6 Decks, 58 Comments, 10 Reputation

Geth's Verdict get's around annoying things like Shrough or Hexproof. It's an instant speed "You make a tough decision now" card. Often times (Especially in Legacy), every creature is important, and losing one is a major loss of board control.

Hey there Surewhynot, it's good to see you again. I've been offline for a while. Check out the new Modern deck I've made. :)


Posted 05 September 2011 at 08:37 in reply to #197824 on Good Grief


Mmm...I love combo decks. They're so tasty. My extraction deck loves to eat them up. :D

Seriously though, it looks to be pretty solid. I'm not a personal fan because it's so fragile, but it wins fairly consistantly. We'll see how it holds up in the meta.


Posted 12 May 2011 at 23:47 as a comment on Deceiving Twins


Hey, do you think this decklist will ever be as good as "Pure Evil" was? There's a good goal for you. :P

Posted 12 May 2011 at 23:32 as a comment on The Rise


Oh, by the way, I switched up the Dismember's for Go for the Throats. Four life is a steep cost to kill one creature, and Go for the Throat seemed to be much more cost effective.


Posted 12 May 2011 at 23:22 in reply to #161994 on Blue/Black Extraction


Yeah, it's a very fine line we tread with this deck. It works so well at removing threats, but I feel it needs it's own to back it up. I'm going to do some serious playtesting at my local shop tonight and I'll come back with any feedback I've got. There are some pretty smart players up there, hopefully they can help out.


P.S. As for Despise, I would hate to play that mainboard, then find my opponents hand contains only burn. It is definitely a sideboard against Caw though.

Posted 12 May 2011 at 23:20 as a comment on Blue/Black Extraction


Here's the decklist I just posted. I think that the changes may lend to it being more consistant, at least I hope so.

Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=183554

Posted 12 May 2011 at 19:54 in reply to #161928 on The Rise


Man, lots of feedback today for you Sure. However, my meta is probably quite different than yours, so take what I say with a grain of salt.

Firstly, Isolation Cell was very underpar in the games I played. I almost always wished it was something else, and quickly replaced them with two Darkslick Shores, as I was constantly mana screwed (Throughout a total playtesting of five matches). The card is great, but at turn four it's to late against most of the aggro or Caw Blade even. I felt like more land was better, and it turned out much better for me.

I never saw a single Phyrexian Obliterator hit the field, so I took out one Wall of Omens and added in a third Obliterator. Coincidentally, getting BBBB isn't that hard at all, and happened quite frequently.

Overall, the deck was really fun to play, but never found a win con. I was confused at this, so I took a stab at making a list of my own. I'll be posting it with a link here in a few short minutes. I really want to make this deck the new "Caw-Blade" of standard.


Posted 12 May 2011 at 19:41 as a comment on The Rise


Hey Sure, got another question for you.

How do you deal with the inevitable sideboard of Leyline of Sanctity? It seems like that one enchantment would shut down this whole deck.

I'm almost done getting the proxies done, and I traded for most of the cards today (Our prerelease saw a STUPID card pool. At least five Praetor's Grasps and I know of one person with the playset of Surgical Extractions). I can't wait to run this deck against my friends in the next tournament. :D


Posted 12 May 2011 at 08:09 as a comment on The Rise


I knew this deck would be made eventually. Of course you would do it Sure. :P

I have one comment though - I'm not a big fan of Due Respect. It's a great card, especially for the draw, but I find it's really hit or miss. The land they play comes in tapped, but that isn't necessarily a set back. Unfortunately, everything must be compared to Caw Blade now, and if you Respect them (Or rather, make them respect you) on their upkeep turn three, they're just gonna pass and sneek in a sword or batterskull with the Mystic. I'd much rather run more Mana Leaks, or Into the Roil, cause that card is amazing.

Overall, the deck is amazing, but I wonder if you could make it even more streamlined? Just a challenge for you.


