
19 Decks, 160 Comments, 0 Reputation

Hey, I saw a previous deck like that before, and the card that made all the difference was SUDDEN SPOILINGS. You can't aggro with fairies, they're too little. But trick your opponent into thinking you have Sudden Spoilings in hand when you have 3 mana in hand and you totally own the mind game.

Posted 23 November 2007 at 16:15 as a comment on fairy


There's no core strategy and your mana curve is totally brutal. While the opponent is preparing his core groundwork, you're just trying to get mana up, and they'll always have their big beaters and CARD DRAW before you. If you can focus more on cheap damage preventions (Holy Day) and use big beaters with life gain in late game, then I'd think you have a deck.

Posted 23 November 2007 at 16:12 as a comment on Victorias Secret Angels Inspired


Okay, why are you splashing black?

Posted 22 November 2007 at 22:46 as a comment on merfolk mix deck mill and atacking defense


You'll need some card draw to really abuse the system, and most of your cards already use activated ability... How about the ol' Jace/Rings of Brighthearth combo?

Posted 22 November 2007 at 17:53 as a comment on Merfolk Mill


Thanks for the comment's. Goblin: Most of the cards you suggested aren't standard legal, and Vigor/Groundbreeaker are triple green in a mostly red deck (bad). Chromatic Star was to combat mana screw... which wouldn't happen, but what would you think of taking out 3 chromatic star + 1 Spark Elemental (or Ashling's Prerogative) for four Aspect of Mongoose? Also, Arena in maindeck to prevent Magus of the Moat or Doran? What would you say, and what would I take out for Arena were I take out?

Posted 22 November 2007 at 16:12 as a comment on Deck of Ultimate Aggro


Initially, I thought Primal Forcemage would help for a one turn 11 damage bomb, but now I realize this doesn't work. The answer to your question is :incandescent soulstoke, but I'll need something far sturdier...

This deck has a flaw, and I'll need to fix it.

Posted 22 November 2007 at 00:03 as a comment on Deck of Ultimate Aggro


Oh, and no way 19 is a correct amount of land for anything short of a sligh deck. Check Ben's Blenstein (sp?)'s article.

Posted 21 November 2007 at 16:20 as a comment on Kithkin Rush


Your perfect hand should infact be 1rst stalwart, 2nd wizened cenn. Now you have a 3/3 on turn two. The Building on a Budget guy from made an excellent Kithkin deck with full experimentations. Since you have 4 Greathearts and only 2 Giants, wouldn't Runed Stalactite be a good equipment for the team?

Posted 21 November 2007 at 16:19 as a comment on Kithkin Rush


Look, there are plenty of good snow decks out there (Monoblack snow control comes to mind) and what they all use, and that you don't... is scrying sheets! What gives man?

Posted 21 November 2007 at 04:24 as a comment on


Ooo! I found a neat card that also works well with Protective Bubble: Whirling Dervish! It's timeshifted-legal! I don't see Kavu Predator being synergistic in this deck, so maybe replace with dervish?

Posted 19 November 2007 at 20:18 as a comment on The Glow


Replaced Lim Dul the Necromancer with Razormane Masticore for some much needed damage against creatures with protection from black.

Posted 19 November 2007 at 15:49 as a comment on Aggro Zombies


You have PLENTY of pumps with Might Sliver and sinew sliver. You'll have trouble paying to pump as you're busy casting more and more slivers or saving mana for an avoid fate.

Posted 18 November 2007 at 19:18 as a comment on Sliver Mirror


Or even Aspect of Mongoose!

Posted 18 November 2007 at 19:17 as a comment on The Glow


I still say more Spellwise Ouphes and Protective Bubbles would make a kickass combo.

Posted 18 November 2007 at 19:15 as a comment on The Glow


Conisidered Warchief for the longest time, but I'm really working a theme of "trading creatures" rather then buffing up my soldiers. If my opponent loses all his creatures, doesn't matter how strong mine are because they'll kill him over time. I also don't cast zombie spells much as discard for tokens and use Brighthearth. Ultimately, I made the decision to bench Warchief.

Posted 18 November 2007 at 19:11 as a comment on Aggro Zombies


Here's what you need that'll make your deck much more playable and counterfriendly: Dralnu the Lich Lord (now all your counterspells have flashback!) and Liliana Vess (forget counter spell, just deck his hand!) Now make your basic B/U counterspell deck and your set to use Korlash as a killer!

Posted 18 November 2007 at 18:02 as a comment on domination or damnation


6 swamps in a Korlash deck is bad. You NEED Liliana or a tutor to get your Tomb of Y to finally make him big. Familiar's Ruse is VERY BAD in a two creature deck. Don't put counterspell and Cancel if you want your deck taken seriously (Counterspell was changed to Cancel because it was overpowered, concentrate on ONE).

Posted 18 November 2007 at 18:00 as a comment on domination or damnation


What you need are a max of test of endurance (your win card) and stuff to protect it (like rebuff the wicked). I bet you could make this simply in mono-white.

Posted 18 November 2007 at 17:56 as a comment on


You want to play spells to gain life with your deck, not to make creatures/creatures that'd act like blockers. REMOVE storm herd, all of your walls: put in Wall of Shards instead. Take out the life artifacts, you'll have to think of more effective stuff.

Posted 18 November 2007 at 17:55 as a comment on


Spellwild ouphe sounds smart, although it looks like quite the vulnerable card. I'd remove Blanchwood armor as you lack enough forest/forest drawing cards to make it work, and definitely add Protective Bubble instead. Also I'd put in less creatures and more creature drawing card: Garruk seems like the perfect Plainswalker for this deck.

Posted 18 November 2007 at 17:50 as a comment on The Glow


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