
148 Decks, 1,717 Comments, 417 Reputation

Sorry to interject but I cant help but notice that the issue of Kavu predator has not been addressed.

Why is he not included? He feeds off all your spells just like false cure, but allows you to attack block with him as well.

Is it because you feel he would be off theme for the deck?

Posted 21 January 2016 at 09:18 in reply to #572537 on Tainted Love


Infect has a bad matchup vs you though, seeing as you will almost always have a blocker T1. Then again they will never see it coming game two and might commit to the board after you spend a galvanic blast.

GL dude. :)

Posted 11 December 2015 at 07:52 in reply to #569681 on Kawaii Affinity


Ah sorry I misread your description I thought you had recently switched to EDH after not playing much of it, and gone to the completive scene. I apologise.

To be honest that kind of edh meta seems to suck. Our group of EDH players is far more causal than that, with people only playing multiplayer and everyone announcing commanders at the start of the game, this way of someone is playing a fully min maxed deck you can be sure they will be fighting the rest of the table. Its a but antisocial but its kept out playgroup fun even if it means some players found other places to play.

As a side note.

Did you say at some point you dislike mutiplayer edh due to the political nature of the game? I mean a deck like this is bound to make you unpopular with some people.

I have no mim maxed edh decks, if I feel a card is too powerful I remove it and the only tutor I run is garruk primal hunter. Who I never ultimate anyway.

Posted 11 December 2015 at 07:49 in reply to #569686 on Anti-EDH EDH


Sweet idea dude, the synergy here is real! This seems like the deck that would be fun to play with, win or loose.

Posted 11 December 2015 at 07:34 as a comment on temporary fix


So I agree that the inclusion of white allowing for much more sideboard hate and some powerful spells main is a good thing, but how much have you playtested? How much more unstable than U/R delver is the manabase? I'm not saying its a bad thing, I'm just not convinced that even with the fetches that its reliable enough to run smoothly in 80% of matches. Then again I haven't tested and I only run jund is modern with a light red splash.

Posted 11 December 2015 at 07:32 as a comment on Jeskai Delver


Is this a thing now? because.... erm I just got like 5 burning tree...

Posted 10 December 2015 at 16:17 as a comment on Burning-Tree & Co. [Modern]


Do you really feel that this deck can beat maelstrom wanderer decks?

I mean it does follow the same idea as derevi, being able to rebuild faster that your opponent. So it really could. Have you had a chance to test it vs wanderer, derevi or kalia decks?

Posted 10 December 2015 at 16:16 as a comment on Anti-EDH EDH


Someone at my store playing this kind of deck played the storage land in this deck as a two of. Its a house when you play mind swipe.

Posted 10 December 2015 at 16:08 in reply to #569659 on Standard: Burn


Sicon of the ur dagron, or child of alara?

Posted 10 December 2015 at 15:58 as a comment on DRAGONSTORM EDH


OH a/ether grid!

It seems a little slow for affinity though. Though I suppose it lets you tap opal and plating to be able to add one or two points of damage.... it also gives you an alternate win con I guess? If people have some way to remove your creature threats..

Posted 10 December 2015 at 15:54 as a comment on Kawaii Affinity


though I do agree with the idea of blisterpod, wild cantor would probabaly be more reliabale in the deck... though talking of eldrazi spells you could use a Not of this world in the sideboard to protect your "figure of destiny " against other zero mana decks that run removal?

BTW, I assume your playing this deck vs other manaless decks?

Posted 10 December 2015 at 12:03 in reply to #569490 on What Land?


aye, land be dolladolla. But its that expensive because fetch, shock land packages are sooo good. Try porxying and playing with them some time, you will understand the pricetag after that!

Posted 10 December 2015 at 11:51 in reply to #569556 on Krank It - Chainsaw


Because so much has been covered already I would like to merely ask about the Surgical extraction play around. As its instant it can grab emrikual from your hand and extract him instantly. Protection only affects cretures on the battlefield so you can both thoughtseize and extract emrakul T1.

Of course this isn't a problem game two as you side into scapecshift and your opponent thinks they missed with the thoughtseaze, holds extraction. Only to see valakut too late. Then eruptions...all the eruptions.

Nouxous revival stops this but that's just BLEGH to play with.... I'm toying with the idea of it in my dredgevine deck but the card itself is no fun to have as a plank in your hand... right now tough its the only thing besides counters that I can see stopping the discard extraction, combo.

Heck you might not even want to do anything about this as this is so meta dependant.

Posted 04 December 2015 at 15:57 as a comment on 2 Decks in 1! Storm's a Comin'


Because so much has been covered already I would like to merely ask about the Surgical extraction play around. As its instant it can grab emrikual from your hand and extract him instantly. Protection only affects cretures on the battlefield so you can both thoughtseize and extract emrakul T1.

Of course this isn't a problem game two as you side into scapecshift and your opponent thinks they missed with the thoughtseaze, holds extraction. Only to see valakut too late. Then eruptions...all the eruptions.

Nouxous revival stops this but that's just BLEGH to play with.... I'm toying with the idea of it in my dredgevine deck but the card itself is no fun to have as a plank in your hand... right now tough its the only thing besides counters that I can see stopping the discard extraction, combo.

Heck you might not even want to do anything about this as this is so meta dependant.

Posted 04 December 2015 at 15:56 as a comment on 2 Decks in 1! Storm's a Comin'


with so much ramp already I would more say this deck is lacking in payloads. Pilgrimage is a good thought though as it thins one more land. I would take out cultivate as it isn't arcane. I know there is no synergy with arcane in the deck but still, it might be a positive corner case where it comes in handy... like if you steal one of the kamgwa krein for example.

Posted 04 December 2015 at 15:38 in reply to #568851 on Budget EDH: Mechanical Kraj


On reflection I have decided that taking out the channeler is fine, there are two other pieces in his place in the form of kirora's follower and angothien elder. I stand by what I said eelier now I have had more time to look it over again.

Posted 04 December 2015 at 15:35 in reply to #568515 on Budget EDH: Mechanical Kraj


? How does this combo work? Sorry I must be missing something.

Posted 01 December 2015 at 07:32 in reply to #568994 on Modern Millow Fort


I'm going to be that guy, cause nobody else was that guy.

I would upgrade your land into the battle lands over the cove and the fetch lands over the wilds.

also myth realised is perfect for your deck.

Posted 30 November 2015 at 16:10 in reply to #567779 on UW Enchantments


ah right >.< good thing I didn't play this deck!

Posted 26 November 2015 at 14:11 in reply to #568515 on Budget EDH: Mechanical Kraj


To me it seems strictly multiplayer. It doesn't contain any little death touch nasties to get down early game but it should be able to ramp into a fatty by turn 5 and keep it there to guard life totals are forge alliances with weaker players. Its a bit flying weak, I would have added in something like sky asunder or silklash spider to the deck, taking out wirewood channeler. Wrath weakness is a thing in here as well. So playing wrap in vigour/hibernation/fresh meat instead if dismiss would probably be good. I say this because if you save your stuff instead of countering the spell, that gives you way more board advantage/card advantage.

The main way this deck will work is that you have to assemble a infinite combo with krajj into your opening hand, or as close to one as you can get. Then try and get that combo onto the field without your opponents stopping you. Most of the other things in the deck that are not combo bits are there to draw cards or to stall.

This is how I would play this deck at least.... so I guess what I mean how I would play this deck is very very slowly! XD

Posted 25 November 2015 at 09:50 in reply to #568515 on Budget EDH: Mechanical Kraj


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