Posted 10 May 2011 at 19:41 as a comment on The Rise


The best opening hand for the "Kuldotha Red" deck that has been seen in several big tournaments (Pro Tour Paris included) is this:

1x Mountain
2x Mox Opal
2x Memnite
1x Kuldotha Rebirth
1x Goblin Bushwhacker

You play the mountain, one mox opal, and both memnites. Tap the mox opal and sac it to the rebirth, then play the second opal and play bushwhacker kicked. Twelve damage on turn 1. Next turn, draw a lightning bolt, galvanic blast, a contested warzone, another bushwhacker, or a goblin guide and you win. Either way with that opening hand it's a garunteed third turn win.

Posted 15 March 2011 at 18:38 as a comment on Goblin - Battle Cry


In all honesty, there is no reason for you to have the two Cloud Crusaders either. This deck should be all about killing people as fast as possible and making tiny creatures into huge landfall behemoths. I would replace the two crusaders with two more Goblin Guides. Look at it this way: if you get a hand with one mountain and four goblin guides, the game is over by turn four.

Posted 12 March 2011 at 04:05 as a comment on Landfall Aggro - Too fast to live


So how consistant is this deck? You have some weird numbers in here, and I'm wondering if that's through careful playtesting and is now perfected or just numbers you started with.

Looks really good, and mean, which you seem to be trying to accomplish right now. :P


Posted 08 March 2011 at 20:58 as a comment on Bittersweet Symphony


I would have. That's like meeting your favorite pro player and playing a casual game of EDH or something. XD

Posted 08 March 2011 at 20:50 in reply to #138690 on Bittersweet Symphony


Reverse Troll for the win. I bet Anonymoose can make water spin from an upside down cup too? :D

Posted 08 March 2011 at 20:46 in reply to #138023 on UNBEATABLE DECK



I have a friend who plays this in my local shop. Literally, this EXACT deck, sideboard and everthing. Maybe he copied your build?

Anyway, I usually end up scooping. I've never once beaten this deck, although in my defense, I only run Tier 2 decks, and it's kind of unfair in that sense. XD

Great work dude. Plain evil.


Posted 28 February 2011 at 00:36 as a comment on May God have mercy...


Two Words: Shimmer Myr.

Giving artifacts flash allows you to instant-speed disrupt an already drawn out process for a Titan. They cast Primeval, then cast some 1 drop creature, and you drop a Memnite at Instant speed to steal the titan. GG bro.

Good work on the deck, I originally discovered the amazing-ness that is Knowledge Pool and revealed it to my friends at my local game store. Since then Knowledge Pool decks are now the most used decks there. XD


Posted 28 February 2011 at 00:28 as a comment on Knowledge Pool Aggro


No Tumble Magnets? They're like, a staple in the U/B Tezzeret Deck.

Posted 28 February 2011 at 00:19 as a comment on Tezzy MK2


Hehe. You: "99 counters on my Helix Pinnacle, one more turn and I win!" Me: "Revoke Existence. Your turn."

Surewhynot, why do you have so many decks? It's like, anytime I try a deck search, I see a deck of yours. Do you have any standard U/W decks? I'd love to take a look at them (that's the archetype I play at FNM). Good work with this. Seems to be obnoxious. Which I imagine is what you were going for. :P


Posted 29 January 2011 at 02:29 as a comment on Fog that!


^ This guy's kind of a big deal around here.

But in all honesty, spam comments are only slightly annoying. I usually can tell whether or not I am going to read someone's post by the first sentence. If I see a horrendous spelling error or obvious gramatical error, I tend to ignore them.


Posted 29 January 2011 at 02:20 in reply to #121899 on Stop advertising your deck by giving bs +1


Knowledge Pool - The Standard Shahrazad shenanigan

Well, not exactly. But you get my point. XD

Posted 28 January 2011 at 15:21 as a comment on Knowledge Pool (MBS Deck)


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