
235 Decks, 1,772 Comments, 721 Reputation

[[Vampire Hexmage]] won't be able to target an exiled card as it is not a permanent:
110.1. A permanent is a card or token on the battlefield. A permanent remains on the battlefield indefinitely. A card or token becomes a
permanent as it enters the battlefield and it stops being a permanent as it’s moved to another zone by an effect or rule

Posted 07 September 2018 at 08:22 as a comment on Hexmage Suspend


2 [[Viridian Emissary]] (with 2 more in the sideboard) could be an option instead of [[Rampant Growth]]. Or perhaps [[Sakura-Tribe Elder]] instead of the Emissary as he can be sacrificed any time and is of use even against less aggressive decks.

Posted 29 August 2018 at 13:07 in reply to #617528 on monoG: Dungrove Elder Armor


[[Force of Nature]] is not a common card in any edition. ( If you want a strong creature wich will also add 3 devotion take a look at [[Kindercatch]] or [[Brambleweft Behemoth]] for 2 devotion and Trample.
[[Utopia Sprawl]] can help to speed up play while giving an additional point of devotion and [[Nylea's Disciple]] provides you with some lifegain (at least a sideboard option)


Posted 28 August 2018 at 09:02 as a comment on Green Devotion (Pauper)


Just an idea for another deck for that series: U/G enchantments.

@ Kazzong: I think you've looked into the wrong deck, I don't see any [[Dark Ritual]] here in this mono white deck ;)

Posted 27 August 2018 at 13:56 in reply to #617456 on One Mana Series: White


But technically this deck won't work with one land as all you artifacts, save [[Bonesplitter]] need 2 mana to be equipped or attached. [[Honed Khopesh]], [[Leonin Scimitar]] or [[Short Sword]] could be ways to fix that.
[[Ornithopter]], [[Bone Saw]] or [[Shuko]] are also a great cards in an equipment deck.

Posted 26 August 2018 at 21:04 as a comment on One Mana Series: White


How to save this deck and it's idea *thinking*
How about [[Dig Through Time]] so that you, when your Maniac get's targeted, can cast this for free and draw a card and thus win the game before your opponents action resolves?

Posted 21 August 2018 at 17:07 in reply to #617304 on Dumb wincon, just might work


"Guaranteed turn 6 win, assuming your opponent can't kill you that fast."
...or simply shoot [[Laboratory Maniac]]. Which can be done with nearly any removal, even a simple [[Shock]] is enough.

Posted 21 August 2018 at 08:15 as a comment on Dumb wincon, just might work


I would replace [[Reciprocate]] with [[Tragic Slip]]. Also [[Blasting Station]] in combination with [[Solemnity]] might be worth a look.

Posted 21 August 2018 at 08:12 as a comment on Abzan Undying


Like tProdigy already said, [[Wild Cantor]] doesn't work the way you intended it for. For this you would need cards like [[Cathodion]], [[Myr Moonvessel]]or [[Curious Homunculus]] (The Homunculus can be tapped for mana before you sacrifice it).
The reason why [[Wild Cantor]] and e.g. [[Spawning Pit]] won't work is the following: Each ability has a cost and an effect part. The cost-part is left of colon, the effect that occurs after you pay these costs is right of the colon. To use an abilitie or cast a spell you need to pay it's costs and after that the effect is put on the stack. Neither you nor your opponent can cast spells or use any abilities before the ability is on the stack. In the case of [[Wild Cantor]] / [[Spawning Pit]] you have to sacrifice a creature to get an effect as part of the costs. So you when you e.g. sacrifice [[Wild Cantor]] with it's own ability, the earliest point at which you can react is after it's ability has been put on the stack, and by that time [[Wild Cantor]] is long gone.
In the case of [[Pili-Pala]]/ [[Grand Architect]] no part of the combo leaves the battleground and thus they can interact with each other.

I would add some dual-, or searchlands to this deck as you will need them to cast double-mana spells like [[Strangleroot Geist]] or [[Hound of Griselbrand]].


