
531 Decks, 573 Comments, 114 Reputation

I mostly like what you have going now and I think you have enough win conditions with the angle enchantments. I do like fatespinner in here though. I dont think brimaz really fits. This is a control deck that is going to win by preventing your opponent from playing anything until you can start pumping out angle tokens later in the game.
Perimeter Captain doesnt seem to fit well either.

Posted 13 February 2014 at 17:01 in reply to #435398 on THE ULTIMATE CHALLENGE!!!!!!!!


Awesome, I am glad to hear its doing well. I just thought of another card you may like, its called
Shard Volley. Sacrificing a land is pretty easy, especially if your running 21 lands.
Also now that you have kicked your friends butt with the deck, expect them to start getting hate cards against burn. You will likely see life gain or leyline of sanctity. To combat life gain Skull Crack is a great option as is sulfuric vortex. To combat Leyline of Sanctity you only have 2 real options, Chaos Warp and Anarchy. You could also splash for white or green but i dont really recommend that.

again good luck and congrats!

Posted 13 February 2014 at 16:50 in reply to #437726 on Burn


Deck looks really solid

Posted 09 February 2014 at 20:43 in reply to #436140 on out already?


I really like the way the deck is looking. I would put 2 more Leyline of the Void in the sideboard incase you need the extra graveyard hate. Also consider 2 more propaganda and 2 less Guard Gomazoa since you are running damnation now.

Another cool card to consider in the Guard Gomazoa spot is Riddlekeeper is a decent defense card that also mills.

Sideboarding counterspells is a decent plan. I would run mana leak instead of negate. Also Dissolve is the better cancel now.

Posted 09 February 2014 at 18:41 as a comment on out already?


Beware of putting too many singles of cards in. You will water the whole deck down and it will be inconsistent. Some game your deck will work pretty well and many others you will simply never get going fully. Pick the best of the cards that have what you are looking for and maximize them so that you will actually get them consistently most games.

I liked it better when you where playing Phyrexian Revoker. Pithing needle effect that can also swing for damage sounds good to me.

Either go Isochron Scepter and more spells or just cut Isochron Scepter. Your current build will leave you with one or the other mostly instead of both at the same time when you need it.

If you are controlling the game well enough to play an Iona then you have basically won a long time ago. Iona is amazing but no one plays her unless you have a way to cheat her into play. If you are looking for something similar maybe look at Linvala, Keeper of Silence or something more reasonable.

Chalice of the Void is a great control card but it isnt right in this kind of build. In this deck it will actually hurt you some of the time. Chalice is meant in a deck that runs all cards above a 1 or 2 mana curve. Its often played in Trinisphere decks. Also its a card you want to play on the 1st few turns for it to be its best and running 2 just wont work out most games.

I like the ensnaring bridge effect for cards like Luminarch Ascension but I think it maybe better to play either ghostly prison or propaganda instead. Sure, they may get the mana to actually attack a few times but you want to be able to attack with your angel tokens so you can win the game.

Again good luck with the deck, its has a great concept and I would love to see how frustrated your opponents will be playing against it.

Posted 07 February 2014 at 03:14 as a comment on THE ULTIMATE CHALLENGE!!!!!!!!


Hi! I know mill isn't your favorite deck type, but its always been one of my favorite casual deck just because it wins in a different way.

Mills biggest problem is that it ignores everything except the players deck. You will get ran over by most aggro before you mill or they will combo off before you finish their deck. You also have to watch out for emurkal and cards that resuffle the library. I think putting any creatures in a mill deck that need to swing to trigger is a mistake. I would cut all your creatures except for maybe fogbank.

You need to put in some better defense cards. I recommend Ensnaring bridge and propaganda.

Also you must run some extraction cards to add more disruption to the deck while also fighting off emurkal or possibly extracting their combo pieces. Surgical Extraction is a must add card. The great thing about it is you can hit fetch lands and non basic lands also. When you mind funeral after extracting a few land cards you will mill for even more.

Leyline of the void is a great card for at least the sideboard just in case they are a graveyard based deck, you don't want to speed up your opponents deck while trying to win.

If you go completely non creature Damnation is a nice card.

For 1 mana hedron crab will mill more than any other card if you back it up with your own fetch lands and cards like Oboro, Palace in the Clouds.

A few more 1 mana spells couldnt hurt, stuff like thoughtseize, Inquisition of Kozilek and Vision Charm.

Have fun and good luck with the deck!

Posted 04 February 2014 at 22:04 as a comment on out already?


Thanks alot! This is a fun build I put together one night that was based on some previous aura and auratog decks ive seen.

Posted 04 February 2014 at 11:21 in reply to #434386 on Auratog


Hi! I really dig the deck so I wanted to give some input. I am a Legacy player so I don't know a lot about modern, would have a ton of suggestions otherwise. Still I am going to throw out a few ideas for you to consider.

