
65 Decks, 1,015 Comments, 199 Reputation

Not bad standard budget vampire deck =p

I would recommend taking out kruin outlaw for something a little more fitting to this deck like falkenrath marauders or a few more stromkirk nobles. Maybe even look into Falkenrath Exterminator, it's a pretty cheap vampire that is actually pretty good for only being a 2 drop. Otherwise, not too bad especially for a 20 dollar deck.

If you wanted any ideas for yours or want to move outside of standard with it, go to my page and look at my deck call Red +1/+1 Counter Vampires.... It's a Modern legal red vampire deck I made.

Posted 20 February 2013 at 15:23 as a comment on BuildingonaBudget: Red Vampire


I like seeing decks you don;t normally see though and this is one of them so like that, it's just too bad you can't personalize more. kudos for cifka though on rocking this deck. It probably threw his opponents off guard playing a deck like this.

I like that you added wargate in this deck, that's a neat little add you made, silence is just a sexy card, so i can understand you being partial to running 3 in the deck.

You know what my favorite part to this deck is, the fact that it's modern legal and is good enough to be ran in legacy and modern and win. I plan on putting together a modern deck that i could take to a tourny sometime, might take a little bit though cause I'm not about to spend 100 + dollars on a deck that I might not even get a chance to take to a tourny, I'll probably try to trade for the majority of what I want and if I catch wind of a tourny around me, MAYBE i'll fork the money out to complete one haha.... Decks like this make me really think about how competitive i need to make the deck or just having a really really good sideboard at least.... =p

Posted 19 February 2013 at 07:14 in reply to #324696 on modern eggs


I just looked up what this second breakfast thing is and that is such a cool combo, takes alot of thought tho to do the whole process, especially if it get interrupted at all by counters or something. but unless you exile one of the key cards, there really isn't anything that can permanently stop the combo. Though it seems kind of hard to personalize the deck because 90 to 95 percent of the deck has to have specific cards or the combo won't work or work consistently.

Posted 18 February 2013 at 19:00 as a comment on modern eggs


I might try throwing in a prototype portal just to see if it works out well or not. In past decks I feel that prototype portal wasn't as effective as it seems like it would be, I generally end up casting more spells from my hand than activating it's ability. But I'll be willing to throw one in next time i play this deck to see if it's worth the add or not. and with voltiac key and clock of omens i feel I have enough untapping effects. With clock of omens in play i can already untap my chalice of death several times a turn, and voltiac key although only can be used once a turn is amazingly cheap to activate.

4 ancient dens will be added when I acquire some. Thanks for the suggestions

Posted 18 February 2013 at 17:25 in reply to #324651 on Lifegain Myr-Chalice


I'm not sure this deck could get to 50 life very easily, I pretty much just tried to get enough life gain to hit the chalice of death, but it certainly is an idea if i switched the deck around a bit. As for serra's ascendant i agree that I really like that card alot, I'll think about the ascendant, it's also about if I wanna put out 5 dollars each to buy him. I actually thought about unwinding clock, but with clock of omens and voltiac key i think (so far at least) i have enough artifact untapping abilities.
Thank you for your thoughts and suggestions =p

Posted 18 February 2013 at 16:35 in reply to #324624 on Lifegain Myr-Chalice


Benalish Commander might be something to look into, also nomads assembly is a great card for mid/late game play

Posted 11 February 2013 at 17:43 as a comment on A King and His Men


Yea, you can use it on him before he gets pumped, his power is 2 or less when you use it so he's unblockable for the turn. Unless there is an unwritten ruling for that that I'm unaware of, yea it will work. You can look it up to be sure if you'd like, but I'll go ahead and say it should work fine.

Anyone else have any input on this?

Posted 01 February 2013 at 17:24 in reply to #320541 on Goblin Invasion


sure, i left you a comment on it

Posted 01 February 2013 at 07:40 in reply to #320394 on Goblin Token


Goblin Tunneler would be a perfect mix with goblin piledriver, make it unblockable and hit guaranteed for a huge amount every turn =] nice build, have you play tested it?

