
46 Decks, 24 Comments, 3 Reputation

Well thanks! I too associate U/R with control (hell, that's a deck I usually try to play) but I saw a more janky/combo-y version of this deck on Channel Fireball and decided to make it more like a solid midrange with a dragon shtick. Can't wait to play it!

Posted 05 April 2015 at 18:37 in reply to #544489 on UR Dragon Midrange


I like all these things! Fleetfeather is only in there because I noticed a real issue is Stormbreath Dragon, but I'll honestly just switch them for Arbor Colossus - not sure why I didn't in the first place. With that in mind, if I feel like the deck needs more brawn then I'll probably put in the Maulers. Thank you for the feedback though!

Posted 29 October 2014 at 22:40 in reply to #514201 on Khans Bant Midrange


Warrior matters, that's why tormented > scarhide. I'll probably cut 1 Athreous for a Downfall but I want to pull into steam and keep the steam going more than anything else.

Posted 23 October 2014 at 21:13 in reply to #512960 on Standard: BW Warrior Aggro


Ah, I meant aggro style decks such as this, but you're correct, there are plenty of RG builds running around. Courser is very good, I'm just not sure of his fit in this deck. Sideboard always changes based on your particular meta, but those are good cards to keep in mind. Thanks for the feedback!

Posted 22 October 2014 at 22:58 in reply to #512801 on Standard - GR Aggro


Dunno how that happened o.O

The deck uses constant token generators instead of just one for one trades, which is why Advent AND Boros Charm/Rootborn aren't in there. I thought about it, but honestly I really don't care if you Supreme Verdict all of my creatures away - the generators make more. Boros charm would only really be relevant in saving the planeswalkers in the current meta (I'm looking at you, hero's downfall) but it's not worth the card slot I think.

Posted 10 March 2014 at 18:49 in reply to #445629 on Naya Tokens!


While I do like Daxos, I'm afraid I have to agree with kmk. He simply doesn't fit the deck :/

Posted 07 February 2014 at 04:14 in reply to #435283 on Bant Flash Midrange


I certainly like the concept behind the deck - enchantments are fun, and the creatures you've chosen for it have great synergy! The deck looks good.

If I was to make a change, it would be in 2 things. For one, I would switch out Ephara for Heliod. Heliod makes enchantment creature tokens, thus buffing Ajani's Chosen, Sphere of Safety, and Ethereal Armor (not to mention giving your dudes Vigilance, which is always fun). Ephara is giving good draw, but you're not really playing anything on your opponent's turn to really get the full use out of her. Secondly, I would bump up the creature count - at least a 4-of for Ajani's Chosen. That's such a strong card in this deck, I'd want to see it all the time!

Just my opinions, of course. Hope it helps :) Good job!

Posted 05 February 2014 at 05:33 as a comment on Blue White Enchantment(HELP?)


Thanks! I shall do so now! :)

Posted 05 February 2014 at 05:27 in reply to #434699 on Bant Flash Midrange


I've been waiting to see Cryptborn Horror get put into a deck XD Seems brutally straightforward (which is a good thing for rakdos)

My only constructive criticisms are questioning the use of the god weapons. The whip is good, but I think just focusing on using the may serve this deck better - not to mention adding some more burn spells for removal and direct player damage. It'll help the cryptborn and give you some more finishers, as well as helping to keep the enemy field clear.

Just my two cents :)

Posted 05 February 2014 at 03:19 as a comment on Devotion to Rakdos


Why, thank you sir! :D

Posted 04 February 2014 at 19:06 in reply to #434376 on Bant Flash Midrange


And thanks for your feedback of course! I'm just explaining my reasoning to keep the sphinx's in there, is all :)

In a case where I don't happen to have Ephara, a Sphinx's will certainly help, especially if I somehow have blown everything I've got or if I need the sudden life. I simply find it to be useful in that regard :D

Posted 04 February 2014 at 04:58 in reply to #433923 on Bant Flash Midrange


Deputy of Acquittals was actually in the initial build, and part of me still wants to put that card in. We'll see though :)

Posted 04 February 2014 at 04:57 in reply to #433522 on Bant Flash Midrange



The power behind Ephara lies in playing creatures on your opponent's turn, which means that Prophet of Kruphix and Horizon Chimera are INCREDIBLY potent. With the Prophet, I'm not just waiting on Voice to die or Brimaz to block to trigger Ephara: I'm playing them on my opponent's turn. And the Chimera has flash on his own, and I'm gaining steady life every upkeep whenever this deck starts to stabilize - typically by turn 5. Not to mention Detention Sphere being a very powerful removal card.

