
65 Decks, 1,015 Comments, 199 Reputation

Thanks man I'll check out your decks, and that really sucks I guess you are right about the ancient dens =/ oh well

Posted 23 March 2013 at 19:36 as a comment on Doublestrike And Swords


I think I will drop 1 lightning bolt and a memnite for 2 elixir of immortality....I wanna keep the battlespheres and the magistrates, they are both incredibly useful... I really like using the battlespheres with kuldotha forgemaster, it gives him fodder for his ability. I definately want more forgemasters but I have to come across them, no one had any that i played with last night and I'm not gonna buy anything at this moment. I was thinking if 2 phoenixs were enough, but idk I might want to add a 3rd, it was really nice having a creature that never went away when I played last night, just dont wanna over do it on him.. hmm and when I get my creatures that I need to put in this deck like more forgemasters and some sphinx of hegemon the hellkites will be the first creatures to be replaced... Thanks for your input and help on this deck, I really like this deck, it was very fun to play. People get confused you you say your running a reanimater deck and the only lands they see played are mountains haha

Posted 23 March 2013 at 19:09 in reply to #334559 on Mono red reanimate


I agree but I'm not sure I wanna run myr retriever in this deck, and yea there are still some things I need for this deck, as in at least 1 or 2 more kuldotha forgemaster, and some sphinx of hegemon for sure.... And elixir of immortality now that is something I should seriously consider... hmmm let me think on it, any suggestions for what to take out, if i added the elixir I would probably either put 2 or 3 in, maybe just 2.... But I updated the deck, some buddys came over and I play tested it and traded them for some things for the deck and it has a little more fire power now with the steel wind, another magistrate, and another phoenix... It worked actually really really well, it was a fun deck to play, and I only got to play 2 games but it did well, I won both with it. But I updated it with the new adds now... I'll continue to update his deck as I get what I need for it thru trades and such, and I'll let you know how the deck does in future matches =]

Posted 23 March 2013 at 08:26 in reply to #334559 on Mono red reanimate


you should add in a playset of Bitter Ordeal =] so grapeshot isn't your only win

Posted 22 March 2013 at 14:57 as a comment on Gravecrawler, combo storm


Add Brightstone ritual to pump a bunch of mana into your genesis wave

Posted 22 March 2013 at 14:47 as a comment on Goblin, Genesis Wave


I actually just shared an experience I've had with ya on your blog.

Posted 21 March 2013 at 18:29 in reply to #333903 on Legacy Dragonstorm Final


No problem =p

Posted 21 March 2013 at 06:11 in reply to #333908 on With Your Powers Combined..


I think you should add a playset of knight of new alara, would boost the courier +5/+5 and give you another great creature to work with

Posted 21 March 2013 at 05:32 as a comment on With Your Powers Combined..


I had the chance to look at your dstorm deck and your blog site, really nice demonking. I imagine you used hunted dragon as a budget card. Nice still tho =] You did a real nice job on your blog site, i like that as well, I will see if i can figure out my blog profile on that site too

Posted 21 March 2013 at 05:26 as a comment on Legacy Dragonstorm Final


Worship is another failsafe with near death in case angels grace doesnt save ya in time

Posted 20 March 2013 at 20:13 as a comment on Wait...what!?


It says its legal in legacy just not vintage, you dont have anything in here atm thats banned in legacy. And it's only not legal in vintage because lotus pedal is restricted so you can only have one in your deck, but thats only for vintage, this is perfectly legal in legacy. and nice, i like this deck, cant wait to make one of my own one day

Posted 20 March 2013 at 18:59 in reply to #333468 on Curio Shot


I've always wanted to build a cloudstone curio deck, this is a pretty cool one =] With foundry street denizen you can even add a fling or 2 for fun haha =p and there is always empty the warrens to go with your storm setup with grapeshot too. Although this deck doesnt look like it needs much added to it, what are the last two cards your adding to it since there are 58 cards in it right now? 2 more boros charm? making everything indestructible it pretty nice..... I recommend this card alot to people but it's so useful in legacy games, but check out boseiju, who shelters all, It'll make sure you can use grapeshot without it being countered to get past those damn force of wills. It's just too bad it can't also protect your cloudstone as well