Posted 20 August 2018 at 07:20 in reply to #617221 on Undying - xtreme budget


I use it as cheap creature. I was looking a creature like [[Goblin Instigator]] or a spell like [[Gather the Townsfolk]] but couldn't find anything in blue that would give me 2 creatures with 1 spell without having to attack. [[Fists of Ironwood]] or [[Saproling Migration]] would have been an option but in the end I did choose the Flayer because if it would die I at least could use the equipment to bolster a Crab a little bit.

Posted 10 August 2018 at 19:38 in reply to #617004 on U/G: Crab Mill


What would you remove to add e.g. 2-4 [[Increasing Confusion]]?

Posted 10 August 2018 at 08:44 in reply to #617004 on U/G: Crab Mill


[[Mimic Vat]] came to my mind to get creatures back from the graveyard, but only as a sideboard option.

I was thinking about running 8+ panoramas as they can be used to get colourless mana and thus aren't completely useless on the battlefield until you make your move. The only thing that refrained me from doing this was the {1} mana you have to pay to use them to trigger landfall. [[Mirrorweave]] costs 4 mana, if you need to cast [[Harrow]] your at 7 mana so paying 1-2 panoramas might be out of reach, especially if you want to cast this as early as possible.

Posted 09 August 2018 at 12:35 in reply to #616990 on U/G: Crab Mill


Personally I would try to streamline the deck a little bit. In my opinion you have to many different cards in this deck, also there are some cards that I would personally put into the sideboard.
If you want to use [[Odric, Master Tactician]] each and every match I would remove the one copie of [[Tajic, Blade of the Legion]] for an additional Odric.
[[Gideon's Lawkeeper]] is a cheaper version of [[Stun Sniper]], drawback is that you have to pay white mana and it doesn't deal damage. If you want to replace [[Intrepid Hero]] and [[Stun Sniper]] with a single instant/ sorcery you could take a look at [[Avenging Arrow]], [[Immolating Glare]] or [[Pitfall Trap]].
[[Kazandu Blademaster]] is a more powerful version of [[Elite Inquisitor]] because he can get stronger with time, especially if you manage to play him 4 times in a deck. Another version would be to use [[Thalia, Guardian of Thraben]], to punish your opponent for playing non, creature spells.
[[Champion of the Parish]] has a new, powerful, brother: [[Thalia's Lieutenant]]. This card also profits from a high number of humans on the field as it gives all of them a +1/+1 counter.
[[Fiend Hunter]] could be replaced with [[Path to Exile]] as it's fast, powerful and can't be removed with burn/ kill spells.
For token production I would recommend either [[Gather the Townsfolk]] or [[Thatcher Revolt]] instead of [[Raise the Alarm]].


Posted 09 August 2018 at 09:14 as a comment on Boros Human Control


Personally I would follow McMonkeytaco's advice and use red instead of blue as there are some good red strengthening spells: [[Balduvian Rage]], [[Enrage]], [[Fatal Frenzy]], [[Onward // Victory]], [[Rush of Blood]], [[Assault Strobe]], [[Temur Battle Rage]], [[Uncaged Fury]]. If you do so to not loose the possibility to make your creature unblockable you could use [[Executioner's Hood]], [[Prowler's Helm]] or [[Whispersilk Cloak]] (With the drawback of shroud)

Further suggestions: [[Untamed Might]], [[Aspect of Hydra]] (which normally will be at least a [[Giant Growth]] with chances of being better), [[Soul's Might]], [[Blessings of Nature]], [[Utopia Sprawl]], [[Arbor Elf]]


Posted 09 August 2018 at 08:35 as a comment on The Mean Multiplayer Deck


[[Mentor of the Meek]] is a very good card in human decks if you plan more on mid to long-term play and if works very good in combination with [[Doomed Traveler]] or [[Thraben Doomsayer]].
[[Oblivion Ring]] costs only 5c more than [[Banisher Priest]] but can hit anything but lands. You'll loose a human but win a very flexible removal that is itself harder to remove than the priest.
The problem with the equipments is that only [[Silver-Inlaid Dagger]] has a good mana/strength ratio with 3/3. [[Avacyn's Collar]] gives you at least some creatures with evasion while [[Sharpened Pitchfork]] provides first strike.
If you want to use a second colour you could think about using red: [[Thatcher Revolt]] and [[Kruin Striker]] are very good and cheap cards and the Revolt works perfect with [[Thalia's Lieutenant]].


