
110 Decks, 2,320 Comments, 1,024 Reputation

At least one of you two must be kidding ...

Posted 23 November 2016 at 15:18 in reply to #592588 on You died? I didn't even attack


Why Kobolds? For the lol factor? The following are strictly better:
- Phyrexian Walker
- Memnite
- Shield Sphere

Posted 23 November 2016 at 10:46 as a comment on TURN 3 WIN: KOBOLD CURIO!!!!


For what? He has a single card that costs more than 3 ...

Posted 22 November 2016 at 17:37 in reply to #592588 on You died? I didn't even attack


How are supposed to help then?

Posted 22 November 2016 at 16:17 in reply to #592595 on G/B Artifacts (ignore the red)


That's too cumbersome. You need the Heartless Summoning but then you also need Bad Moon just to keep the Disciples alive and THEN you need 2 Retrievers on top of that ... Here is what I would do:

Replace the Heartless Summonings with Cloudkey or, if you can't afford them, with Foundry Inspector. Now you don't need the Bad Moons anymore and you can add more creatures to make this more stable, either Junk Diver or Myr Servitor.

Alternatively you keep the Heartless Summoning and replace the Disciples with Salvaging Station. Again, you won't need Bad Moon anymore and could add Junk Diver. In this case you also wouldn't need the Apostles Blessings anymore and could add more utulity or alternate kills (Tendrils of Agony come to mind).

And in either case, Call of the Betherworld, Disentomb, Stir the Grave and especially Postmortem Lunge should be replaced with Unerath because its strictly better ( and the Lunge has to go anyway since it exiles your dude!).

Also, for the versions that don't run the Salvaging Station, you can probably go down to 17 lands, maybe even lower, OR you could replace 4 of the Swamps with Barren Moor to prevent getting mana flooded.

Posted 22 November 2016 at 13:19 as a comment on Bad Santa


That would require either Darksteel Forge or Eldrazi Monument, not Darksteel CItadel which would either be redundant (with Forge) or useless (with Monument). It may have made sense in your head but it confused the hell out of my head :)

Anyway, if (artifact) tokens was the way to go, I'd rather add 4 Disciple of the Vault. Reason? Both Forge and Monument are expensive and clunky and it's easier to make use of fragile things dying than to make those fragile things indestructible. I mean, if you produce lots ofsartifact tokens you are going to add sacrifice opiotns anyway, right?

Posted 22 November 2016 at 12:00 in reply to #592574 on G/B Artifacts (ignore the red)


But the title says "artifact deck" ... and why would adding Darksteel Citadel make those tokens indestructible? Also, looking at the current cards and his comment about having inherited lots of cards from Unlimited to Darksteel hints at him not having any Kaladesh cards and mostly older cards to work with. With the exception of very few cards this is just Mirrodin, Darksteel and some former Basic Set cards.

Posted 22 November 2016 at 11:02 in reply to #592574 on G/B Artifacts (ignore the red)


Yeah, sorry to say that, but right now it's just a pile of seemingly random cards (and lots of them are really bad ones). I really can't suggest anything because I have absolutely no clue what you are trying to do here. The only theme I can see is that your creatures are all artifact creatures but there is almost no card in this that takes advantage of that fact. Many of your cards are from the old Mirrodin block but somehow you managed to make an artifact deck without any affinity or modular cards ...

Even assuming you don't have the expensive cards, there are so many suggestions I could make that you virtually have to replace every single card ... here are some examples to give you ideas and to point out the biggest blunders:

* Goblin War Wagon?! A 3/3 for 4 mana with a drawback!? Try Arcbound Crusher for this deck.

* Flesh/Blood !? You can't even cast the second half because you don't have red mana! It's not worth adding split cards for just one half. Compare to cards like Increasing Savagery or Deadbridge Goliath. Same is true for that Goblin Replica, you don't have red mana to activate it, so it's just a vanilla 2/2 for 3 mana ...

* Worldslayer?! The only card supporting this idea is that Darksteel Gargoyle but at one copy each you will pull that off maybe once in 50 games. See, it's things like this - if you said that this was your goal we could focus on this idea. We would add more Worldslayers and more cards that survive it and would have a focus for this deck.

* You picked some of the worst equipments of that block. I guess you don't own Swords but don't you have some of the better equipments from the same sets like Loxodon Warhammer, Lightning Greaves and Whispersilk Cloak?

