
22 Decks, 352 Comments, 90 Reputation

Cards that could help and no expensive: Elixer of Immortality - lifegain and mirror match Undercity informer/Mortus Strider combo - 4 mana guaranteed mill per turn average 3+ cards Mindshrieker milland flying defense from one source. I play Standard mill as a casual deck, but ir can win an occasional game from a top tier deck.

Posted 07 May 2013 at 04:36 as a comment on Standard Mill


You definitely need Amulet of Vigor and ways to tutor for it.... Deck should have white and green as a base starting point . Gatecreeper Vine is also necessary. Mulch is another draw card not mentioned earlier. I was thinking about a maze deck since I pulled one at the prerelease beside the promo. I was thinking of a legacy deck using blue/green Manabond , to drop all the lands at one time after drawing them with Enter the Infinite. Crucible of the Worlds, Enlightened Tutor would be needed. Axebane Guardian with other defenders gives you access to the color mana as you need it. Seismic Assualt - sorry triple red - could be another win condition, but so far the deck is too card hungry and slow to be much more than a casual type undertaking. If you are sticking to the artifact route try Door to Nothingness as as alternate win condition.

Posted 07 May 2013 at 01:26 as a comment on Artifact+Maze's End


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