
19 Decks, 160 Comments, 0 Reputation

If you want some cheap creatures that fit in well with the "Vampire" theme, can I suggest Vampire Bats? They don't count as vampires, but they certainly fit the theme. On the other hand, they have an enduring cost if you want to get damage out of them, so they might not be the best idea game-wise.

You know what my favorite cheap black card is? Will O'the Wisp. Makes the damn best blocker in the game.

Posted 25 August 2007 at 19:23 as a comment on Vampires unleashed


simplify your theme

Posted 25 August 2007 at 18:39 as a comment on


I think (though not certain) that you could simply your theme to simply red and white, remove the red and use a few choice artifacts to cause growth. Otherwise, BLACK, rather then red would be MUCH better at causing some growth (small pox, , the rats that give one damage to everyone...a few enchantments too)

Posted 25 August 2007 at 18:38 as a comment on


Yeah, check out Bassman's Molimo deck for some ideas on adding defense. You'll need health, ways to get your elves back from the grave, protection from enchantments and suchwise... Look over it, you desperately need Defense.

Posted 25 August 2007 at 17:03 as a comment on


You do NOT need Enshrined memories. As you start forcing more and more land out, you'll draw less and less land during your draw stage (that's mana density for you) and you'll get the creature you're looking for for that final beatdown.

Posted 25 August 2007 at 16:58 as a comment on


You possess excellent defence in Priviledged position and Joyous Respite, and I'd recommend you going for more of them. Your best beatdown card, at this point, is Branchwood armor. Consider: with one enchantment, ANY creature you have becomes a Molimo. Molimo slimply adds a trample to the mix.

Posted 25 August 2007 at 16:58 as a comment on


Simply concentrate on getting your Forests out, and a sneaky Branchwood Armor will be all the kill cards you need to finish off an oppenent. I forget his name, but there's a snake-shaman creature you can sacrifice to put a tapped land into play. You need four of these guys.

Posted 25 August 2007 at 16:52 as a comment on


Gauntlet of Power might be fun as well if you're going the casting route.

Posted 25 August 2007 at 16:49 as a comment on goblin charge


Also: CERTAINLY more then one coat of arms, for crissakes. It's a goddamn GOBLIN deck!

Posted 25 August 2007 at 16:49 as a comment on goblin charge


Goblin War Strike should be your favorite spell, Empty the Warrens goes well with it, but my favorite Goblin which I never forget to pack is Skirk Prospector. Put these three together (why Sparksmith? You'll kill yourself in a draw!), add a few seething songs and you'll get the tons of gobbos that you're looking for.

Posted 25 August 2007 at 16:48 as a comment on goblin charge


I'm not exactly "down" with the idea of sacrificing your own rats to seismic assault without some form of ressurection effect in hand. Swarmyard has to be tapped, ya know.

Keep Marrow-Gnawer and Swarm of Rats as a kill combo, and start looking for some other effects to boost your rat count either through ressurection or otherwise. I'll be showing my own rat deck in a while so we can compare; it's a doozy.

Posted 25 August 2007 at 16:44 as a comment on rats


I forget it's name, but there's a land card that allows you to put any zombie card to the top of your library when tapped. You need that much more then you need Cabal Coffers. Or rather, Keep Coffers, and take that spell that converts enemy life points into life points to you by drawing black mana... You need some defense in that deck or else you're only going to slowly lose hit points.

Sorry about forgetting names.

Posted 24 August 2007 at 12:46 as a comment on zombies revised


Why Blood Crypt? Why white mana?

Posted 24 August 2007 at 00:12 as a comment on


replacing Orim's Thunder for Disenchant, which is an essential defense card).

Posted 23 August 2007 at 17:33 as a comment on W_R Aggro


Look at my Knights of the Flame deck, and I'm sure you'll find a few ideas even for a Standard legal deck. Basically, I use a few protection from red creatures, along with area of effect red burns, and sunforger on a hasted creature. In fact, with only a few changes (taking out my isochron scepter), MY deck could be tournament legal, and have a better synergy effect along with better defence (replacing Orim<s Thunder for plain ol' Disenchant- essential for defence).

Posted 23 August 2007 at 17:32 as a comment on W_R Aggro


Cards that would help your theme: Mana Breach, Mana Chain, mana short, Mana Vapors... Hell just go through the "M"s in the card library. I use mana Barbs in a similar red-themed deck

Posted 23 August 2007 at 02:11 as a comment on you have no mana


More Bronze Bombshells! They rock!

Posted 23 August 2007 at 01:33 as a comment on Sky Swallowers


You lack lands, and summoning sickness would be a hassle on all those creatures you keep bringing back to cast again, not to mention hurting your quick buff spells. Keep Juniper Order Druid as your main kill card, invest on some elves that allow you to bring land as they come into play and concentrate on finding more rescue creatures to build your deck around in lieu of fattie creatures.

You have WAY too many fattie creatures for the amount of land you have.

Posted 22 August 2007 at 17:18 as a comment on Saving the Power


Thanks. I've removed Earthblighter (awesome flavor text... but before Shirei, I can't afford the Goblins and after Shirei, I doubt his land destroying abilities would help that late in the game) for 1 Grave Pact and 1 Cabal Slaver

Posted 22 August 2007 at 17:07 as a comment on Recurring Goblin Deck


Read the rules for transcendence: a payment of life counts as a loss of life! Also, you have too few lands.

The only good combo with Transcendence (to my knowledge) is with Sulphuric Vortex. NOW you're playing with immortality!

Posted 22 August 2007 at 13:02 as a comment on life and death 2


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