
235 Decks, 1,772 Comments, 721 Reputation

Well, the whole deck is designed for metalwork to be active so that should...has ;)
Even with 3 artifacts tha Plating it's better than Flayer Husk (tough that gives you another creature, tough no artefact) Bonesplitter or any other fast equipment I know of. And it can only become better with time. If your opponent won't have many artefact removal in the deck (which he will board sure as hell after game 1) then there isn't much he can do about. As for the creature to equip it to: Signal Pest basically has flying, Auriok Edgewright is a real strong brat with Plating and double strike and Etched Champion normally just means GG from your opponent.

Posted 18 May 2017 at 13:21 in reply to #600633 on New White Weenies Idea


Darksteel Citadel could be an option even if it only produces colourless mana. Cranial Plating could be an option, I would use it instead of Flayer Husk.
Etched Champion is a very strong finisher that easily can overwhelm your opponents alone.


Posted 18 May 2017 at 13:11 as a comment on New White Weenies Idea


No Cranial Plating? If you want to add some Darksteel Citadel is a great support for this card.
Dispatch might be an idea, at least for the sideboard.
Just keep in mind that when you equip Lightning Greaves to something you can't equip anything else until you move the Greaves onto another creature and then back. During this time your opponent can react with instants as equipping is only done with sorcery speed.


Posted 16 May 2017 at 08:17 as a comment on HardKor Budget $25


Personally I'm no big fan of Traumatize for one reason: It's very slow. It needs 5 mana and will mill around 20 cards the first time it's played. This sounds good but this calculation is done only with 'natural' draw at the beginning of the upkeep and no other mill-spells played. With each mill-spell you play before your first Traumatize it's mana/mill relation only becomes worse.
Hedron Crab could be beefed up with some searchlands like Terramorphic Expanse or Evolving Wilds, which will help to activate it's landfall ability more often. If you want a faster but more expensive ($) variant you could use painlands like Misty Rainforest for this.
Unsummon could be partially replaced with Echoing Truth. Costs 1 more mana but is especially good against token decks and anything that wants to overrun you with mass.

If this would be my deck I would further do the following changes:
-1 Jace's Mindseeker expensive for a mill spell and for a creature that's only supposed to defend you.
-2 Merfolk Mesmerist slow. Also you have to pay mana each turn you want to use her, which can't be used for counterspells and other instants, and tap her so that she even can't help you against an attack.
-2 Monastery Flock slow and to expensive. There are better defenders.
-1 Phantasmal Abomination ...there are better defenders.
-1 Sage Owl ...see suggestions.
-1 Shoal Serpent ...there are better defenders.
-4 Traumatize
-3 Cancel ...Replaced by Rune Snag
-3 Curse of the Bloody Tome slow.
-2 Quest for Ancient Secrets ...see suggestions.
+ 2 Jace's Phantasm
This leaves us with 18 free cards

+4 Fog Bank ...solid defender. It can't be destroyed in combat, only by other spells. Weak against trampling creatures.
+4 Sphinx's Tutelage ...relies a little bit on luck but this can be a very efficient mill-card.
+3 Startled Awake ...cc4 mill 13.
+4 Sage of Epityr or Augur of Bolas ...Sage of Epityr is simply a cheaper, but non-flying, variant of Sage Owl. Augur of Bolas costs the same, lets you look at the top 3 cards but enables you to draw an instant or sorcery among these.
+4 Rune Snag
Depending on your mana-curve you could also lower the number of basic lands by 1-2

Further suggestions:
Mind Sculpt ...cc2 mill 7.
Thought Scour ...cc1 mill 2 and you can draw a card.
Chronic Flooding ...depends a little bit against which deck you're playing. Ramp-decks will generally laugh and simply don't use (and need) the enchanted deck, other decks that rely on certain lands might not be that lucky.
Ior Ruin Expedition but slow carddraw.
Shriekhorn ...cc1 and slowly mill 6.
Sanity Grinding ...this card needs an extra build but when the deck is good for it can be very effective.


Posted 15 May 2017 at 07:17 as a comment on Milling all the time


Remove Lightning Bolt for Goblin Arsonist? That would be the only part that wouldn't really contribute to the combo. On the other side this would take the only removal the deck has.

