
65 Decks, 1,015 Comments, 199 Reputation

seething song is just nice because i see it for this deck at least as a turn 3 fire servant or guttersnipe and 2 burns ya know?

But ya i can see how they dont work everytime, i built my deck more around those kinda cards so i see what your saying, but to me they are just too useful in a burn deck

Posted 25 December 2012 at 23:59 in reply to #312162 on Speed Help?


if you want speed and damage:
Seething Song
Pyretic Ritual
Rite of Flame
Kiln Fiend

Those are all cards you should look into especially with guttersnipe out those cards all work perfectly together...

I have a very very very fast red deck that incorporates all of these together, and I even have a turn 1 win combo with it, tho generally it's normally turn 3 when I'd take the win, Check it out if you need any ideas for this deck, it might help ya out...

Posted 25 December 2012 at 23:43 as a comment on Speed Help?


Hellrider would be a really cool addition to this deck, mixing its ability with raid bombardment. This is really cool, I wanna get ahold of some raid bombardments try now to my own idea out with this... Really good build

Posted 25 December 2012 at 23:37 as a comment on Sacrificial Shenanigans


Angels grace is nice for a big time staller...And I agree with echoing truth, I have it in my isochron deck and it's devastating...Mines not modern tho so I also have counterspell in it which is even scarier.

Serra Ascendant seems a but off for this deck, because your lifegain would only consist of him (a 1/1) and if you pull your wurmcoil... I think there is a better creature for his spot, like transcendent master or something =p

Posted 25 December 2012 at 00:18 as a comment on Modern Isochron control!


I have a very very similar deck =p
These are really fun to play, I would recommend primordial hydra, I have him in my deck and it absolutely destroys.
it looks pretty fun to play though especially with all 3 eldrazi titans haha

Check it out if you want any ideas

Posted 24 December 2012 at 05:24 as a comment on Modern Defender Fun!


I'm pretty impressed with keening stone, the only problem is its more of a late game card and you'd have to generally waste a turn playing it before you can actually use it...It's definitely a winning card that's for sure, so it's hard to say, having 1 or 2 might be beneficial.... but it's kinda hard to say,it might just be one of those cards that just wastes space in your hand you know? cause 6 to play and 5 to use is kinda iffy, even with it's powerful effect

Posted 24 December 2012 at 03:26 in reply to #311878 on legacy mill


are they really? hmm I might have to look into that, I was thinking they were closer to 10 dollars.... When I figure out what I want for my land base and get ahold of the cards I'll update this. This is the actual deck i own so I only update with the actual cards i own and that are in it.

I'm torn between just getting them or just waiting for gatecrash to get ahold of the duel shock lands...I'm a big fan of the shocklands... I would buy the ones from ravnica but I'd rather wait for everyone to buy the hell out of that set and just throw them a few mythics for a playset =p

Posted 24 December 2012 at 03:17 in reply to #311865 on Creature Snag Mill


haha yea fatespinners are amazing and i can see how drowner would be fun but I can see this deck running completely fine with only 3 of them, I doubt it'd even be that noticeable.

There is just a certain satisfaction I get from using tome scour turn 1, it just really sets the game off and right away throws the opponent off

Posted 24 December 2012 at 03:02 in reply to #311861 on legacy mill


Not sure if you'd agree with it, but maybe drop 1 fatespinner, 1 drowner, and 1 call to mind for at least 3 tome scours, I figured having 3 of each of those wouldnt effect how your deck plays really

Posted 24 December 2012 at 02:55 in reply to #311861 on legacy mill


Thanks and your welcome =p and I completely agree with the duel lands, I've been looking for some and i dont want to buy a play set because i dont feel like dropping 40 dollars for just my land base, but I've been looking in trades and waiting for gatecrash to get the swamp/island duel. I thought about ponder but i want sure, mostly I wasnt sure completely what to take out for it. Although I do know i wanna drop out both crosstown couriers for another 2 phantasms.. But thanks for your input =p

Posted 24 December 2012 at 02:53 in reply to #311865 on Creature Snag Mill


Tome scour is always a nice and quick mill spell, first turn mill 5 isn't that bad....

I have this creature in my deck and he works nice only if you can manage to get him to hit the opponent, but raven guildmaster is amazing and a good add, but like a said, the fact that he's a 1/1 makes it hard sometimes to hit the opponent

Posted 24 December 2012 at 02:46 in reply to #311861 on legacy mill


No jace's phantasm?? Fog wall might be a better add than guard gomazoa, it cost 1 less to cast and I was thinking about suggesting mindsculp, but it's very unnecessary i see with glimpse the unthinkable and idk what you should take out for them. I would say call to mind but that's more of a decision of do you want an instant 7 card mill or to return a possibly 10 or even more card mill. So kudos on this... Have you played it? does it move quickly?

I actually just built a mill based deck, kinda has a different theme than normal mills tho, would love to hear some feedback on it if ya have time...I don't build mill very much so I took a different route for it...

Posted 24 December 2012 at 02:40 as a comment on legacy mill


28 land is pretty high, you should drop land (at least) and put in some mana spells, something like battle hymn. It'll make diabolic revelation more useable and you can drop goblin rally like nothing. =p

Posted 24 December 2012 at 02:19 as a comment on descent into madness standard


Do you think that 2 exhumes will be enough as far as the reanimator part to this deck?
And i might have missed it cause im on my phone atm, but do you have a way to get your creatures into the graveyard?

Other than that i think this is really original, nice build :p

Posted 22 December 2012 at 17:19 as a comment on Jace Reanimator


With spikeshot goblin in here you should think about claws of valakut =]

If you do take that into consideration, switching your sulfur falls to Steam Vents would help alot...

I you're not fond of Auras which apparently quite a few people aren't , then checkout strata scythe in place of that.

Posted 22 December 2012 at 04:16 as a comment on BlueRed fast deck


You need steel overseer, he's made for decks like this. He's extremely powerful in all artifact decks, and puts chronomaton to absolute shame.

Posted 22 December 2012 at 03:21 as a comment on Cheap Artifacts


Security Blockade*

Posted 22 December 2012 at 02:37 in reply to #311604 on Enchantments [Budget: $25]


This is very interesting, story circle might be beneficial, crackdown might work too =p

Also security brigade is nice little enchantment to give you a quick creature and a lil bonus too

Posted 22 December 2012 at 01:59 as a comment on Enchantments [Budget: $25]


I've never been a fan of dreadwaters, i would take those out and honestly add in some fog walls to help out doorkeeper, soulsworn spirit seems a little unnecessary too.... I would say some cards to think about adding in in place of the two i named are either dreamtwist or fog wall... or both haha

To tell ya the truth I'm not very fond of mill decks, but I do like the concept of them if it's built right. I recently built a mill based deck myself, but mill is more of a secondary win in mine, i kinda went a different direction... Feel free to check it out =p Your deck does seem like it runs pretty well together tho

Posted 22 December 2012 at 00:50 as a comment on Delver Mill


thanks, you have any suggestions or opinions in it?

Posted 21 December 2012 at 04:21 in reply to #311398 on Creature Snag Mill


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