Posted 23 July 2018 at 12:44 as a comment on Budget Decks: "Humans, RISE!"


The basic ideas of this deck are vampires and lifegain/drain/ direct damage. So let's see if we can streamline this a little bit.
First I would remove [[False Cure]] from the deck becaus it's the only card that isn't modern legal. Someday you might want to take this deck to a local (modern) tournament and can't use it...because of this single card.
I would remove [[Bloodrite Invoker]] because there are better creatures and you won't be able to use it's ability in normal games because of it's high cost. Also [[Vengeful Vampire]] is a highly ineffective creature as it's costs are way to high for what you get. Personally I would replace both creatures with either [[Gifted Aetherborn]] or [[Vampire Nighthawk]]. [[Kalastria Highborn]] could also be an option if you really want that lifegain/ lifedrain effect.
As for [[Bloodthrone Vampire]] and [[Falkenrath Torturer]] the quest is what you want to achieve with them in this deck. Normally a vampire deck uses sacrifice effects to make use of a creature that would otherwise die in combat, get hit by a removal and so on. The standard creature to do this would be [[Viscera Seer]] as he is cheap, a vampire and gives you card advantage. [[Indulgent Aristocrat]] would be a more offensive option as he can strengthen all your vampires with a +1/+1 counter for the cost of a sacrificed creature (You can sacrifice him into his own ability.) and {2} Mana. [[Bloodflow Connoisseur]] could could also be an option because he get's an +1/+1 counter and thsu prevent's at least 1 power from a dying creature long term.
I would also remove [[Corrupt]], [[Curse of Thirst]] and 1 [[Mind Sludge]] for 1-2 additional copy of [[Consume Spirit]] or [[Exsanguinate]], personally I would favour [[Consume Spirit]]. [[Mind Sludge]] is a card you don't want to draw on your starting hand or as often as you want it in a game because once you play it your opponent will normally have no cards left in his one of this card is enough for an entire game. [[Corrupt]] is another very expensive spell and by the time you could play it it will often be an overkill meaning [[Consume Spirit]] would be more efficient. [[Curse of Thirst]] belongs into a specialised deck and because loosing 1 (or two if you get both out) life per turn for 5 mana is just a really bad mana/ damage ratio.
Try to maximize the copies of [[Midnight Charm]] because it's a real versatile card and add some additional lands because 19 swamps will be to few to let you cast everything you have in this deck.

Some further suggestions:
[[Bump in the Night]] ...a [[Lava Spike]] for a black deck.
[[Vampire Nocturnus]] ...this is a really fearsome vampire as he not only strengthens all your creatures but provides them with evasion (flying). Forget about the drawback of playing with the top card revealed, your opponent will have have other problems when you attack with your creatures.
[[Bloodline Keeper]] ...also a strong creature and able to srengthen your creatures but when I would have to decide between the Keeper and [[Vampire Nocturnus]] I would choose Nocturnus in 90% of the cases.
[[Gray Merchant of Asphodel]] ..he is no vampire but his effect is simply too good to be overlooked. And vampires often have zombies as their minions...


Posted 06 July 2018 at 11:12 as a comment on Vampiric Blossom


A 100% dragon deck is hard to achieve because dragons are very expensive to play and thus slow. The combination between dragons and goblins is a good one because goblins are cheap and fast to play, there are also some dragons that benefit from a high number of creatures on the field. I thus would use a mass of cheap goblins/goblin-tokens to keep you alive until you can finish your opponent with some (few) mighty dragons.
As basic rule try to play cards you want to draw each as often as possible every match 4 times and cards that you want to draw only once (legendary or expensive) 3 times. Everything else is based too much on luck.

