
19 Decks, 160 Comments, 0 Reputation

When you said Prison Time, you meant Jail Time? If you're going to take out anything, it's the mana tithes: they don't fit into the spirit of the deck, which is to lock down opposing creatures.

Posted 29 June 2008 at 05:03 as a comment on Jail Time


Ehhh, try some Bramblewood paragon and maybe even Giantbaiting. You want to beat face ASAP, so the earliest beaters that can trample through, the better.

Posted 29 June 2008 at 05:00 as a comment on RG Quick Beating


Yeah, main deck the mass-removal, you WILL need it. Consuming Bonfire, recuring with Horde of Notions? Maybe even Rings of Brighthearth?

Posted 29 June 2008 at 04:58 as a comment on Block Elementals


Door of Destiny + Mad Auntie + Knucklebone Witch in a sacrificable token deck with the same mana accel + Goblins would be a whole different idea that COULD work, but the overall mana cost would be substantially higher. Graven Cairns I don't like: I only run 19 lands to begin with, I don't want to be stuck with lands I can't use first turn.

Posted 29 June 2008 at 04:43 as a comment on Next Levels Goblin Animosity


Torshrunner is 3 mana for a 1/1 with no real effect on my overall deck. The only 3 drops is 5/3 earwig squad or the centrally important Sensation Gorger. Pass. Mad Auntie WAS considered, but it's not the right deck for it: there's a variant that runs Knucklebone witch and in that case Auntie might be better: now I'm running Animosity + Mentor to survive aggro. Door of destiny over Shared Animosity would be a whole different deck though, maybe something to try.

Posted 29 June 2008 at 04:40 as a comment on Next Levels Goblin Animosity


Thanks for the early response! Worts and Redcaps were considered, but both were highly expensive and Wort recurral ended up being too slow (creature appears the turn afterwards) while Redcap removal just wasn't strong enough (compared to Fodder Launch). Fanatic is the wrong card for the deck: I want *live* creatures to attack with, removal isn't as important as maximizing threats in deck.

Posted 29 June 2008 at 02:38 as a comment on Next Levels Goblin Animosity


I keep saying it over and over, but the keycard in any faery deck that allows them to block/bypass aggro is Sudden Spoilings. It turns a suicide attempt into a surefire rout!

Posted 11 December 2007 at 00:26 as a comment on Faerie Aggro Control


I consider Sudden Spiling as the key that allows your little faeries be strong enough to kill off opposing creatures

Posted 09 December 2007 at 00:32 as a comment on Teferis Faeries


Made some changes for those who care. Replaced Gargadon for Pardic Dragon. Chronozoa is out: it would never be able to get passed summoning sickness under this deck, and still be as vulnerable to Wrath as anything else. Arc Blade is not as strong as Reality Strobe, which is a monster at removing all threats. Rather then bubble... How about less lands? I have a real low mana cost to this deck!

Posted 05 December 2007 at 05:36 as a comment on Reality Rift


Okay, I can see what you suggest, but this deck is already full of great cards. -1 Hearthcage Giant, +1 Cloudgoat Ranger... Maybe remove 2 Kithkin Harbingers for 1 Mirror Entity and 1 Greatheart? The greathearts don't really belong in a deck that calls forth Thundercloud Shaman, but I need cheap creatures at this point.

Godhand: Turn 1 Stalwart, Turn 2 Wizened Cenn, turn 3 Stinkdrinker, turn 4 Thundercloud + shield! Aggro ahoy!

Posted 02 December 2007 at 02:14 as a comment on KithkinGiant Alliance


You shouldn't need BOTH Jace and Howling Mine. Jace is cheap as planewalkers goes. Add Rings of Brightearth for supermill, perhaps?

Posted 25 November 2007 at 23:05 as a comment on DECK OR CONCEDE


Check my Gruul BURN deck. Your storm binds and many of your cards rely on discarding "at random". I'm not so sure how that'd work out. Howling Mine seems funny. Ultimately, I believe you have too many discard enablers for too few cards to discard (squee and non-reusable temper)

Posted 25 November 2007 at 16:35 as a comment on THE NUISANCE


Elixir for Smokebraider, dummy! Ingus and Elixir are in play when you cast 'Braider. Tap Braider for two red* (the * represents elemental spells only). Put Ingus back in your hand and you have 1red* + 1 red + 2 colorless. Recast Ingus with the red*-red-colorless and use the last colorless to... tap Elixir. I guess you won't have infinity that way, but it's a neat way to increase storm count, I guess.

Posted 24 November 2007 at 20:21 as a comment on Bumstorm


Hey, compare this with my Reality Rift deck. I use Braids of Fire to pump mana during the upkeep for Rift Elemental, which just accelerates the removal of everything! I'm thinking of replacing my Greater Gargadon for Pardic Dragon after having seen your deck!

Posted 24 November 2007 at 20:14 as a comment on The Powerhouse


Also Keen Sense, as card draw is very important

Posted 24 November 2007 at 20:08 as a comment on


Question to be explored: Could Smokebraider, Grinning Ingus and Thousand-Year Elixir be used as an infinite storm count combo? Look into that, and maybe you have your deck.

Posted 24 November 2007 at 16:25 as a comment on Bumstorm


Nomad Mythmaker and Robe of Mirrors (or Bubble of protection?) should be enough for recursion. Retether seems slow at 4 mana, and looks like something of a reverse Wrath of God. Add Ophidian Eye to your list and you're set!

Posted 24 November 2007 at 16:22 as a comment on


You'd think Yavimayah enchantress would be the perfect card for this deck, wouldn't it?

Posted 24 November 2007 at 16:16 as a comment on Teflon Don aka Pariah Playas


I myself was running a (mono-black) discard deck, and I found that the best best ratio was two madness enablers to 3 madness effects. You presently have too many cards that demand to discard a card, and not enough that give an additional effect as it is discarded. Check out my aggro zombie deck to see a little of what I mean.

Posted 24 November 2007 at 16:13 as a comment on RB Discard Madness


Deck MODIFIED! Added Llanowar Augur which makes good defense and switches to offense when necessary. Am also trying out Arena to see how it does. Instead of Mongoose, I'm putting in four Thorn. They are cumulative, so it should help.

Posted 24 November 2007 at 07:23 as a comment on Deck of Ultimate Aggro


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