* Lots and lots of sub-par cards without synergy.
- Auriok Siege Sled: You don't have ways to turn opponent's creatures into artifact creatures
- Viridian Longbow: You don't have deathtouch creatures or anything else that would give you extra value
- Deathmask Duplicant: Your deck currently has 3 creatures with flying and ZERO with the other abilities! The duplicant will never be any better than a 5/5 flyer in this deck (for 7+1 mana!)
- Power Conduit but no artifacts that use charge counters ... and almost no card to remove counters from in the first place
Simply put, you are paying way too much mana for things you don't make much use of.

* The deck also has structural problems. It has 7 equipments but only 12 creatures total to slap them on. It also has no way to recover from a disaster - and a disaster ist about to strike eventually since you have so many artifacts. One mass removal spell that hits artifacts and you have nothing left!

In conclusion:
Start over from scratch and decide what you actually want to do. Find a core combo, mechanic or theme and work from there. And if that happens to be "lots of artifact creatures" then make sure to add cards that support this idea.

Most importantly, add a deck description and tell us about it! I only replied to this because you asked in VaultHelp. Normally I would skip any deck that doesn't tell me what it is supposed to be about, especially in cases like this where it isn't obvious.

Posted 22 November 2016 at 10:08 in reply to #592574 on G/B Artifacts (ignore the red)


Anything from UNLIMITED to Darksteel? You may be sitting on some of the most expensive cards ever! On the other hand, the great mayority of those cards are NOT Modern legal!

Posted 22 November 2016 at 07:54 in reply to #592562 on G/B Artifacts (ignore the red)


Breath of Fury has been reprinted in the latest Commander set, BTW. So, best time to toy around with it!

Posted 21 November 2016 at 10:29 in reply to #592544 on Endless waves


Against this? It's never been playtested, some of those numbers are certainly not ideal.

Posted 21 November 2016 at 10:20 in reply to #592466 on OCC: Lichlord Leech


Yeah, decks were more complex because most cards weren't designed specifically to interact with each other, so you had to find your own synergies or *make* them. Today, all you need is to slap together a bunch of creatures that share a type and that boost each other. As long as you adhere to common things like mana curve, you'll have a strong deck.

Posted 20 November 2016 at 21:26 in reply to #592466 on OCC: Lichlord Leech


Rarity symbols wouldn't have helped. It's not that we didn't know - we had checklists from magazines back in the day. But since the mayority of players was clueless how to play effective, cards like Shivan Dragon and Mahamoti Djinn where the most sought after cards. In fact, most players that openend a Dualland in their Revised pack were pisses that they "just got a land" instead of a cool creature and traded it away on first opportunity.

Posted 20 November 2016 at 13:02 in reply to #592466 on OCC: Lichlord Leech


Of course. Look at all those activation costs, Mobilization, Luminarch Ascension, Sacred Mesa, Mimic Vat, Hammer of Purphoros etc.

Posted 19 November 2016 at 16:49 in reply to #592518 on Creatureless Creaturedeck


That's not a "rating", it's "likes". You can "like" decks for dozens of reasons. Also, it's on Hot Page because it has a certain number of likes. And everything on hot page gets more attention and therefore likes. You might recognize that as a positive feedback loop that has, at some point, nothing to do anymore with quality. Like pop charts.

I figure you are new to the site (one post). Strange choice for a first post ...

Posted 19 November 2016 at 15:15 in reply to #592515 on You died? I didn't even attack


You are back!?


Having Magic all-nighter today, after that I'll check back to you :)

Posted 19 November 2016 at 13:57 as a comment on Discard your Face


Well, I started in late 1994. I had Mirror Universe and traded it away ... having started then isn't foolproof :P

Posted 18 November 2016 at 07:58 in reply to #592466 on OCC: Lichlord Leech


Deck finished, descriptions added.

Posted 17 November 2016 at 14:28 in reply to #588887 on Obscure Card Challenge (OCC)


Sorry for that big delay ... and I was stupid, the kill (besides Donate) should always have been Mirror Universe (or Magus of the Mirror) in the first place, oldschool as that deck is!

Posted 17 November 2016 at 14:26 in reply to #587356 on Obscure Card Challenge (OCC)


He has changed the deck since I made that comment.

Posted 16 November 2016 at 08:17 in reply to #580089 on Ping Aggro Control


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