
235 Decks, 1,772 Comments, 721 Reputation

I will interpret "pretty recent" and the card-choices you already made as "modern legal". SO here are some suggestions, based on my own goblin deck:
Goblin Bushwhacker ...provides your goblin army with a +1/+0 and haste boost if he is played kicked, all in all not bad for just 2 mana
Goblin Piledriver ...strong attacker that gets +2/+0 for each other attacking goblin
Purphoros, God of the Forge ...tough he does little on his own he deals 2 damage to each opponent whenever a creature enters the field. Basically he is an indestructible Boggart Shenanigans that can also get a creature
Shared Animosity alternative to Coat of Arms with the advantage that it only triggers for your creatures, not for every one's
Furystoke Giant alternative to Voracious Dragon. The advantage is that you don't need to sacrifice your goblins and he can be used again, thanks to persist.
Massive Raid ...a (cheaper) alternative to Roar of the Crowd, the only thing it doesn't count would be Boggart Shenanigans.


Posted 01 August 2017 at 08:08 as a comment on Goobies Tribal (Need Advice)


The drawback on the greaves is that they give shroud, not hexproof and thus prevent the equipped creature from getting more equipment attached to it. Perfect to protect Auriok Steelshaper tough.

Posted 27 July 2017 at 08:39 in reply to #603552 on (Modern) Budget Equipment


Personally I would lower the number of creatures by 1-2, the lands by 1-2 and increase the number of equipment instead as you need a whole bunch of them to make this deck real effective.
I would also swap Darksteel Axe for Bone Saw or Cranial Plating. The first one makes the deck faster while the later one gives it more punch.
Puresteel Paladin could be an option instead of Auriok Steelshaper. If you're looking for a way to get more creatures on the field that don't need to be equipped to be effective in this deck then Auriok Sunchaser and Ardent Recruit could be of interest for you.


Posted 26 July 2017 at 19:48 as a comment on (Modern) Budget Equipment


@ exterminator5000: There are some, more or less, aggressive variants of landfall tough it often depends on how you define "aggressive". I did a deck with Ghostly Flicker that could get up to 5 landfall-triggers per turn and a plain green/ white (pauper) variant that can have a 12/12 on turn 3, so it's possible.

@OrderOfRogueOne: Basically you will have to decide which strategy you want to follow. There is an aggressive strategy and a strategy that builds up more slowly and uses more cost-intensive spells. The problem here is that many people think that landfall will give them enough mana to play big spells and make cheap creatures more effective. This is only partially true. The problem is that you need as many land-drops per turn as possible to make some of the small creatures effective. When you want to play big creatures you will have used most of your ramp until you get your first threat on the field, so there's nearly no way to activate e.g. Rampaging Baloths 3+ times because you will simply have used most of your spells to get him out as fast as possible. So small, aggressive, and big, controlish, creatures are no good mix as they require a different strategy. There are some exceptions, like Undergrowth Champion or Retreat to Kazandu as these permanently strengthen a creature and thus improve it long-term.

Here are some suggestions for a more aggressive landfall-deck:
Harrow have to sacrifice a land but it brings you two lands untapped!
Khalni Heart Expedition ...a slower ramp as it requires landdrops itself but you still get 2 lands for a very good price.
Explore ...allows you to play an additional land this turn and you may draw a card.
Snapping Gnarlid ...Scythe Leopard's bigger brother
Ghostly Flicker ...requires a blue-splash but can either protect 2 creatures or trigger landfall 2 times
Kor Skyfisher ...solid flying creature that allows you to return a land (or any other permanent) to your hand and play it again.
Adventuring Gear with +2/+2 landfall effect.
Mana Leak/ Apostle's Blessing/ Blossoming Defense/ Vines of Vastwood ...landfall-creatures can be a big threat but they also have a big "kill me" sign over their head, and no protection, so some spells that allow you to protect them against your opponents removal-spells could be an idea.


Posted 24 July 2017 at 07:00 in reply to #603318 on G/W Landfall Modern


I will tell you the whole story, perhaps then you will understand my caution, and fear's, better.
After a real long time I finally found 2 people who where interested and wanted to try out Magica so on the next occasion that my playgroup got together I invited them to come by and give it a try. I prepared two decks that I tried to keep simple: Simic Evolve and Gruul Stompy. I did know that one of them often plays different computer games and has a fast grasp, he got the Simic deck. What I didn't know is that the second one has already played Yu-Gi...but only on the computer, she got the Gruul deck. The first (and only played) match started and all was fun and games until Simic threw out an Overrun, with roughly 5 creatures on the table. The Gruul player simply went into brainlock-mode because it was all to much for her, to much calculating, to many different cards, that when playing Yu-Gi the computer had done all those calculations, and so on. They said that they still where interested but I never saw them again, and that's roughly a year ago now.
After that I did step back a few steps to look at the deck I designed and talk to some of my buddy's and the tenor I got was that the decks where just a little to complicated for first timers. So I decided to re-built them and keep my fingers off cards that used more than one effect (like do this AND that or flashback or such things), hit more than one creature (Overrun) or had rules/ keywords that where just a little to complicated to understand (Color protection). What I tried to achive where decks that all roughly had the same power, the same costs ($) and are not to hard to understand.