Some card suggestions:
[[Voracious Dragon]] ...a great card to recycle all those goblins that you have and finish you opponent.
[[Predator Dragon]] ...with Devour 2 this creature can get really big if you feed some goblins into it.
[[Spawn of Thraxes]] ...not related to a mass of creatures but to a mass of mountains, but with no acceleration this will enter and deal 7 damage to your opponent.
[[Thunderbreak Regent]] ...a dragon with a good mana to power ratio that additionally punishes your opponent for playing spells that target any dragon you control.
[[Massive Raid]]/ [[Mob Justice]] ...can deal some damage when needed
[[Hordeling Outburst]]/ [[Krenko's Command]] ...additional spells that work like [[Dragon Fodder]].
[[Battle Hymn]]/ [[Brightstone Ritual]] ...the more creatures/ goblins you have the more mana you will get out of those spells.

With black as additional colour:
[[Boltwing Marauder]] ...a simple [[Dragon Fodder]] will boost one of you creatures with +4/+0 and you can still attack with him.
[[Dragonlord Kolaghan]] ...especially lategame a real deadly creature as you opponent will have cast some spells already and if he can't remove his graveyard this dragon will be a real threat to him.


Posted 03 July 2018 at 10:16 as a comment on Dragons and goblins(need help)


Some ideas for this deck:
I would remove [[Stag Beetle]] and [[Woodland Druid]] because someday you might want to take this deck to a local (modern) tournament and cant...because of those 2 cards.
As general rule try to concentrate on less different spells but use those 4-times. For example I would use 4 [[Rampant Growth]], 3-4 [[Nissa's Pilgrimage]] and/ or 2-3 [[Ranger's Path]] as ramp spells.
A card that works very good with a high number of forest on the battlefield would be [[Dungrove Elder]]. Very hard to remove and a good defender as well as a hard-hitting offensive creature.
[[Primordial Hydra]] would also be a an option instead of [[Protean Hydra]] and I would definitely add 3-4 [[Rancor]] to make sure the damage your big creatures could deal aren't stopped by a simple 1/1 token. If you want to stick to [[Protean Hydra]] then you could take a look at [[Power Conduit]] to activate it's ability even if it didn't take damage this turn.
To protect your important creatures I would use [[Ranger's Guile]], [[Blossoming Defense]] or [[Vines of Vastwood]].
With a high number of ramp spells you could think about adding some landfall-users: [[Groundswell]] (instead of [[Giant Growth]]) or [[Retreat to Kazandu]].
Last things that you dont need every match and against each and every deck, like [[Naturalize]], belong into the sideboard.


Posted 01 July 2018 at 11:41 as a comment on Overramp


Tough not real unblockable creature [[Stormchaser Mage]], [[Wee Dragonauts]] or [[Bloodwater Entity]] have flying and prowess and are cheap creatures. Wee Dragonauts even offers a stronger version of prowess.
The problem I see with unblockable creatures is that you opponent won't have any reason to hold back, so it will come down to a damage-race which you are ill-fitted against most creature based decks. Some suggestions: [[Assault Strobe]], [[Temur Battle Rage]], [[Path of Anger's Flame]], [[Haze of Rage]], [[Apostle's Blessing]], [[Mizzium Skin]], [[Young Pyromancer]], [[Unsummon]], [[Mana Leak]]
[[Phantom Warrior]] could be an option instead of [[Keymaster Rogue]] as you don't have any ETB effects on your creatures.


Posted 03 June 2018 at 12:10 as a comment on Certain Damage


The information to that can only be found on facebook but nowhere in the forum.

Posted 30 May 2018 at 10:56 in reply to #615161 on spider tribal just to be gross


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