Posted 14 May 2017 at 09:52 in reply to #600363 on monoR: Barrage Chain Goblins


Yeah, that's exactly what I wanted to achieve here: Deck(s) for people that get to play magic for the first time ever. After some games, when the basics like mana. tap/ untap, drawing, stack, and so on, are a little fortified you can swap the deck for a more complex one but the first steps should be as easy as possible.
If you're interested my other izzet decks can be found under
Mostly pauper of standard decks tough.

Posted 14 May 2017 at 08:29 in reply to #600230 on U/R Beginner: Spellslinger


I simply went to your site and looked through the decks. That is something I do if someone gives me valuable tip's and suggestions...if there aren't 50000 decks to look through. Simply my way of saying 'thank you' :)
Read the Bones might also be an idea. My own vampire deck runs 2 Read the Bones and 2 Sign in Blood. Advantage of Read the bones is that it let's you look at the top 2 cards and decide if you want to draw them or not.

Posted 12 May 2017 at 07:13 in reply to #600245 on Vampires '*,-,*'


No Vampire Nocturnus and Blade of the Bloodchief?

Posted 11 May 2017 at 21:25 as a comment on Vampires '*,-,*'


Infernal Kirin can be a pain in the ass for your opponent. Playing a spell with cc2 will rip nearly every removal out of his hand, cc1 destroys many cheap support spells, and so on. Even if you don't manage to let him discard a spell on the first try you get to view his hand and know what he has left.


Posted 11 May 2017 at 20:01 as a comment on BG Spirit (modern) cheaper V.


Thank you for the suggestions.
I couldn't find a real good and yet easy to understand rare card so I opted to Enigma Drake as DedWards suggested.
The main Problem is that I want to keep this deck simple...stupid simple. So no cards with 2 effects or things like "as long as you control a XYZ unit".

No its not. Sage Owl got changed to Sage of Epityr. Didn't even know that card ^^

I hope (tough I can't say it until this deck has been played, which seems to be a while in the future) that with 4 Goblin Electromancer in the deck at least 1-2 will be an the field and the mana-costs for the Axe would be a little bit lower. Without them I wouldn't even have considered for this deck.

The problem I'm having with Kiln Fiend, Nixiy Cyclops or Wee Dragonauts is that they might be too powerful in comparison to the other 'simple' starter decks I did. I know how &/)/&$((?/% powerful Izzet can be with this cards ;)

Posted 11 May 2017 at 19:52 in reply to #600230 on U/R Beginner: Spellslinger


Jori En, Ruin Diver is out and Enigma Drake is in, thanks for the suggestions. I thought that Jori En's ability might be to weak anyway so I would have looked for a replacement anyway.

Posted 11 May 2017 at 14:43 in reply to #600201 on U/R Beginner: Spellslinger


There where some possibility's to format a text with HTML-tags, like underline, links, bold text, and so on, a while ago. But they where disabled due to some problems with hyperlinks made by another user, if I remember things right.

Posted 10 May 2017 at 08:26 in reply to #600091 on Descriptions? Descriptions!


That's the problem I'm having with many decks here. Open a deck, take a look at it, think 'this looks interesting, I would have one or two ideas to....' no description. It's just frustrating.

Posted 10 May 2017 at 06:38 in reply to #600089 on Descriptions? Descriptions!


I would remove Laboratory Maniac to get a more streamlined deck. Hedron Alignment could be removed to if you want to concentrate on 3 alternative wincons instead of 4
Azor's Elocutors and Darksteel Reactor work with counters so proliferate will work well here. As both work with 'at the beginning of your upkeep' Paradox Haze might be worth a look, as Steady Progress could be.
Howling mine could be replaced with Ichor Wellspring and/ or Mycosynth Wellspring. Personally I'm no big fan of giving my opponent card advantage and you have no means of tapping the mine and keeping it tapped in your opponents turn. Another way would be to use something from the Darksteel artifacts: Darksteel Citadel, Darksteel Ingot, Darksteel Myr or Darksteel Brute. This could also help you to speed up the game a little bit or to get a little bit more defence against creature based decks.


Posted 09 May 2017 at 09:33 as a comment on Which WinCon Will Win?


