
110 Decks, 2,320 Comments, 1,023 Reputation

You actually play with this pile? 27 lands (and no other mana sources!) in a 91 card deck!? That would hardly be enough if the rest of the deck was cards that cost 1-2 mana, but more than half of your cards cost 4+ mana ... what are you playing against, goldfish?

You need to cut at least 20 non-land cards from this. That alone will boost the performance of this deck tremendously.

Posted 29 March 2017 at 11:25 as a comment on Alpha


Erm ... you forgot to add a discard outlet!?
Animator decks ran Mind Bomb back in the day.
Turn 1: Mind Bomb, discard Nicol Bolas
Turn 2: Shallow Grave on Nicol Bolas, deal 7, opponent has to discard entire hand!

Mind Bomb might even deal some damage on it's own :)
You could also add a Wheel of Fortune for that matter, it discards your hand AND draws 7, so ideally you drop a hand full of Shadows, Ghouls and fatties and draw into animators.

Also, where is Hell's Caretaker? He is the main reason why you run those Ashen Ghouls and Nether Shadows.

Vampiric Tutor is restricted and has always been restricted as far as I can remember, except for Type II ("Standard").

Posted 28 March 2017 at 18:47 as a comment on Old School Reanimator


Those Cryptbreakers aren't worth the trouble without any other zombies. In general, you creature mix is ... questionable to put it mildly. What is the Marauder supposed to intimidate, those other low power dudes? Mardu Shadowspear? He'll attack exactly once. I expected the usual here, Hypnotic Specters, Ravenous/Rotting Rats, Drainpipe Vermin, something like that. Or Abyssal Nocturnus for that matter.

Posted 28 March 2017 at 13:26 as a comment on Discard - Megrim


Oh yes! The faces of the opponents are priceless when you hit them the first time with Pyromancy or similar and reveal a Draco ... but the first couple of turns are rough. It's actually best played in team oriented games like 2HG.

Posted 28 March 2017 at 08:53 in reply to #598199 on Pyromania


Got my filthy hands on a playset of Combustable Gearhulks and 2 of them had to be in this deck! They replace one Rush of Knowledge (because they will always draw cards!) and one Erratic Explosion, which is nice early on but at the same time provides a low CCM target for the other cards, which isn't ideal.
-1 Rush of Knowlege
-1 Erratic Explosion
+2 Combustable Gearhulk

The other two Hulks ended up in Hobson's Choice where I think they will help the deck more than the change here did.

Posted 27 March 2017 at 23:04 as a comment on Pyromania


While playing this I tend to run out of cards alot. This usually happens because almost all of my carddraw can be denied by the opponents. I thought, the sheer number of carddrawers would overload them at some point (there is only that much life and stuff you can give up), but apparently, that's not the case. I knew beforehand that Browbeat isn't ideal in this, but it fitted the theme perfectly. Now I sold a few cards and ordered a playset of Combustable Gearhulks, which are not only insane by themselves, they also match the theme of this deck perfectly! And while the carddraw could be denied as well, I really doubt that anybody would risk that ... so:
-2 Browbeat
+2 Combustable Gearhulk
I think this change will fix a lot of problems, for example running out of creatures (blockers).

I could easily run all 4 in this, but the other 2 just HAVE to go in this deck:
I guess you understand why :)

Posted 27 March 2017 at 23:01 as a comment on Hobson's choice


Won't happen because I don't like EDH ;) More accurately I don't like what has been done to the format, playing it competitively, even though it was specifically designed to have something NOT-serious and goofy ...

Anyway, yes, creatures get nixed left and right and the Ancient would probably not last for long. However, that's a spot removal that won't kill other stuff, including but not limited to Gitrog itself! Also, two of the most common removal spells are StP and PtE, both of which are convenient for you. You run only 14 creatures and half of them die when you look funny at them, which is exactly where Ancient would come in, either as a pumper or at the very least as a lightning rod. It's a threat your opponents HAVE to deal with and as such clears the path for the creatures you need for your combos.