I would recommend another win condition. You are not going to be able to swing with a lot of your creatures because you are depending on their abilities to control your opponent. I like the returning cards to their hand sub theme with the control of keeping cards in their hand so I would love to play a card that punishes them for having a lot of cards in their hand or for discarding. The only non black card I could think of that is modern legal was Skullcage, but it isn't exactly what I wanted. I would still most likely work and provide you with a repeat damage source. Maybe you will figure out a better card.

Luminarch Ascension could make a nice win condition.

This deck reminds me of the old legacy deck called Eskimo or The Mighty Quinn. It used a Isochron Scepter with silence, damage prevention and counter spells to shut the opponent down. If you pushed that concept you could put in more of those or Elite Arcanist and ran some of moderns hard hitting spells it may make this deck have more power. Think cards like Remand, Path to Exile, or Mana Leak in addition to silence and echoing truth. Vapor Snag is kinda nice since it also deals damage. Also flexible cards like Dawn charm can be great.

Eskimo also used a mana ramp with Scrying Sheets and snow covered lands. You may consider the same.

Not a fan of Jester's Cap and Copy Enchantment.

Other control cards to think about are Grand Abolisher, Ghostly Prison, Aven Mindcensor and Vendilion Clique.

Have fun and good luck with the deck!

Posted 04 February 2014 at 07:01 as a comment on THE ULTIMATE CHALLENGE!!!!!!!!


I don't know what your budget is but I love burn decks and I would like to help you beat your brother. :-)

You gotta get more speed than this to race those other legacy decks. You already have the meat of what you need but the deck needs to be turned even more for speed.

The cheapest change you can make is to add in 4 Rift Bolt and 4 Lava Spike. Cut Flame Javelin and Earthquake to make room.

As far as creatures go I recommend cutting the current elementals. They are powerful but fragile and for the mana cost just not quite worth it. Try Goblin Guide. He may not look so great at 1st glance but trust me, he will average more damage and information for you that any other card in the deck. Even though they sometimes get a land, knowing what you opponent is drawing next can be very valuable. I also Keldon Marauders is a nice card, he does 2 to 5 damage and he can provide a valuable blocker for a turn which can sometimes stall your opponent for that extra turn you need to burn them out. I also like Hellspark Elemental for his cheap unearth and decent punch. Grim Lavamancer is great but you mostly need expensive fetchlands to make him run at his best. Young Pyromancer is also another fun card that can provide a lot of defense.

If life gain is a problem consider Skullcrack or Sulfuric Vortex.

If he runs a lot of non basic lands Price of Progress or Blood Moon could hurt him a lot.

Flame Rift may hurt but its great for maximum speed and makes a turn 3, 4 or 5 win possible.

If he runs lots of large creatures play Ensnaring Bridge.

If you must run board wiping spells try Pyroclasm, Volcanic Fallout or Flamebreak.

Cut all or most of the 3 cost spells and X costed spells and keep with 1 and 2 casting cost spells so you can get you land count down to 18-20 max so you deal maximum damage quickly. Burn doesn't want to play a long game.

Lightning bolt, Chain lightning and Fireblast are all amazing for burn decks and are must keeps.

Good luck and I hope that helps!

Posted 02 February 2014 at 04:07 as a comment on Burn


Looks good, this is becoming the most standard build. Some will find room for a sword to plowshares or tragic slip, some will go half thoughtseize and half Inquisition of Kozilek. Not much to say other than that, not really a reason to mess with a deck that preforms so well already.

Posted 05 January 2014 at 03:35 as a comment on Zombie Bombardment


Looking great!

I still not completely sure about Epochrasite and Delraich. I would rather have more of some of the other cards. Oh and I almost forgot Cabal Therapy is another great discard card that could go well with this deck.

Posted 29 December 2013 at 01:04 in reply to #422997 on Dark Stompy


Nice looking deck. Reminds me of some of the Black Devotion builds that have been popping up lately. I have a few suggestions to consider, most of which are from some of those builds.

I know you have a lot of of sac effects to help but Grave Pact just seems underwhelming.

I really like Gray Merchant of Asphodel as at least a 2 of, he is surprisingly good and can even be a surprise win with Recurring Nightmare. He also helps Gravecrawler work.

Vampire Nighthawk is always a mono black powerhouse.

Lillian of the Veil is pricy but would go really well with the deck.

Phyrexian Arena could be a nice add, it would give you much needed card advantage at a reasonable cost.

Desecration Demon is popular and may be a better add than Abyssal Persecutor.

A few more targeting spells could help you out too. The sacrifice effects are great but its not always a good idea to give your opponent a choice in which creatures to get rid. Also decks that don't rely on creatures to win will be immune to half the cards in your deck. Discard effects could help a lot, also targeted removal to get rid of pesky cards are needed.