Your deck looks fine and I will use 3 Mind Grind instead of Chronic Flooding and perhaps remove the last of it for 1 Crypt Incursion (or something else, a single one of this card is no use). Wight of Precinct Six is a card that can be a pain in the ass as you constantly have to check how many creatures are in your opponents graveyard or keep track of this somehow, personally I would favor Jace's Phantasm. As for the planeswalker I would probably use Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver. You'll loose carddraw but her "mill" effect is stronger and you can use your opponents creatures against him. If you're interested I have a second beginner's series (e.g. the above mentioned Simic ( and Gruul deck) with other building restrictions: 50$ budget, modern legal but no other restrictions. This would be a way better frame for a mill deck I think.

Personally I don't consider the planeswalker decks WizKids delivers to be starter friendly. Nearly no card is in the deck 4 times which roughly doubles the number of cards you'll have to know and there's nearly no chance for a repeatable game feeling...Game 1 will/ can be totally different than Game 2 or 3. The advantage is that those cards are normally just from one Set so the number of different mechanics is at bay. If you buy 2 of one PW deck and throw them together you will likely end with something usable.

Posted 19 July 2017 at 07:30 in reply to #603089 on U/B Beginner: Mill


Any particular reason why you used (nearly) every card only once?
The question is how you want your deck to behave aka what should the decks Strategy be?. It would be a good idea to write this down in the deck- or how to play description of this (and any that might follow) deck. There are numerous ways, even for a myr-deck: Mass-overrun, big creatures or burn are just some that quickly came into my mind.

Posted 18 July 2017 at 19:22 as a comment on Myr (mana support for teams)


Nobody HAS to like any deck or think it's good. :)
Sometimes you have an idea, and tough you don't know if it's good you build something with it and post it, maybe somebody just waited for this idea or has any good suggestions on his own.
Beside that I'm not really happy about the current state deck either, I'm also not really sure if mill is a strategy first-timers should be confronted with.

Archaeomancer fits for me as he allows a spell already played to be used again and also gives you a (small) defenender. I first considered using Augur of Bolas but in the end opted for the more expensive (cmc) Archaeomancer as you allready know the spell and it's effect while the Augur forces you to, more or less quickly) decide against some, perhaps unknown, spells.
One of the reason I didn't add some of those cards is that they are rather expensive ($). I decided to go wit a 15$ budget for all the simple beginners decks (like this one) and with a 50$ budget for the more complex, but still beginners, decks. Hedron Crab and Mind Funeral are clearly out because of their price. Oh and Fraying Sanity costs 5,5$ per card so it's nearly double the costs of Hedron Crab ;)
Also I tried to avoid cards that needed permanent attention like Hedron Crab, Manic Scribe or Wight of Precinct Six. For me a beginner is not supposed to be punished because he forgets something on his own field.
Traumatize wasn't used because it's a rare card and I dislike it because I think it's not really effective...tough I could be wrong in this deck.
I did consider using Mind Grind but in the end decided to go with Keening Stone...tough I'm also not entirely happy with this card as no other beginner deck has any artifact removal. Only blue can handle it with a counterspell.

Jace's Phantasm could be an option instead of Guard Gomazoa.
I did a 2/2 split between Mana Leak and Psychic Strike (The counterspell you mentioned)

Posted 18 July 2017 at 19:12 in reply to #603089 on U/B Beginner: Mill


I simply didn't know what else to add. I thought about Millstone but as none of the other decks has any artifact removal (and there are no sideboards) I didn't want to add another card that only blue could engage with a counterspell. Also, as most of the decks are two-coloured with only 2(x4) duallands and Evolving Wilds, you can play around but you could loose an important mana-fixer. I was thinking about Balustrade Spy but it's a rather expensive (cmc) and not really reliable mill-card.