Posted 01 February 2013 at 07:39 as a comment on Goblin Invasion


The chieftain is a big possibility, I have to get ahold of it first tho, and i also considered raging and goblin guide, But my What would I take out if I got ahold of those? My big worry is, I want to keep the mass token generating effect as strong as it can be, so mob justice, goblin war strike, and voracious dragon will hit as hard as they possibly can. I'm thinking about taking out the mogg maniac. But I was wanting this deck to focus more on the mass token generation more than specific goblins. Chieftain would work nice with this tho i agree.

I had mogg flunkies in here for a little bit, but after some play testing I found it's better without them.

Posted 31 January 2013 at 18:57 in reply to #320376 on Goblin Token


Have you thought about adding wall of blossoms instead of shield sphere? It's nice to have a 0 drop but you have plenty of mana ramp to not worry about having any 0 drops, and for another defender to add to axebane and overgrown it's draw a card ability seems like a better idea.

Posted 31 January 2013 at 16:40 as a comment on Nothingness Wins


Take out boundless realms for something else, it only lets you get basic lands, which you have none of.

Posted 30 January 2013 at 17:38 as a comment on OPEN THE GATE!!


Yea exarch will probably be more consistant most the time, it only requires 2 cards to go off so ill agree with you there. but i wouldnt be surprised if a biovisionary deck pops up in a tourny and does decent :p i actually have plans to make my own version of a biovisionary deck when i get the needed cards, youll have to check it when i get it down tell me what you think

Posted 30 January 2013 at 00:05 in reply to #319778 on Biovisonary... 4 Times inc!


I see what you're saying but I think you can make a deck that could at least do pretty decent if built right for modern play, Just need the appropriate mana ramp, spells that give hexproof which there are plenty 1 and 2 drop spells that do that now, counterspells, and infinite reflection. I mean It's gonna be harder to make a biovisionary deck competitive, but i think it can be done at roughly the speed other combo can go off. =p Buuttttt I have never been to modern tourny, so truthfully I guess I can't talk too much, just my opinion haha

Posted 29 January 2013 at 21:39 in reply to #319778 on Biovisonary... 4 Times inc!


Elvish guidance is always nice, especially mixed like arbor elf, tho you might wanna add a few more elves if you did that, but otherwise, overgrowth is also nice when mixed with arbor elf =]

Posted 29 January 2013 at 06:50 in reply to #315845 on Elfdrazi!


Did you know you have 8 mistveils? And I'm almost thinking story circle would be a better add than peacekeeper, because as xeno said, him being the only creature you have he'll be removed in a second facing most people. In such a spell heavy deck, it's not needed, but past in flames is an interesting card to look into. In this deck it'd be a late game card since you don't have any mana ramp. =p

Posted 28 January 2013 at 18:35 as a comment on Burn [Legacy]


Instead of llanowar elves and troll hide, add 4 arbor elves, they will maximize the mana you get with overgrowth =] really cool deck, I have a hydra based deck as well, feel free to check out my deck called defender and friends to see it and give me any advice or feedback for it =p

Posted 28 January 2013 at 03:49 as a comment on hydra's by k-shroom


Valid points =] well to tell you the truth it didnt cross my mind that crucible to puts them into play and would be pretty useless to you, what about life from the loam then? and I know you never plan on playing the eldrazi titan, but could I recommend kozilek in your main deck instead of ulamog, simply for the reasons that it only cost 10 (being the cheapest of the titans) and if somehow your plan gets disrupted like the swans or seismic getting removed its a great thing to in the long run fall back on, and it's draw 4 cards ability is very fitting for this deck.

Posted 26 January 2013 at 00:52 in reply to #318864 on Seismic Swans


This is neat, try looking at lightning storm, and crucible of worlds would probably help so you don't have to worry about discarding ulamog

Posted 26 January 2013 at 00:18 as a comment on Seismic Swans


haha no problem, In a deck like this, you definitely can't go wrong with slagstorm =p

Posted 25 January 2013 at 21:56 in reply to #318751 on Burn It With...


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