
94 Decks, 172 Comments, 29 Reputation

Loam is not a must for this to be good, that is why it's so good imo, its a flexible card. Because it's one mana its easy to just play withouth wasting your turn. Afcourse you dont want it when your short on lands, but turning exces lands into shocks is great, it kills a lot of good modern creatures like, clique, delver, dark confidant and also smaller creatures that you dont want to spend a abrupt decay on. You can even shoot your own creatures to protect them from exile removal. Best part is afcourse discarding 4 lands and just shoot your opponent in the face for 8. You could always just add one copy and see if it works.

Posted 01 July 2015 at 16:19 in reply to #554698 on When zombie fish dig up roots!


You could also add molten vortex, also an origins card, gives the deck some reach. I might try to make a new loam deck, it looks like a very good card to me.

Posted 01 July 2015 at 07:49 in reply to #554698 on When zombie fish dig up roots!


He is not, he got unbanned when birthing pod was banned. You can see it on gatherer.magic and search for grave troll.

Posted 01 July 2015 at 07:46 in reply to #554753 on This ain't mtg, it's dredge...


You could also fill the flexslots with the origins jace, the snap-looter-walkercreature thing.

Posted 30 June 2015 at 20:10 in reply to #554698 on When zombie fish dig up roots!


Stormcrow x4?

Posted 30 June 2015 at 16:31 in reply to #554718 on When zombie fish dig up roots!


Wouldn't a 4th salvage work better? Or is the damage part too important?

Posted 30 June 2015 at 16:30 in reply to #554698 on When zombie fish dig up roots!


Sorry, missed the part about hendron crab, mb. Also im not saying to add satyr, it was just an example for the blocking part. Only thing that I realy don't like the the electrolyze, it's three mana, when do you ever cast that and do something usefull in the same turn?

Edit: removed auto-correct caps

Posted 30 June 2015 at 15:40 in reply to #554698 on When zombie fish dig up roots!


Hendron crab might work and can block that annoying 1/1 token that got left behind. #SatyrWayfinderOP (dealt 6 damage in a standard game in the scg open a while ago.)

Posted 30 June 2015 at 13:49 in reply to #554698 on When zombie fish dig up roots!


Dredgevine is the main deck I play, and it works best as an aggro deck, not saying that you cant play it otherwise. But it has the highest chance to win early so you don't get locked out of the game.

Posted 30 June 2015 at 12:21 in reply to #554640 on When zombie fish dig up roots!


In that case you better add logic knot as wel. The issue that i have with this deck is that it's more a combo deck than an aggro deck. You need your yard more than other dredgevine decks and it's a lot slower. You talk about snaping a cryptic command, that's atleast turn 6. By that time the opponent should be dead. And after sideboarding having acces to discard and land destruction makes it almost impossible to get play cryptic. Murderous cut has been working out great stopping twin decks for 1 mana. Issues vs tron? Awnser: loam + ghost quarter, has won me many games. Adding ways to sacrifice your creatures deals with anger and terminus. And what do you have to race aggro and burn? A charm and some counterspells. This deck is just too slow. Faster dredgevine decks don't have a lot of these issues. Loam + ghost quarter vs amulet, tron and control. Gnaw to the Bone vs burn. Bloodghast makes your deck faster and Costa nothing to rev. And the greatest dredge card ever printed: golgari grave-troll makes dredgevine decks so great. Winning with 3 lands in play, that's modern dredge.

Posted 30 June 2015 at 11:55 in reply to #554640 on When zombie fish dig up roots!


What do you mean having not testes anything yourself? I tried many dredgevine decks, some dont even play red and just play BUG vine, but I dont like hendron crab. What im trying to say is that this deck misses some parts what makes Dredgevine a strong deck. Like not giving a **** about counterspells and removal. So why weaken the deck with stubborn denial?

Posted 30 June 2015 at 09:51 in reply to #554640 on When zombie fish dig up roots!


Varolz only works in dredgevine decks with Death's shadow. I like this version of dredgevine but it's still not as good as the original with loam, Bloodghast and golgari grave troll. One other problem is that the manabase for this deck is risky, 4 color decks have a problem noe that there is a lot of land hate in modern vs amulet bloom and tron. The addition of blue makes the deck worse, even with good quality cards. Anyways, still good to see people try to makes decks with vengevine, love the card a lot.

Edit: here is a link to the deck that I use in modern events, works great for me. :)

Posted 30 June 2015 at 09:12 in reply to #554640 on When zombie fish dig up roots!


You should add staggershock, there was a rakdos deck in standard a while ago that ran this combo, staggershock is just too good to not put in this deck. Also if you want do reduce the cost of the deck, remove bloodcrypt and add the red black painland, the life loss does not matter.
Last thing, the idea of having a tutor is ok, but diabolic tutor is way to slow for this deck, spending a whole turn just to tutor for one card is not worth it, the only tutor that would work is demonic tutor, cutting the shocklands should give some space for a few right? At my store those cost like 12 euro.

Posted 12 March 2015 at 08:52 as a comment on Bloodchief's Mind Torture


Feed the clan and some more removal like drown and anger would be a start right? I also have a few reaper of the wilds in my sideboard vs abzan, works great. Maybe an extra destructor dragon in the SB vs controll, it wrecks there planeswalkers

Posted 26 January 2015 at 18:02 in reply to #531834 on Dragonrider ( Standard Jund)


That xenagos combo is fun and good but you run two of both, it is not a reliable combo. And even if you get it, the opponent might not see it the first time but the second time he wont fall for it again. And a deck like this need more earlygame, otherwise your dead before you can even cast atakar. Sylvan caryatid or what even the name if that thing is, is pretty good. Gets dragons out sooner and fixes your mana a bit more and it block some creatures.

Posted 25 January 2015 at 11:32 in reply to #531498 on Dragonrider ( Standard Jund)


You should try a basic land tribal deck...

Posted 23 January 2015 at 09:44 in reply to #530961 on Budget Decks: Choices, Choices


Im my casual group someone oppend a stifle and made a deck aroud leveler, not budget but realy fun (we played without counter magic), so i thought that manifest could replace stifle (and the high price if the deck)

Posted 22 January 2015 at 18:50 in reply to #530843 on Budget Decks: Choices, Choices


Made the change, also removed courser because it removes the element of surprise.

Posted 22 January 2015 at 18:48 in reply to #530862 on Modern FlickerWood


Thanks, i noticed that too but i had no idea how to solve that problem. But the thing is that it doesn't matter if it's an emrakul or a land, just the potential to be something big might waste some of there removal. So Courser might be the opposite from what i want. It's still a new deck so a lot of changes are going to happen to it, but im sure that at one point it can replace BP decks.

Posted 22 January 2015 at 18:46 in reply to #530862 on Modern FlickerWood


Hey Northy, i got a pretty cool challenge, make a budget deck around manifest and cards like Eater of days. Because 4 mana 9/8 flying trample is balanced. xD

Posted 22 January 2015 at 11:46 as a comment on Budget Decks: Choices, Choices


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