You say you play competitively (and yet multiplayer) and that in your group, Ancient wouldn't survive a turn to even spread it's counters once. And yet you think you can take out the entire table at once with your Crossroads related combos? I wouldn't say a thing if you played in a noobish environment, but that doesn't seem to be the case. All it needs is a single of those opponents having an immediate answer, and it doesn't matter what colours they are playing, from a Fog effect to Master Warcraft, Sudden Spoiling or Reins of Power, I'd expect at least one guy having an answer ready.

But of course, if it works for you, it works!

Posted 27 March 2017 at 14:09 in reply to #598167 on Gitrog the Land Eater V5


So we ARE talking multiplayer ...
... well, the problem with giving your opponents lands is this: Yes, you ramp more than them and can use it to play something nasty, but if you give them extra mana, all you do is accelerate their mass removal, which is abundant in EDH.
The problem with the Crossroads is this: Sure, you keep it in hand until you have a combo, but are you able to kill all opponents at once? I don't think so. Which means, you killed one of them, scared the others but also gave them a tool to retaliate immediatedly. Hope you have that Constant Mists ready as well ...
You may be right about the Vulturous Zombie but Forotten Ancient isn't a single-creature-threat. The dangerous part is his ability to spread his counters among your other creatures. Besides, those were just examples, I am pretty sure there are newer cards outperforming them. And I just don't see Azusa surviving long enough to be any good in this.

On Death Cloud, I don't deny it has it's uses, but you have to admit that a lot of variables have to go your way to make it worthwhile. And there are just so many other cards that are less risky and less straining on mana requirements. Since it is for multiplayer, Capital Punishment seems like a much better idea.

But anyway, thank you for explaining your reasoning, this is very useful for everybody reading this, I wish more people would deal with replies like that :)

Posted 27 March 2017 at 11:42 in reply to #598167 on Gitrog the Land Eater V5


I am always unsure how to tackle decks like these. As with many EDH decks, almost every single card focuses on the commanders. I truly think that, at some point, enough is enough, and decks like this would perform better if they had a little bit less of the same and a little bit more utility that doesn't depend on the schtick of the deck.

In this case, I think maybe you should replace some of the redundant cards, starting with the weakest, and add some cards instead to fill gaps that you are lacking, cards that are always good. For example, do you really need that Rampant Growth in a deck like this? Or Azusa? She is so fragile and you have only 14 creatures total. If you replaced these two with, say, Forgotten Ancient and Vulturous Zombie, I think the deck would be a bit stronger overall. You would have a bit less ramping but lessened the risk of drawing redundant effects but now you have two more win conditions/threats that work fine with the rest of the deck and that the opponent has to deal with FAST.

Aside from that, I would probably not play Concordant Crossroads in EDH. It's strong with Baloth and Roil, but otherwise suicide. With all that ramping, you might use Akroma's Memorial instead.

Likewise, I don't think it's a good idea to give the opponent ramp, too (Tempt with Discovery).

You forgot Yavimaya Hollow.

Does Death Cloud really belong in this deck? The triple black is as troublesome as well as the fact that it has 2 symmetrical effects that might backfire. If you want discard, Mind Twist is the way to go. And for untargeted creature removal, better safe than sorry, Damnation. Or would you play this in multiplayer? Then Capital Punishment!

Posted 27 March 2017 at 10:06 as a comment on Gitrog the Land Eater V5


Wie gestern besprochen:
* Sizzle => Burn, der auch die Boardposition verbessert, wie: Hammer of Bogardan, Celebral Eruption, Comet Storm
* Panic => Nachhaltigeren carddraw, beispielsweise: Fact or Fiction, Prophetic Bolt, Pulse of the Grid, Tidings, Opportunity (kann man auch auf andere Spieler anwenden!)
* Vexing Devil => Delver of Secrets
* Murk of Mutiny => Besmirch
* Chandra => soll ins neue Deck. Hier stattdessen neuen finisher/"Chef", zB: Inferno Titan, Niv-Mizzet the Firemind
* Dragon's Claw => paßt auch besser ins neue. Hier stattdessen eine von denen: Paradise Plume, Tablet of the Guilds, Sun Droplet
* Snapcaster Mage sind im Prinzip nicht verkehrt, hier aber halt auch nicht über (weil Du nichts hast um sie wieder auf die Hand zu nehmen). WENN Du sie ersetzt, dann durch Kreaturen. Ich würde ja Spellbound Dragons nehmen, aber Du magst den discard nicht.
* Brainstorm => lohnt ohne eine Möglichkeit, das Deck zu mischen, nicht wirklich. Lieber Prophetic Bolt an dieser Stelle! Oder Impulse. Oder was dauerhaftes, Crystal Ball zB.