Posted 18 July 2017 at 18:43 in reply to #603087 on U/B Beginner: Mill


The only problem that I see with Life's Legacy is that you have it only once in your deck, to few to be drawn regularly, in combination with another card that you only have twice. So it's real luck if your draw both and can use it. Also the undying from Pyreheart Wolf is a good protection against your opponents removal and thus should only be used in emergency's for carddraw or any other effects that endanger him.
I tested DotP some time ago and was not really happy about the rules nor the way it's system of getting new cards works. Personally I favor cards I hold in my hands over something digital. Sure you get to play a lot of games but when the question comes to buying a pack of cards online or for real... I'm with the real cards ;)

Posted 17 July 2017 at 15:53 in reply to #602983 on Seven Days to the Wolves +


I don't know much about the rules and possibility's on Duell of the Planeswalkers (DotP) but here are some changes I would do if it would be my deck:
-1 Afflicted Deserter ...if you want some artifact removal use spells in your sideboard.
-2 Daybreak Ranger ...when not transformed you can only remove flying creatures, when transformed you should be able to win without this guy.
-3 Huntmaster of the Fells ...this guy needs a deck built arround him. He needs to be transformed continuously in and out of his werewolf form to be effective, which is something you don't want to happen in a normal werewolf deck.
-2 Lambholt Elder ...there are better werewolves out there
-1 Fade into Antiquity ...sideboard
-1 Life's Legacy ...I would remove this for some other carddraw spell. The problem is that you can't use this spell in response on an opponents removal and you normally don't want to loose one of your creatures just for carddraw.
-3 Primal Bellow ...with only 5 forests the chances are high that you don't have any of them on the field.
-2 Rally the Forces
-2 Windstorm ...either sideboard or remove. Flying decks are normally rather slow and the pressure you put onto them will be enough to corner them so additional removal shouldn't be needed.
-2 Elixir of Immortality ...sideboard and use against e.g. mill
-1 Beastmaster Ascension ...strong but there are better cards for werewolf decks
-1 Fires of Yavimaya ...I don't know about legality on DotP but I always find it sad when a deck looses a higher legality because of one card. You might want to take this to a local tournament someday but cant...because of a single card.
-21 cards total

Further suggestions:
+4 Village Messenger and hard hitting
+3 Geier Reach Bandit ...transforms your humans into werewolf's the moment they hit the board.
+4 Vines of Vastwood/ Ranger's Guile/ Blossoming Defense against (spot) removal
+ 2-4 Atarka's Command ...a real versatile card as it can prevent your opponent from gaining life, deal damage to your opponent, ramp or mass-strengthen your creatures
+4 Lightning Bolt ...simple and plain a good removal or damage-spell
+ 1-3 Full Moon's Rise ...+1/+0 and trample for all your werewolf's is allready a good card but you can sacrifice it any time to regenerate all your creatures. Protection against mass-removal or bad luck when attacking.
+ 2-3 Howlpack Resurgence ...costs 1 more to cast and lacks the regeneration effect from Full Moon's Rise but it's flash ability allows you to cast in on your opponents turn, basically getting a free spell when you don't have Immerwolf on the field.
+1 Pyreheart Wolf

Further suggestions:
Breakneck Rider ...faster but weaker alternative to Instigator Gang, tough it's another card that offers trample for all your creatures.
Destructive Revelry ...sideboard material. Artifact removal that also deals damage to your opponent.
Harmonize ... carddraw.
Infiltration Lens ...carddraw in equipment form
Rogue's Gloves ...carddraw in equipment form
Vexing Shusher ...sideboard material. Your spells cost {R/G} more to play but cant be countered.

Posted 16 July 2017 at 12:06 as a comment on Seven Days to the Wolves +


Sorry mistook copy for some other effect.

Posted 14 July 2017 at 17:08 in reply to #602928 on Riku copy cat edh


Just be aware that you can't use Riku's ability on spells that you copied, e.g. with Echo Mage.
Also Spells with {X} in it's mana-cost will, when copied, be cast for X=0.

Posted 14 July 2017 at 07:42 as a comment on Riku copy cat edh


I think Rune Snag could be an interesting option instead of Cancel. The more Rune Snag are in your graveyard the more expensive it get's for your opponent to counter a spell. If yo want to stick with a 'normal' counterspell then Disallow would be the weapon of your choice as it also allows to counter abilitys.
I would also take a look at some red draw/discard spells: Tormenting Voice, Cathartic Reunion or Faithless Looting.
To make way for your finishers Artful Dodge could be an option. Even if you've milled/ discarded it into your graveyard the flashback-ability will allow you to re-use it.
Baral, Chief of Compliance would also be a superior version of Goblin Electromancer.


