
150 Decks, 1,040 Comments, 195 Reputation

That would be epic but one shotting noobs isn't exactly new player friendly. Also prismatic omen is expensive. That would certainly make more competitive though. Actually want to make a sideboard to make the deck more competitive?

Posted 20 March 2014 at 17:04 in reply to #448558 on BUG Group Hug


hmmm, alright. Ghostblade is the doublestriker? Ill try it out.

Posted 20 March 2014 at 06:51 in reply to #448841 on U & B devotion are overplayed


Well said, the name was clever. However I think it's quite possible getting saporling lovers to come see your deck might not be the best way to get likes, but does drag in more views. Moot point now since your no longer on the front page of anything, and no one checks the second page of things.

Posted 20 March 2014 at 06:40 in reply to #448439 on Colfenorian Engine EDH


Dude a casual deck is . . . well its less than $300 atleast that's how i see casual. What kind of casual decks do you run into?

Posted 20 March 2014 at 05:42 in reply to #448437 on Courser of Oreskos


Thing is i will have usually 5 or more swamps. Because I can tutor up massive numbers of swamps. With the ten everbody gets a shit ton of basics in here (veteran explorer, collective voyage, new frontiers) I have usuallly 2 islands, 2 forests and then i max out on swamps. The thing about this deck is its mana curve is an illusion. Generally i have 5+ mana turn 3, then if i use turn 3 for more ramp, i have 10+ turn 4. Everyone else has a but ton of mana as well but that's beside the point. Corrupt is my finisher and my removal, it's also my shield against aggro decks, which is what just ruins my day because when you give an aggro deck 7 lands they dump their hands, it's really touch and go sometimes. hmmm. . . I could replace 1 hedron crab with aberation since they have the same function. Actually I think I will do that.

Posted 20 March 2014 at 00:29 in reply to #448558 on BUG Group Hug


I would recomend . . . Norin the wary and Kongming. Neither are going to be that helpful in here.

Posted 19 March 2014 at 17:29 in reply to #448435 on The Legendary Council


The thing is all the fatties in here have landfall. I can see consuming abberation, he would fit pretty well. Lotus cobra would be pretty good, but its also much more expensive. Not to mention amulet of vigor basically does the same thing, but also being expensive . . . well you get the idea. This is just a silly casual deck that I play in multiplayer games with new players in order to maximize fun. Then if everyone playing understands the rules and thus isn't terribly new to magic I proceed to mill them for their deck. Otherwise I just play a fatty and make a ploy at trying to win, then lose and give new players a sense of accomplishment for beating a magic veteran. I suppose this my deck for having fun with noobs. Because what new players hate more than anything is land screw, and the second thing they hate the most is land flooding. This deck helps to ensure neither happens, thus maximizing fun for everyone. Though I will say I love khalani heart expedition, the only problem is what do I take out for it. Same goes for consuming abberation, what do i take out?

Posted 19 March 2014 at 17:25 in reply to #448558 on BUG Group Hug


well, interesting

Posted 19 March 2014 at 08:43 as a comment on Democratic Peoples Rep. Akros


Show and tell, for Emrakaul. It's pretty good. Saw some play.

Posted 19 March 2014 at 07:18 in reply to #448430 on Casual Show and Tinker Deck


Death touch ping general. Very nice.

Posted 19 March 2014 at 07:04 as a comment on Yamabushi


I see the name and i think saporling. But then I see the general and the deck and there are no saporlings. My brain and my heart are in conflict.

Posted 19 March 2014 at 06:53 as a comment on Colfenorian Engine EDH


Why is your standard deck so amazingly expensive? Well whatever. Everything appears to be in order here.

Posted 19 March 2014 at 06:51 as a comment on Courser of Oreskos


No urabrask and vorineclex?

Posted 19 March 2014 at 06:48 as a comment on The Legendary Council


Why not buff a heroic creature like agent of the fates? Price? Anyway looks pretty solid. . . wait . . . pauper in the tag line. . . brain gears shifting into overdrive . . .

Posted 19 March 2014 at 06:47 as a comment on Buff & Weave


Cathars Crusade is pretty boss. Also Archangel of Thune is as well. Of course one of those is would be tricky to find something to replace it with and the other is expensive.

Posted 19 March 2014 at 06:45 as a comment on Stupid humans


You play show and tell and tinker with your friends casually? What kind of playgroup do you have?

Posted 19 March 2014 at 06:43 as a comment on Casual Show and Tinker Deck


This deck seems very . . . un-fun. Powerful, just . . . boring to play against and not especially interesting to play. It's just nothing except control. Literally, missing even the combo cards like exquisite blood and what not.

Posted 19 March 2014 at 06:39 as a comment on Oloro, Ageless Ascetic EDH


What if they blow up a gate?

Posted 19 March 2014 at 06:36 as a comment on Land fun


Well it looks alright. Kinda boring. . . if Tajic get's cancelled a couple times your up shit creek without a paddle. Conversely if you opponent just lands a dozen tokens on the board, and then makes his tokens indestructible, or even just regenerates em when you play a boardwipe that allows regeneration, then your screwed. Basically It's an aggro voltron deck. The problem with aggro voltron decks is they generally lose multiplayer, and also have a few major weaknesses. Like for example, an indestructible artifact creature. Your deck can't really deal with that, well it has 3 answers, but really an indestructible artifact creature just ruins your whole day. Also artifact destruction will literally breaks you. Yes, avacyn, but 1 8 cost card isn't really a solution. Lastly if someone throws a pacifism on your general before you shroud him, your dead in the water literally. You can'y come back from that. Because you only have 3 things that can destroy enchantments. Basically your deck does one thing and does it well, but it has a lot of weak spots that can be exploited. My advice if first to put in some enchantment and artifact removal of your own. After all if some-one else is playing an aggro general, and slap on sword and war of peace you are boned right there if they want you dead. Basically your deck needs atleast 3 peices of spot removal for every permanent type, 2 in a pinch if you have some tutoring. Or I suppose 2 would work here since you need every equipment to help you out. Well that's my comments for now. Also *gives hug* feel the love.

Posted 19 March 2014 at 06:30 as a comment on Tajic Voltron EDH


If you have any Ideas on how to improve the deck I'm all ears.

Posted 19 March 2014 at 06:11 as a comment on BUG Group Hug


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