Thing in the Ice wäre auch was für Dich, entweder als Ersatz für die Devils oder die Snapcaster Mages, wobei die Snapcasters ja helfen würden, das Ding aus dem Eis zu befreien (und dann auf die Hand kommen - huch, combo!). Dann hättest Du auch weitere finisher. Thing in the Ice kostet zwar ca 5 Euro, fällt aber derzeit stetig, einfach mal ein Auge drauf werfen.

Posted 25 March 2017 at 11:37 as a comment on u/r multitokens


Aren't there better ways to abuse Eldritch Evolution? I mean, if you need Channel of the Suns to cast a Reaper King ... I would use cards like Scornful Egotist, he doesn't need any extra cards, play him morphed and then unmorph him - tadaa! A ccm8 creature that cost you 3 colorless to play and one blue to unmorph.

Posted 25 March 2017 at 05:48 as a comment on It's Harvest Time


For some reason, I can't find your profile, Vaan. Maybe it got lost in the shuffle. Can you post one? Same for Zoakselot.

Posted 23 March 2017 at 14:09 in reply to #597887 on MTGVault: The Gathering


Well, I don't know either. But there is also Patchuli Kate Moss I could cast twice for 8 mana and if I have Emerald Medaillon it is a total of 8 mana for two Tillings and 6 for Acer-Mouses.
But yeah, as I said, it's the first thing to cut for more Raptors (or Den Protectors).

Posted 23 March 2017 at 00:56 in reply to #597912 on Whinercrusher


Have you seen my sideboard? I am considering Volcanic Vision for mass removal (which also doesn't kill my own) and another option I love in MP for it's felxibility is Comet Storm. I just ran out of copies ... and I live by rule "if you run out of copies, use one of the thousands of other unused cards that are catching dust in your binders!"

Posted 22 March 2017 at 19:42 in reply to #597892 on Whinercrusher


The memberlist. I want to update it and weed out the inactives. But of course, if there are non-members that read this, they are welcome to reply as well :)

Posted 22 March 2017 at 19:12 in reply to #597887 on MTGVault: The Gathering


If I remember correctly I was working with you on the original version of that deck, so, yes, I know it ;)

But as I said, dynamics in multiplayer are vastly different. Mass removal is everywhere and I don't need to run much of that myself. Nobody plays weenie decks or anything all too aggressive because that would be wasting resources. You simply don't run into the types of decks you have to prepare for with your Modern deck.
Also, it's not even my intent to shut down someone completely. I just want to hamper him enough so that he can't deploy his big guns and can't run his endgame engines. And I can't run something like Blood Moon because that would turn the entire board against me, probably including otherwise friendly players like my left and right neighbours in Pentagram.

Posted 22 March 2017 at 19:09 in reply to #597892 on Whinercrusher


Hm, Den Protector would be a nice *addition* to the Raptor ... I own one Protector.

I don't monitor Modern, but know Ponza from my active days in Extended, Legacy and Vintage. Multiplayer differs vastly from 1-on-1, though.

Posted 22 March 2017 at 17:00 in reply to #597892 on Whinercrusher


How is everybody doing? Is anyone still active?
Please respond to this message in oder to show that you still support this project!

Oh and I created a new deck - or lets say I finally finished one that I started a year ago ...

Posted 22 March 2017 at 15:41 as a comment on MTGVault: The Gathering


I hadn't competitive in mind when I wrote this - I accepted the idea to have one-drops only. However, even for casual, a lot of your choices just do not make any sense (like the Foultongue Shriek in a deck wuth just 8 creatures of which one cannot even attack). It's like you picked one-mana-cards at random.
Anyway, have fun with your deck, if that is possible ;)

Posted 17 March 2017 at 19:55 in reply to #597596 on 1 drops for the win


But it makes no sense even for a starter deck. If you don't want any critique on it, then maybe do not list it?

Posted 17 March 2017 at 11:48 in reply to #597596 on 1 drops for the win


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