Posted 05 July 2017 at 20:49 as a comment on Spellheart Trauma


Thanks for the suggestions.
Did some changes: Added 3 Bontu the Glorified and 3 Goblin Rabblemaster instead of Barrage of Expendables and Kathari Bomber. Thatcher Revolt got replaced with Hordeling Outburst and Collateral Damage with Goblin Grenade. The only thing I'm not that happy about is that the Grenade is only a sorcery.
Both Bitterblossom and Grave Pact are a little bit out of budget (I didn't give any limit's on that, I know). I'm keeping Spawning Pit for now because it's one of the few things that can sacrifice all my creatures and still gain an advantage if my opponent hits me with a mass-removal.
I also did some changes to the mana-base.

Posted 04 July 2017 at 14:41 in reply to #602495 on B/R: Sacrifice


Another thing that just came into my mind would be the new Embalm mechanic:
Anointer Priest ...provides you with a solid defender and you gain 1 life whenever a token enters the battlefield on your side
Sacred Cat ...1/1 lifelink for {W} that can be re-used for {W}

Posted 04 July 2017 at 08:44 in reply to #602489 on W/R Sac


I think the sacrifice outlet of my choice would be Spawning Pit. You can sacrifice as many as you need/ want and pay later to get tokens out of it. But Greater Gargadon is also a great choice, as it's a good backup plan when Pious Evangel doesn't work out and it can be really unpredictable for your opponent when you will cast it.

Posted 04 July 2017 at 08:31 in reply to #602489 on W/R Sac


Personally I'm no big friend of decks that destroy a higher legality for one card. You might want to take this to a local tournament one day and can't because of this one card. There are some option which you could replace Renounce with:
Bubbling Cauldron ...only 1 sacrifice per turn but stronger lifegain
Culling Dais immediate effect but carddraw when needed
Phyrexian Soulgorger get a strong creature that lets you sacrifice more and more creatures as longer the game goes on
Spawning Pit ...can create a 2/2 token for 2 sacrificed creatures

Spark Elemental could be replaced with the Hellspark Elemental in the sideboard. It does the same and even costs one more to play but you have the option to unearth it from your graveyard and use it again for the same cost.

Hissing Iguanar or Rage Thrower (high cmc) could be a good backup for Pious Evangel. Another, very radical, option would be to go from W/R to B/R as black offers some real interesting cards in this area.


Posted 04 July 2017 at 07:38 as a comment on W/R Sac


Basically I added the duallands simply because I added them to each other of the beginners decks until now, but, as you pointed out, Rakdos might not be real winner with those. The only other ones that I could find where Rakdos Carnarium (which would need an explanation that you can take back tapped lands) or Lantern-Lit Graveyard. Personally I would favour Rakdos Carnarium of those. Would you also remove Evolving Wilds?
I simply limited the rarity because the rare lands all cost an arm and a leg and push the price of the decks way above any limit I would expect a beginner to pay. It's also the reason why I didn't use Lightning Bolt. You simply can show that a change of cards can make a deck more efficient while keeping it#s strategy the same, but it's cost will rise.

Posted 28 June 2017 at 20:25 in reply to #602293 on B/R Beginner: Bloodthirst


Anointer Priest could be replaced with any of the Soul-Sisters (Soul Warden, Soul's Attendant, Essence Warden or even Suture Priest). Their body is weaker but you not only benefit from entering tokens but every creature that enters.
I would also up the number of Steelshaper's Gift to 4 but ad another artifact that you could benefit from. Sword of Body and Mind or Sword of Feast and Famine would fit to the deck tough they don't exactly help to make the deck cheaper. Sword of the Paruns or Explorer's Scope would also be solid options.
Personally I would favour Garruk Wildspeaker over Nissa, Voice of Zendikar. He costs one more mana to play and is better to ramp but he also has a built-in overrun, which can be a real matchwinner in swarm-decks.


Posted 28 June 2017 at 20:06 as a comment on Insert Token to Continue. Y/N?


I opted against Rootborn Defenses because I felt that Indestructible might be to complicated and to powerful. Path to Exile is simply way out of the budget, tough Condemn is an option.
I'm not totally convinced from Mausoleum Guard. I first played around with Attended Knight but I had enough cards for the 3-mana slot and the flyer is a better target to copy than a simple 1/1 soldier. Jade Mage would also have been an option as well as Roc Egg or Tukatongue Thallid. But in the end I decided to use 3 Guards because they would provide the deck with more flying creatures, more creatures at once and a blocker that is able to take other creatures with him.
I was looking for a good, rare, creature that would work with swarm tactics while being not overly complicated. This is also one of the reasons why I didn't choose any of the splicers, Overrun, or any other mass-affecting card. It's also the reason I haven't used any of the guildmages in the other simple decks.
If you mean Linvala, the Preserver then this would be mythic card quality and thus doesn't fit due to the deck-restrictions.

Posted 27 June 2017 at 14:29 in reply to #602255 on W/G Beginner: Tokens


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