Posted 20 March 2013 at 15:26 as a comment on Curio Shot


I'm glad you have shared animosity in your deck, its an amazing card for these kind of decks, I wanna get a few more for mine.... Cards I know I need to try to get that you deck does have is goblin chieftain, Maybe some goblin grenades too.... I thought about warren instigator but this deck is more token based and other than krenko mob boss non of my goblins are too expensive and brightstone ritual pretty much allows me to play out anything, though hopefully i can save a brightstone for one of my x spells for tokens. Thanks for your input, I left your deck a comment as well.

Posted 20 March 2013 at 06:02 in reply to #333395 on Goblin Token


I agree, I was thinking about dropping out the cartel artistocrat for something, I thought about the vizkopa guildmage.... But i was thinking about making it another dying wish and another lingering souls, I dont have a 4th lingering souls or dying wish yet but im about to get ahold of both so I was thinking that... thank you for your thoughts and suggestions

Posted 19 March 2013 at 06:13 in reply to #332910 on First Standard Deck: Orzhov


No deck is bulletproof, but you have a pretty good one here =] Hope you find a victim for this deck soon, def. respond to let me know how it does.

I know how it is not being able to find the tourneys you wanna play, have that problem here too.

And no problem on the karrthus suggestion, I've always liked that card in dstorm decks.

BTW if you are worried about cards like force of will and counters, I wouldnt put this card in your main board but maybe in your sideboard, but check out the land Boseiju, Who Shelters All..... its a pretty neat land

Posted 19 March 2013 at 05:58 in reply to #332678 on Legacy Dragonstorm Final


This is true =]

Posted 19 March 2013 at 05:41 in reply to #332109 on Quick Kill Elemental


hmmmm I'll have to think about it... and haha I didnt even notice my 5th shock, and yea i know what you mean ha. But i live in illinois so yea i doubt we will ever play haha

Posted 17 March 2013 at 13:45 in reply to #332109 on Quick Kill Elemental


It's funny you mention gitaxian probe, because i've been thinking for awhile about that. I also thought about manamorphose but I like gitaxian probe alot more for this deck.... I'll think about what I should take out, I dont wanna drop out too many cards like desperate ritual, its a very key card to set this deck off... hmmm I'll think on it, any opinions of what to take out for a few probes?

Like I said I love facing decks like dragonstorm with this deck, its strange cause the game usually doesnt go past turn 4 or 5 but it's such a fun deck to play...even if you win on turn 2 or 3 =p

I've played for a quite a long time as well, and no matter the deck you are right, chance has a large part to it =p

Posted 17 March 2013 at 05:22 in reply to #332109 on Quick Kill Elemental


Sure I'll check it =p

I actually think I have an account set up for that site, but I have no idea how to work a blog very well so you'll have to give me a bit with that haha but until then I actually have my deck on this site, I'll work on getting my wordpress thing to see if i can figure it out more... but my deck link is here

dragon storm is very scary so idk if i would win more haha it's like I said, it's more of a race with dragonstorm and my deck, every deck has its bad draws and games =p

Posted 17 March 2013 at 04:49 in reply to #332025 on Legacy Dragonstorm Final


Decks that are 60% mana spells end up like that alot, dragonstorm decks do that... just mana, mana, mana, zero drop, draw draw, mana, mana, sad face haha... I wouldn't mind facing your dragonstorm deck with my kiln fiend, i enjoy playing decks like that. It's nothing but a race, who has what they need quickest =p my deck due to me not forking some money out isnt perfected yet but it's still pretty effective =]

Posted 17 March 2013 at 03:08 in reply to #332025 on Legacy Dragonstorm Final


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