I'm not really concerned about the mana being all over the place, mostly because it's relatively balanced with the dual lands. Why splash blue just for Ephara when I can put in those other cards that REALLY make the deck go!

Also, generally speaking, if you're playing a deck with U/W involved and you're not running Sphinx's Revelation then you better have a very good reason! This deck is very mid-range, which means that I have the capacity to drop a Sphinx's very comfortably. With Prophet on the field I can play something on my turn and then happily drop a sphinx on the opponents. With the Chimera on the field I gain double life (essentially) off of the sphinx.

The blue aspect of the deck certainly dropped once I decided to add green, but I don't think the deck would do what it does without the few cards that I mentioned here. At least, not as effectively.

Posted 03 February 2014 at 20:23 in reply to #433923 on Bant Flash Midrange


Why thank you! :D

Centaur healer is just very strong in general, honestly. Yea, he's susceptible to a lightning strike, but that's not my biggest concern at the end of the day, since I'm still up 3 life. And if that does not happen, a 3/3 is nothing to sneeze at! The Smiter is in the sideboard, though, and I'd probably replace the healers with the smiter against a control deck, as that is the much better choice in such a match-up.

Thanks for your feedback though! I can take a look indeed B)

Posted 03 February 2014 at 03:24 in reply to #433880 on Bant Flash Midrange


Any deck with Prophet of Kruphix I can generally approve of XD

My only concern is that you may want to mainboard the Arbor Colossus - a big fatty is always useful, and will give your deck a little more oomph.

Looks fun otherwise! Nice!

Posted 03 February 2014 at 00:10 as a comment on SUPWISE MOTHERFUCKER!


Thanks for the feedback!

I fully agree that creature heavy decks need a form of answer for a board wipe, especially verdict! I have a couple of different theories, being an experienced control player who throws around board wipes like it's going out of style (spoiler: it's not!), about a couple of these answers, and I want to see how well it works with this deck before I commit to putting in some Rootborn Defenses (The populate will come in handy, you see.)

The main power behind a board wipe is the card advantage. If a deck plays 3 creatures and I cast verdict, my opponent just lost 3 cards to my 1 card. His tempo is more often than not set back entirely, thus his momentum is gone. I'm sitting pretty with a nice hand of answers for whatever else he brings out!

However, if one creature alone is enough to bring out that board wipe (Brimaz, Advent) then card advantage is not gained for the opponent nor lost for you. But the bigger creatures that REALLYmake that work are Blood Baron and Stormbreath, for example.

Another theory lies with Ephara herself: I really only want to play one creature a turn with this deck, and if Ephara is giving me cards back for every creature I play, then I'm maintaining card advantage!

We'll see how it goes, of course. I could just be talking utter BS right now but hey, I'm a dreamer :p

Posted 02 February 2014 at 23:34 in reply to #433762 on Bant Flash Midrange


I will certainly take a look! :) Thanks for your feedback of course.

The uncounterable bit is relevant in only a couple of cases, and generally speaking I would rather have to take on a few 2/2's with my own big creatures instead of just wiping the entire thing! It sets the game up towards my advantage rather than just resetting the board.

That being said, I did originally think that I wanted maybe 1 Verdict in the main and 1 in the side, simply because it is an incredibly powerful spell. My main deck is American control, and I am quite fond of verdict B)

Posted 02 February 2014 at 23:26 in reply to #433541 on Bant Flash Midrange


Not when it kills my own dudes though!

Posted 02 February 2014 at 19:30 in reply to #433541 on Bant Flash Midrange


That does sound rather fun! Gruul decks are certainly a pain, and it should definitely get late enough into the game to justify the curse of the swine. Color me convinced! :D

Stormbreath has protection from white though! Can't hit it with the detention sphere :( Yea, I can eat the 4 damage, but I'd rather not have to keep eating it XD

Posted 02 February 2014 at 17:44 in reply to #433541 on Bant Flash Midrange


Thanks for the reply! You're all over the place, Poet!

It needs tweaking for sure. I'm thinking of different ways to put Arbor Colossus in there, he'll end up in the deck at some point when I've decided on something for sure.

Sylvan Primordial is good though! If there is no other non-creature permanent other than a land on the opponent's field, I'd still be quite happy to blow it up, all the while giving me even more mana. Plus, I really want to see Progenitor Mimic target Sylvan. It can only end in hilarity :D

Posted 02 February 2014 at 05:14 in reply to #433542 on U/G Monsters


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