I did a standard mill deck some time ago that revolved around Sphinx's Tutelage, the deck was U/R but that only as information.
Monastery Siege is an enchantment that allows you to choose between Khans and Dragons. Choosing Khans makes you draw an Additional card at your upkeep, choosing Dragons makes it more expensive for your opponent to cast spells at you or your creatures. Whelming Wave is Echoing Truth's big brother. Drawback is that it also brings your own creatures back to your hand.
Something that also came to my mind would be Ghostly Flicker. This allows you to either protect your creatures or blink two lands that, when re-entering, activate Hedron Crab.
I would also up the number of lands to 20+, even if you go a little bit over 60 cards with this.

Posted 09 May 2017 at 08:41 in reply to #599992 on Looks Weird, I Know


Thank you for the suggestions.
The problem I see with Grim Flayer and his delirium ability is that I only have 5 card types in my deck, so it might be hard to activate it. Of course without having played the deck I cant say this for sure. Scavenging Ooze might also work against this as you want to activate it's ability every turn if possible. And if your opponents graveyard is empty you'll have to take something from your own.
Restoration Angel is a card I simply forgot, question is what to remove for it? Nissa, Vital Force?
How would you change the sideboard to add Prowling Serpopard?

Posted 09 May 2017 at 07:25 in reply to #600009 on Modern Abzan: Midrange


Use Wilt-Leaf Cavaliers instead of Leatherback Baloth. Costs are the same, effect with Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx also but the Cavaliers bring Vigilance with them.
Primalcrux and Khalni Hydra can be two good creatures that can really put some pressure on your opponent as well as Aspect of Hydra.


Posted 08 May 2017 at 20:12 as a comment on Stampede for 50+ turn 4-5


Palace Familiar and Surveilling Sprite could be replaced with Jace's Archivist. On the one hand you provide your opponent with additional carddraw but you also mill him really hard. With 5 cards on your hand and 1 Sphinx's Tutelage on the field you will mill at least 10 cards for 1 mana.
I would also concentrate more on the Sphinx's Tutelage strategy. I would remove Startled Awake and Hedron Crab as those are cards special to mill decks. You on the other hand want to execute a draw-mill technique. Staying alive will be hard enough as mill is one of the slowest win-options I now. Adding some ,ore carddraw or search-cards might also be an aproch.

Aside from the Archivist mentioned above Jace's Erasure might help you. It's a weaker version of Sphinx's Tutelage but it helps you to draw at least 1-2 cards that provide you with the desired effect. Jace's Phantasm is a good and cheap creature that can be used as defender or to beat your opponent when is miraculous at low life. I would only use 2-3 as this creature only becomes good after some turns so you don't want it in your starting hand.
Splashing black would give you access to some interesting draw/ discard and control spells.


Posted 08 May 2017 at 19:42 as a comment on Looks Weird, I Know


A card that I can strongly reccomend for budget decks as removal: Tragic Slip.
Viscera Seer is a good thing when playing against removal heavy decks as he allows to make use of your dying creatures to manipulate your library. He can also help to activate Morbid for Tragic Slip. You could also use something like Bloodflow Connoisseur, Blood Bairn or Indulgent Aristocrat.
Vampire Hexmage is at least a solid sideboard choice. cc2 for a 2/1 first strike ( a rare good among black) is not bad but he shines when your opponent dares to put something with counters on the battlefield.
I'm no big fan of Guul Draz Vampire at last not in a full playset. He only becomes strong when your opponent is low on health, as you already mentioned, and are on the way to win the game.
Personally I'm also unsure if Ring of Xathrid is worth the mana. Using a simple Bonesplitter or something similar costs less and has an instant bonus while you have to wait for the Ring to take effect.


Posted 08 May 2017 at 18:36 as a comment on Cheap Vampires


I would use some creatures and enchantments more common to enchantment decks. Herald of the Pantheon and Hero of Iroas enable you to cast your enchantments cheap(er) but they also have a big "kill me" sign above their head (The Herald less than the Hero). So some creatures with hexproof, where Gladecover Scout is the only one fitting into a enchantment deck.
Helm of the Gods is an artifact that works like Ethereal Armor but without the first strike. If you want it as another enchantment take a look at Eidolon of Countless Battles.
Like FlashSamurai34 already mentioned Rancor is a real good card for such decks as it's not lost if the enchanted creature is killed and it provides you with trample which helps to get all your damage through your opponents defence. Question is what is your budget?


Posted 04 May 2017 at 22:14 as a comment on Enchanting Budget Deck


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