Think of cards like Disfigure, Tragic Slip, Go for the Throat, and Hero's Downfall as target removal.
Thoughtsieze, Inquisition of Kozilek, Duress and Hymn to Tourach as hand devastation against combo decks and such.

All and all I really like the way the deck is going, Good luck with it!

Posted 28 December 2013 at 23:50 as a comment on Dark Stompy


I would take out 4 Savanah Lions to make room for 4 Mother of Runes. She is without a doubt the best 1 drop creature white has the offer. She protects herself or other creatures, makes your creatures unblockable or gives you a great blocker that can handle anything but flyers. She is also a human.

I don't see the point in Reconnaissance it doesn't seem to help you.

Meekstone could be a decent option but it could hurt a few of you creatures that get larger.

Good luck with the deck@!

Posted 21 December 2013 at 07:25 as a comment on The Smallest White Weenie


I like the deck a lot. I do think that you would be a little better off with more creatures so you don't get stuck with enchantments in hand and no creatures to target. Since you are keeping it under $10 I would say go with Gatherer of Graces to give you a second sacrifice outlet. Also Aura Gnarlid is an effective beater that is dirt cheap. If you can squeeze them in some place Slippery Bogle would be great.

Good luck with the deck!

Posted 10 December 2013 at 06:16 as a comment on [Budget] Auratog


Use Worldly Tutor over sylvan tutor, it is instant speed.

Posted 22 November 2013 at 06:22 as a comment on Grindy Aluren


We are just trying to say that it will trigger again at the end of your opponents turn so your creature will be dead before you can attack again.

Posted 01 November 2013 at 02:58 in reply to #408171 on Definition of Pure Burn


Yes in most cases Abrupt Decay and Pernicious Deed will eventually destroy a blood moon. Also Veteran Explorer and Wood Elves basic land fetching ability helps this ("Rock" or "Nic Fit") style deck against Blood Moon. However sticking a quick blood moon down could potentially really hurt this deck. It would be a prime Cabal Therapy target.

Posted 01 November 2013 at 02:48 in reply to #408450 on Recurring Pod


This is actually not the best build. It was more of an experiment really. After I explain it a little Ill link a similar deck that will be better than this one most of the time.

basically this deck uses a 3 card combo with Melira, Sylvok Outcast + a card with a sacrificing effect + a creature with persist. So for example if Melira is in play and so is Viscera Seer and then I play Murderous Redcap. What will happen is Murderous Redcap will come into play and deal 2 damage for entering the battlefield. I will then sacrifice Murderous Redcap to Viscera Seer to kill it. When it hits the graveyard it will trigger Persist and Murderous Redcap will return to the battlefield and deal 2 damage, now normally it would have a -1/-1 counter on it and would be unable to persist again, however Melira prevents -1/-1 counters from being placed on creatures so the creature can persist from the graveyard as many times as you want. You then simply sacrifice Murderous Redcap over and over until your opponent is dead.

If you use Kitchen fink you can do the same thing except you will gain as much life as you want.
Safehold Elite will only return from the graveyard as many times as you want so you need to make use of the effects of the cards that sacrifice creatures to do your work. For example, with Viscera seer you can scry as many times as you want until the card you need is left on top of your deck. With Carrion Feeder you can make him into a creature as large as you want. With Altar of Dementia you can make them put their entire deck into their graveyard. With Blasting Station you will keep dealing damage and untapping Blasting Station until you have killed your opponent and all their creatures.

The rest of the deck is all mana acceleration, searching for combo pieces, or protecting your own.

This deck can win very quickly and is a load of fun but it does have the problem that it is a 3 card combo deck and there is so much disruption in legacy that 3 cards is too many in most cases. The deck is a little to reliant on Melira to win. However depending on the decks at your local playgroup, this is a deck that can win by turn 3-4 pretty reliably.

Here is a legacy caliber deck similar to this one. It gives up the combo for a more consistent deck.

Posted 31 October 2013 at 05:01 in reply to #407323 on Melira legacy


Yeah Undying Evil doesn't help any creature in the deck other than vexing devil. If you save a elemental that sacrifices itself at the end of the turn, it will still die at the end of your turn after you play your undying evil.

Posted 31 October 2013 at 00:43 in reply to #408171 on Definition of Pure Burn


16 land is just too low, you going to have to mulligan some hands which should really never happen in burn/rdw. 17 would be bare min and you could go to 18-19 without too much concern. brute force requires you to have a creature on the board so it will be a dead draw in a lot of cases, not worth it in this deck. The deck looks stronger now than it would be with them.

Posted 26 October 2013 at 19:46 in reply to #405305 on RDW~


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