well now that worldwakes out that will change, but they've been the same for ages. Occasionally one will break through, but it's not a common occurence.

Posted 02 February 2010 at 07:50 as a comment on ANTI-JUND


IQ is dodgy - The intelligence quotient test only covers a small aspect of intelligence, therefore one who does well in such a test is not necessarily a genius or intelligent. And you have no idea of my age, i could be younger than you for all you know.

Posted 01 February 2010 at 16:24 as a comment on ANTI-JUND


IQ is dodgy - The intelligence quotient test only covers a small aspect of intelligence, therefore one who does well in such a test is not necessarily a genius or intelligent. And you have no idea of my age, i could be younger than you for all you know.

Posted 01 February 2010 at 16:22 as a comment on ANTI-JUND


and anyway age doesn't matter, it's no excuse for stupidity!

Posted 01 February 2010 at 15:25 as a comment on ANTI-JUND


What a stupid thing to say, like i would know the age lol

Posted 01 February 2010 at 15:21 as a comment on ANTI-JUND


ok thanks for your input :-)

Posted 01 February 2010 at 07:25 as a comment on What You Need: Ravnica: City of Guilds Edition


The reason people netdeck as i have already mentioned irrelevant, is to not just to use a particularly good deck, it's to understand how that deck wins, and what decks are strong in that particular match - up etc....I regularly have netdeck sessions with other people, so we can get a strong feel for the metagame, it also allows to to construction of a decent sideboard. If you ever want to do well in big tournaments, its a very good idea to go through this process.

I play competitively ok, theres no problem with that, it's the way i have fun!! In every game of magic i always aim to win, and i tend to do so.

However, every once in a while i will build my own standard deck and playtest it to death vs the netdecks, trust me to break into any metagame, whether it's type 1 or type 2, it's hard work.

ok your landfall deck raped jund, well done. have you actually given consideration to any other other decks in this, format or are you stupid like cakins, and seem to think jund is the only deck in standard right now.

I could build a stupid deck like cakins now, and beat jund, but lose to every other type of deck.

Posted 01 February 2010 at 05:38 as a comment on ANTI-JUND


GreenLantern - decks convey no knowledge or skill = no count

Posted 31 January 2010 at 14:27 as a comment on ANTI-JUND


Irrelevant - decks convey no knowledge or skill = no count

Posted 31 January 2010 at 14:26 as a comment on ANTI-JUND


would you do the first set in the invasion block please. But only when you've got the time :-)

Posted 31 January 2010 at 14:23 as a comment on What You Need: Ravnica: City of Guilds Edition


Ok the reason people netdeck, is because those particular decks they are copying, are very good. The player who uses a 'rogue' deck, a homebrewed deck in any big tournament (pro tour etc....) usually loses dramatically. To brekak into the standard metagame, you have to be very, very good. The reason people use jund, vampires, UWR control etc is because it wins and is succesful.

original is better in a way. However, when you play in an important tournament you have to know what decks your coming up against, and you need to have researched the most common deck archetypes etc... and phisicall test many of them in order to achieve success.

You ask any competitive player and they will agree, originality will only get you so far. I play competitively and have done very well in tournaments, so don't call me an amateur GreenLantern, just becasue i play the dominant deck in standard. which people have picked up on, and win with.

oh and irrelevant your comments are equivalent to your namesake. Oh and btw did your u/g land fall deck actually get anywhere lol

Posted 31 January 2010 at 14:18 as a comment on ANTI-JUND


nice + 1 i think this is a net deck, however, netdecks are an excellent way= of playtesting

Posted 30 January 2010 at 15:15 as a comment on White Wenie Agro


btw what do you think of a suicide black deck in standard, it's no way near as good as the legacy one etc... but, i have looked at alot of the cards and it seems sort of viable.

Posted 30 January 2010 at 14:39 as a comment on What You Need: Ravnica: City of Guilds Edition


Once again thanks alot for the this, very useful ;-) How about Firemane Angel though wouldn't that make the list, i've seen it used in some legacy decks, but then again that was a year or two ago.

Posted 30 January 2010 at 00:52 as a comment on What You Need: Ravnica: City of Guilds Edition


ok thanks, as i say m just learning to build a legacy deck, the sideboard was posted very quickly with minimal thought. I've only played standard and a little bit of extended up to now. i want totry out my skills at legacy, i'm decent in standard i got into the top 8, not in a major event, but some of the best people in Scotland were playing. Not that Britain has that many good magic players anymore, but their still good enough :-)

Posted 29 January 2010 at 17:12 as a comment on Legacy merfolk (tournament)


go for it, i want everyones opinion, who's knowledgeable in legacy :-)

Posted 29 January 2010 at 17:04 as a comment on Legacy merfolk (tournament)


new kird ape is decent, 4/5 thoctar decent, admonition angel, quicksand is amazing, man lands are good.

what i reaaly like, but i don;t think it's the best card in the set - the locus mana thing, or whatever it's called. It's similar to wakethrasher in eventide.

Oh and the 6/6 demon that riley mentioned will take the place of my broodmates in standard jund

Posted 29 January 2010 at 17:03 as a comment on Worldwake


whirlpool warrior is good :-)

Posted 29 January 2010 at 16:55 as a comment on Legacy merfolk (tournament)


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